فيديوهات دعوية باللغة الإنجليزية

يُشاهد هذا الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 أعضاء و 1 زوار)
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • لؤلؤة باسلامي
    2- عضو مشارك

    • 31 أغس, 2011
    • 120
    • مهندسة
    • مسلم


    فيديوهات دعوية باللغة الإنجليزية

    Does God exist ?

    Losing control of the steering wheel for a second on the highway is enough reason to cause a crisis. Incorrect temperature is enough reason to cause a bomb explosion.

    The Olympic champions know the value of the moment as the difference between glory and loss.

    Everything in this world has measures that cannot be violated by any means.

    Does this apply to the Universe we live in? Is it really random and uncontrolled by a certain order?


    A message for atheists , Who is the Creator ?

    Human’s attitude towards God and his greatness in arrangement of the matters of the universe differs from one person to another. Everyone benefits everyday of the countless blesses of God. Most of them knows that there must be a Creator for this creation, some of those believes in Him and shows gratitude to Him, and others disbelieve and in God and denies his blesses.

    Which one of these are you?


    Dear human …. I am talking to you as a human; it does not matter whether you are Christian, Jew, Buddhist or Hindu. It does not matter whether you are a worshipper of idols, atheist, religious, secularist, a man or woman.

    I talk and address you as a human. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself one day the reason why you believe in what you believe in? Have you ever thought about the reason for which you chose the religion you practice ?


    A lot of people ask : Why do Muslims perform Hajj (pilgrimage) ? Why do they go around a stone and kiss a stone? Wouldn’t this make Muslims idols worshipers as well ? We are going to answer all these questions in this film .


    Who wrote the Quran ?

    This series discusses : Quran, the last of the revelations of God, is a book that is insusceptible to flaw as promised by God.

    First : The Quran and Logic: In this heart beating series “Quran and Logic” helps us towards understanding the Quran in easiest way and increase our faith in it. A clear proof that the Quran is the words of Allah Almighty Lord. Must Watch!!!

    Seconed : A group of the worlds leading Scientists share their findings regarding various modern scientific facts mentioned in Quran and their accuracy as per today’s discoveries through latest modern equipments and tools.


    in Christianity , Judaism and Islam


    Why do ‎Muslims ‎fast ‎Ramadan‬ ?


    The Status of Women in Islam

    ( Compared to the Status of Women in other Civilizations and Religions )

    How was the status of the woman in the past?

    She was a commodity to be bought and sold, disrespected and dishonored. She was sold just like an animal or a piece of furniture; she was forced to get married or to commit adultery. She didn't inherit or own money; her husband takes over her money if she has some without her permission. Some ignorant cultures went even beyond that, in discussing whether she is a human being with a soul and spirit just as a man!

    After all this, some societies accuse Islam of persecuting and oppressing women, dealing with her in an injustice way.

    In this film, we are discussing all this, and the way Islam gave the woman all her rights and protected her.


    The Prophet Mohammad Decision

    If you want money, we will collect enough money for you .

    If you want leadership, we will take you as our leader .

    If you want a kingdom, we will crown you king over us

    If you want a wife, we would lead you to the most beautiful woman.

    What would you answer if all this was offer to you ??

    It Is your decision...


    What did Prophet Muhammad say about the solar eclipse


    For more information about this phenomenon please visit :

  • لؤلؤة باسلامي
    2- عضو مشارك

    • 31 أغس, 2011
    • 120
    • مهندسة
    • مسلم


    Who is Muhammad -peace be upon him - who is followed by more than one billion Muslims ?

    Before answering ...

    know him first , then judge the way you like


    To say that something is wrong or not, you have to say it is wrong because of what; because it is violating what.

    Please check this video to know the truth about Prophet Mohammad & Aisha's Marriage.

    If you want to read the perfect love story, I recommend that you don't read "Romeo and Juliet" but Read the story of Muhammad and Aisha, in the very words of Aisha herself explaining how beautiful this relationship was between her and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


    Muhammad in the Bible

    a video which prove that the prophet Mohammad is mentioned in the Bible.


    They told me Islam from the devil

    a very interesting story, dont miss watching it.


    The Message of Jesus


    What is Islam ?



    عن الكاتب


    لؤلؤة باسلامي مسلم اكتشف المزيد حول لؤلؤة باسلامي

    مواضيع ذات صلة


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