How Do You Accept That Mr X Must Be Crucified To Forgive The Sin Of Mr Y?!i


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    3- عضو نشيط

    عضو اللجنة العلمية
    حارس من حراس العقيدة
    عضو شرف المنتدى
    • 20 ماي, 2007
    • 380

    How Do You Accept That Mr X Must Be Crucified To Forgive The Sin Of Mr Y?!i


    dear brothers and sisters in Islam, as you know, Christians believe ( without thinking) that Jesus died on the cross, why? that his blood was shed for Adam's sin and our sins!!, did Allah really love the world that He decided to sacrifice even His son, His only begotten son, to save the world from Original Sin? Christians would say, Yes
    :and the question is

    Why are we being punished for Adam's sin after he ate the forbidden fruit?..i

    Isn't the problem of adam alone not ours?..i
    Why was jesus punished because of adam's sin for the sake of criminals?..i
    What is the wisdom of God to let his( son) to be killed by jews?..i

    Where is the mercy of the father toward his son?..i
    Is there any other salvation method less bloody?..i
    Did jesus know that he was going to be crucified?..i
    If yes, why did he resist?..i
    Did he go voluntarily or unwillingly?..i
    When he was crucified!, did he feel the pain and the punishment as a human or as a Lord?..i
    If the crucifixion is a good deed! did everyone participate in this conspiracy went to paradise or to hell?..i
    Do you agree with Pope when he declared the innocence to Jews? does it mean they didn't kill him? or they did but it was a good deed so they are innocent?..i
    How do you accept that Mr X must be crucified to forgive the sin of Mr Y?..i
    Do you believe in this story? ..i
    isn't contradictory and contrary with this version in the bible:"children shall not be punished for the sins of their fathers".?!!!..i
    :In Islam
    Adam was responsible for his sin, and he asked his lord to forgive him and ALLAH accepted his repentance as in QURAN:..i
    "Then learnt Adam from his Lord words of inspiration, and his Lord turned towards him; for He is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful."..i
    We said: "Get ye down all from here: and if, as is sure, there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows My guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." ..i
    Islam does not accept the story of salvation and crucfixion as in QURAN: ..i
    "That they said (in boast), "We killed Al-Masih 'Isa the son of Maryam, the Messenger of Allah"; but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not." ..i
    "Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise." ..i
    " And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them." ..i
    In Islam, every one is responsible to what he (she) does as in Quran: ..i

    Say: "Shall I seek for (my) Cherisher other than Allah, when He is the Cherisher of all things (that exist)? Every soul draws the meed of its acts on none but itself: no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another. Your goal in the end is towards Allah: He will tell you the truth of the things wherein ye disputed."..i

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة محمد شبانه; 8 نوف, 2020, 04:50 ص.
    النصرانية المحرفة لها مصدر، ومصدرها يجهله الكثير، ولو عرف المسيحيون مصدر التحريف لدينهم لتركوه حالا.
    مايقوله النصارى عن المسيح قال به الهنود (البرهمية) عن إلههم كرشنة، وكذلك قال به البوذيون عن بوذا.

    يقول الإمام محمد أبو زهرة:
    "....والقول الجملي أن الهنود يعتقدون في كرشنة ما يعتقده المسيحيون في المسيح،... فتقارَب الإعتقادان حتى أوشكا أن يتطابقا، وإذا كانت البرهمية أسبق من النصرانية المحرفة، فقد عُـلم إذن المشتق والمشتق منه، والأصل وما تفرع عنه، وعلى المسيحيين أن يبحثوا عن أصل دينهم".
  • ديدات
    3- عضو نشيط

    عضو اللجنة العلمية
    حارس من حراس العقيدة
    عضو شرف المنتدى
    • 20 ماي, 2007
    • 380

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة محمد شبانه; 8 نوف, 2020, 04:50 ص.
    النصرانية المحرفة لها مصدر، ومصدرها يجهله الكثير، ولو عرف المسيحيون مصدر التحريف لدينهم لتركوه حالا.
    مايقوله النصارى عن المسيح قال به الهنود (البرهمية) عن إلههم كرشنة، وكذلك قال به البوذيون عن بوذا.

    يقول الإمام محمد أبو زهرة:
    "....والقول الجملي أن الهنود يعتقدون في كرشنة ما يعتقده المسيحيون في المسيح،... فتقارَب الإعتقادان حتى أوشكا أن يتطابقا، وإذا كانت البرهمية أسبق من النصرانية المحرفة، فقد عُـلم إذن المشتق والمشتق منه، والأصل وما تفرع عنه، وعلى المسيحيين أن يبحثوا عن أصل دينهم".


    • ديدات
      3- عضو نشيط

      عضو اللجنة العلمية
      حارس من حراس العقيدة
      عضو شرف المنتدى
      • 20 ماي, 2007
      • 380


      This article contains X-rated and pornographic text - that the Bible sings glory-songs for - about women's vaginas and breasts tasting like "wine," and sisters wishing if their lovers were their brothers so that they wouldn't have a problem taking them home in without secret.
      Viewer's discretion is advised!

      AUDIO: Women's vaginas taste like "wine" (Song of Songs 7:1-4, 8-9)The Good Book of Love: Sex in the Bible documentary film. (available here) Listen to the narration (audio file). (91 seconds)
      Interpretation Voice of:
      Carole Fountaine
      Professor of Biblical Studies
      Andover-Newton Theological School

      My rebuttal to Shamoun's and Katz' "Osama's Dirty Lies" absurd and self-refuting article.

      More elaborations and proofs are further down in the article.

      <A onclick="'', '_blank','scrollbars,resizable,dependent,width=450 ,height=420,right=0,top=0'); return false;" href="\"">Why do I use "pornful" instead of "porn-full"?

      Marrying your children!

      X-Rated Pornography in the Bible:

      The sections of this article are:
      1. X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

        - (a)- She wished if he were her brother so that she wouldn't have to take him home in secret!

        - (b)- She would literally have sex with her brother, and the bible sings glory-songs about it! Sucking his <you know what> for him!
      2. Women's breasts are important sexual objects, especially for licking and sucking!
      3. Fantasizing about a girl he calls his "sister". Her vagina tastes like wine for him. And they had sex all night long. After he satisfied her really good, she wished if he were her brother (her biological brother nursed from her "mother's breast" as she said) so she doesn't have to take him home in secret.

        - His sister's vagina tastes like "wine".
      4. "Bride" is a Semitic language metaphor; it is not literal.

        - The sex and lust were illegal!
      5. The entire Bible is corrupted anyway according to its Theologians!
      6. Christians practicing pornography and sodomy. Apparently they think it's ok to do it!
      7. Some email-interactions with my readers.
      8. King David, the Begotten Son of GOD and X-Rated Pornography.
      9. About the validity of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, and Esther.
      10. Question to Jews and Christians about King David.
      11. Does the Bible allow for women to be Lesbians?
      12. So what about those Christians who prohibit Homosexuality for men just because the Old Testament prohibits it?
      13. What the Bible Says About Homosexuality? An article about homosexuality in both OT and NT in the Bible from
      14. Homosexuality and the Bible, An Interpretation. Another article
      15. Conclusion.
      16. Further sites to research.
      1- X-Rated Pornography in the Bible:

      (a)-She wished if he were her brother so that she wouldn't have to take him home in secret!
      Some Jews and Christians claim that the praised graphical pornography in the Bible is actually a conversation between a husband and his wife. They know well that claiming otherwise would bring total shame to the gospel of porn, because of the (literally) x-rated and low-life graphical pornography. There is ample evidence that proves their claim to be bogus and desperate. Let us look at this example from the many below:
      Song of Songs 8:1-3 "If only you were to me like a brother, who was nursed at my mother's breasts! Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me. I would lead you and bring you to my mother's house-- she who has taught me. I would give you spiced wine to drink [i.e., her vagina's semen!], the nectar of my pomegranates. His left arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me."
      She wished if he were her brother so that she wouldn't have to take him home in secret. Now if he were truly her husband, then what would prompt her to wish that he was her brother? Were husbands back then not allowed to live with their wives? If so, how did they then consummate and have children and raise generations and societies? Were they allowed to live with each others for a while?
      The obvious answer is that they were not a husband and a wife. And still, let us assume for the sake of the desperate and ridiculous argument that they were a husband and a wife, then what about her wishes about him being her brother?! What about this pornography? Are we now going to also argue that it's ok for the sister to sexually fantasize about her brother, and to make inappropriate references about him like this?!
      Furthermore, according to "Sex in the Bible" documentary film, which hosted many renowned Bible-theologians and Ph.D. professors, the two were "a maiden (virgin) and her lover" and not husband and wife. Listen to this for yourself.
      النصرانية المحرفة لها مصدر، ومصدرها يجهله الكثير، ولو عرف المسيحيون مصدر التحريف لدينهم لتركوه حالا.
      مايقوله النصارى عن المسيح قال به الهنود (البرهمية) عن إلههم كرشنة، وكذلك قال به البوذيون عن بوذا.

      يقول الإمام محمد أبو زهرة:
      "....والقول الجملي أن الهنود يعتقدون في كرشنة ما يعتقده المسيحيون في المسيح،... فتقارَب الإعتقادان حتى أوشكا أن يتطابقا، وإذا كانت البرهمية أسبق من النصرانية المحرفة، فقد عُـلم إذن المشتق والمشتق منه، والأصل وما تفرع عنه، وعلى المسيحيين أن يبحثوا عن أصل دينهم".


      مواضيع ذات صلة


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