أختي الفاضلة الحائرة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...
1- بمجرد وصول عدد مشاركاتك لـ 20 مشاركة يمكنك مراسلة الأخ عمرو علي على الخاص، وهو ما أوصيكِ به بشدة .. فهو أخ فاضل، ويعيش في نفس المجتمع، وأظنه سيكون عوناً كبيراً
أرجو من الدكتور أمير رفع عدد مشاركاتك، أو يمكنك فعل ذلك بنفسك بإلمشاركة في موضوعات المنتدى المختلفة ..
2- أجو إيصال هذه الرسالة إلى ابنتك:
Dear Miss,
I’ll not waste time introducing my self, I’m simply a Moslem.
You can call me Tawheed, which is my nick name on our forum.
You r welcome to join the form, and we will try our best to communicate with you in English, that if you really want to test the new ideas that you r adopting, otherwise, I have a few short words for you ….
Atheism finds a very fertile soil in USA and other countries where Christianity is the main religion because Christianity is not logical and is filled with nonsense. While Islam, on the other hand, is a logical religion that never contradicts with since or with the good side of human nature. Any accusations you have against Islam can be answered, Logically, Scientifically, not just Spiritually. And I dare you to present an accusation that we can’t answer in a way that any fair, non biased inelegant person will accept.
I’ll start with the comment you presented to your mother regarding this verse of Quran:
المائدة (آية:101): يا ايها الذين امنوا لا تسالوا عن اشياء ان تبد لكم تسؤكم وان تسالوا عنها حين ينزل القران تبد لكم عفا الله عنها والله غفور حليم
[101] O you who believe! Ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if you ask about them while the Qur'ân is being revealed, they will be made plain to you. Allâh has forgiven that, and Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.
Please note that it dose not mean “Don’t you dare ask about any thing that was not revealed to you” it just means “Don’t ask stupid questions” like the man how was asking profit Mohamad (may peace be upon him) is my dead father in heaven or in hell?
It’s a stupid question from more than one aspect, as he assumed that profit Mohamad (may peace be upon him) should know the answer, and because if he was told that his father is in hell he will be offended or sad.
A good teachers will not encourage his students to ask stupid questions, yet he will encourage them to ask intelligent questions, which Quran did in many occasions.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...
1- بمجرد وصول عدد مشاركاتك لـ 20 مشاركة يمكنك مراسلة الأخ عمرو علي على الخاص، وهو ما أوصيكِ به بشدة .. فهو أخ فاضل، ويعيش في نفس المجتمع، وأظنه سيكون عوناً كبيراً
أرجو من الدكتور أمير رفع عدد مشاركاتك، أو يمكنك فعل ذلك بنفسك بإلمشاركة في موضوعات المنتدى المختلفة ..
2- أجو إيصال هذه الرسالة إلى ابنتك:
Dear Miss,
I’ll not waste time introducing my self, I’m simply a Moslem.
You can call me Tawheed, which is my nick name on our forum.
You r welcome to join the form, and we will try our best to communicate with you in English, that if you really want to test the new ideas that you r adopting, otherwise, I have a few short words for you ….
Atheism finds a very fertile soil in USA and other countries where Christianity is the main religion because Christianity is not logical and is filled with nonsense. While Islam, on the other hand, is a logical religion that never contradicts with since or with the good side of human nature. Any accusations you have against Islam can be answered, Logically, Scientifically, not just Spiritually. And I dare you to present an accusation that we can’t answer in a way that any fair, non biased inelegant person will accept.
I’ll start with the comment you presented to your mother regarding this verse of Quran:
المائدة (آية:101): يا ايها الذين امنوا لا تسالوا عن اشياء ان تبد لكم تسؤكم وان تسالوا عنها حين ينزل القران تبد لكم عفا الله عنها والله غفور حليم
[101] O you who believe! Ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if you ask about them while the Qur'ân is being revealed, they will be made plain to you. Allâh has forgiven that, and Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.
Please note that it dose not mean “Don’t you dare ask about any thing that was not revealed to you” it just means “Don’t ask stupid questions” like the man how was asking profit Mohamad (may peace be upon him) is my dead father in heaven or in hell?
It’s a stupid question from more than one aspect, as he assumed that profit Mohamad (may peace be upon him) should know the answer, and because if he was told that his father is in hell he will be offended or sad.
A good teachers will not encourage his students to ask stupid questions, yet he will encourage them to ask intelligent questions, which Quran did in many occasions.