السلام عليكم
اريد نشر هذا الموضوع في قسم النبوءات و جزاكم الله خيرا
السلام عليكم اخوتي في الله ...
هنالك شيء مهم جدا قاله بارت ايرمان عالم النقد النصي المعروف في كتابه ...
How jesus became god
قال بكل وضوح ...
ان سيدنا عيسى عليه السلام في الكتاب المقدس عند النصارى قد تنبأ عن رجل سياتي بعده ..
و هذا الرجل سيرسله الله بقوة عسكرية ..
و ان هذا الرجل سيقيم مملكة الله العسكرية بقوة السيف و السلاح ...
مملكة الله على الارض ...
ثم بعدها يعود سيدنا عيسى عليه السلام .... و يعيش ضمن مملكة هذا الرجل الاخر راضي به و بحكمه
هذا الكلام قنبلة بكل معنى للكلمة
لانه ياتي من اكبر علماء النقد النصي في العالم الغربي
لازم يا اخوة حد ينشر هذا الكلام ...
والله انه لحجة عظيمة على النصارى
و ممكن يسلم بسببه الكثير اذا نشرناه ....
خصوصا ان بارت ايرمان ليس منحاز للاسلام
اللهم بلغت
اللهم فاشهد
https://archive.org/details/HowJesus...dTheExaltBartD هذا رابط كتاب بارت ارمان باللغه الانجليزيه
But apocalypticists believed that when things got just as bad as they possibly could get, God would
intervene in a mighty act of judgment. In the previous chapter we saw that 1 Enoch described the
powerful Son of Man who would be a future cosmic judge of the earth. First Enoch embraces this
apocalyptic worldview and maintains that indeed a time will come when God will judge all the
powers of evil on earth and in heaven through his representative the Son of Man.
apocalypticists too thought that judgment was coming, that God would destroy the evil powers
aligned against him and his people
Look again at the sayings given above. In none of them is there any hint that Jesus is talking about
himself when he refers to the Son of Man coming in judgment on the earth. Readers naturally assume
that he is talking about himself either because they believe that Jesus is the Son of Man or because
they know that elsewhere the Gospels identify him as the Son of Man. But nothing in these sayings
would lead someone to make the identification. These sayings are not phrased the way early
Christians would have been likely to invent if they, rather than Jesus, had come up with them
I think there are excellent reasons for thinking that Jesus imagined himself as the messiah, in a
very specific and particular sense. The messiah was thought to be the future ruler of the people of
Israel. But as an apocalypticist, Jesus did not think that the future kingdom was going to be won by a
political struggle or a military engagement per se. It was going to be brought by the Son of Man, who
came in judgment against everyone and everything opposed to God. Then the kingdom would arrive.
And I think Jesus believed he himself would be the king in that kingdom.
First let me go back to my earlier point about the disciples.
They clearly thought and talked about Jesus as the messiah during his earthly life. But in fact he did
nothing to make a person think that he was the messiah. He may well have been a pacifist (“love your
enemy,” “turn the other cheek,” “blessed are the peacemakers,” etc.), which would not exactly make
him a leading candidate to be general over the Jewish armed forces. He did not preach the violent
overthrow of the Roman armies. And he talked about someone else, rather than himself, as the
coming Son of Man. So if nothing in what Jesus was actively doing would make anyone suspect that
he had messianic pretensions, why would his followers almost certainly have been thinking about him
and calling him the messiah during his public ministry? The easiest explanation is that Jesus told them
that he was the messiah.
But what he meant by “messiah” has to be understood within the broader context of his
apocalyptic proclamation.
Jesus must have thought that he would be the king of the
kingdom of God soon to be brought by the Son of Man. And what is the typical designation for the
future king of Israel? Messiah. It is in this sense that Jesus must have taught his disciples that he was
the messiah.
عليك بقراءة الفصل الثالث كامل
لتفهم الصورة كاملة
It was going to be brought by the Son of Man, who
came in judgment against everyone and everything opposed to God. Then the kingdom would arrive.
And I think Jesus believed he himself would be the king in that kingdom.
He did not preach the violent
overthrow of the Roman armies. And he talked about someone else, rather than himself, as the
coming Son of Man
اذن بارت ايرمان يعتقد ان عيسى عليه السلام في الكتاب المقدس قال ان ابن الانسان سياتي من بعده ليدمر الممالك الوثنية
و ليحكم الارض
و يؤسس مملكة الله على الارض ...
ثم يرجع عيسى عليه السلام و يعيش في ضمن مملكة ابن الانسان الذي هو شخص اخر غير عيسى عليه السلام ..
هذه قنبلة في وجه النصارى ..
بارت ايرمان شخص محايد تماما ...
و من اقام مملكة التوحيد و هزم الممالك الوثنية سوى محمد عليه الصلاة و السلام ؟؟؟؟؟؟
سبحان الله
الحقيقة واضحة مثل الشمس
اريد نشر هذا الموضوع في قسم النبوءات و جزاكم الله خيرا
السلام عليكم اخوتي في الله ...
هنالك شيء مهم جدا قاله بارت ايرمان عالم النقد النصي المعروف في كتابه ...
How jesus became god
قال بكل وضوح ...
ان سيدنا عيسى عليه السلام في الكتاب المقدس عند النصارى قد تنبأ عن رجل سياتي بعده ..
و هذا الرجل سيرسله الله بقوة عسكرية ..
و ان هذا الرجل سيقيم مملكة الله العسكرية بقوة السيف و السلاح ...
مملكة الله على الارض ...
ثم بعدها يعود سيدنا عيسى عليه السلام .... و يعيش ضمن مملكة هذا الرجل الاخر راضي به و بحكمه
هذا الكلام قنبلة بكل معنى للكلمة
لانه ياتي من اكبر علماء النقد النصي في العالم الغربي
لازم يا اخوة حد ينشر هذا الكلام ...
والله انه لحجة عظيمة على النصارى
و ممكن يسلم بسببه الكثير اذا نشرناه ....
خصوصا ان بارت ايرمان ليس منحاز للاسلام
اللهم بلغت
اللهم فاشهد
https://archive.org/details/HowJesus...dTheExaltBartD هذا رابط كتاب بارت ارمان باللغه الانجليزيه
But apocalypticists believed that when things got just as bad as they possibly could get, God would
intervene in a mighty act of judgment. In the previous chapter we saw that 1 Enoch described the
powerful Son of Man who would be a future cosmic judge of the earth. First Enoch embraces this
apocalyptic worldview and maintains that indeed a time will come when God will judge all the
powers of evil on earth and in heaven through his representative the Son of Man.
apocalypticists too thought that judgment was coming, that God would destroy the evil powers
aligned against him and his people
Look again at the sayings given above. In none of them is there any hint that Jesus is talking about
himself when he refers to the Son of Man coming in judgment on the earth. Readers naturally assume
that he is talking about himself either because they believe that Jesus is the Son of Man or because
they know that elsewhere the Gospels identify him as the Son of Man. But nothing in these sayings
would lead someone to make the identification. These sayings are not phrased the way early
Christians would have been likely to invent if they, rather than Jesus, had come up with them
I think there are excellent reasons for thinking that Jesus imagined himself as the messiah, in a
very specific and particular sense. The messiah was thought to be the future ruler of the people of
Israel. But as an apocalypticist, Jesus did not think that the future kingdom was going to be won by a
political struggle or a military engagement per se. It was going to be brought by the Son of Man, who
came in judgment against everyone and everything opposed to God. Then the kingdom would arrive.
And I think Jesus believed he himself would be the king in that kingdom.
First let me go back to my earlier point about the disciples.
They clearly thought and talked about Jesus as the messiah during his earthly life. But in fact he did
nothing to make a person think that he was the messiah. He may well have been a pacifist (“love your
enemy,” “turn the other cheek,” “blessed are the peacemakers,” etc.), which would not exactly make
him a leading candidate to be general over the Jewish armed forces. He did not preach the violent
overthrow of the Roman armies. And he talked about someone else, rather than himself, as the
coming Son of Man. So if nothing in what Jesus was actively doing would make anyone suspect that
he had messianic pretensions, why would his followers almost certainly have been thinking about him
and calling him the messiah during his public ministry? The easiest explanation is that Jesus told them
that he was the messiah.
But what he meant by “messiah” has to be understood within the broader context of his
apocalyptic proclamation.
Jesus must have thought that he would be the king of the
kingdom of God soon to be brought by the Son of Man. And what is the typical designation for the
future king of Israel? Messiah. It is in this sense that Jesus must have taught his disciples that he was
the messiah.
عليك بقراءة الفصل الثالث كامل
لتفهم الصورة كاملة
It was going to be brought by the Son of Man, who
came in judgment against everyone and everything opposed to God. Then the kingdom would arrive.
And I think Jesus believed he himself would be the king in that kingdom.
He did not preach the violent
overthrow of the Roman armies. And he talked about someone else, rather than himself, as the
coming Son of Man
اذن بارت ايرمان يعتقد ان عيسى عليه السلام في الكتاب المقدس قال ان ابن الانسان سياتي من بعده ليدمر الممالك الوثنية
و ليحكم الارض
و يؤسس مملكة الله على الارض ...
ثم يرجع عيسى عليه السلام و يعيش في ضمن مملكة ابن الانسان الذي هو شخص اخر غير عيسى عليه السلام ..
هذه قنبلة في وجه النصارى ..
بارت ايرمان شخص محايد تماما ...
و من اقام مملكة التوحيد و هزم الممالك الوثنية سوى محمد عليه الصلاة و السلام ؟؟؟؟؟؟
سبحان الله
الحقيقة واضحة مثل الشمس