Can someone help me؟

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  • Makaveli1992
    1- عضو جديد
    • 9 يول, 2012
    • 43
    • Student
    • Muslim


    Can someone help me؟

    I need a list of Scientists that were Killed by the Church؟
  • باحث سلفى

    حارس من حراس العقيدة
    • 13 فبر, 2007
    • 5183
    • مسلم (نهج السلف)

    Brother Makaveli1992 Welcome!
    Any scientists mean, my brother?
    Do theologians or scholars worldly science or both?
    Did you mean scholars of Islam or any other religion?
    Do you mean the Inquisition?
    أدوات للباحثين على الشبكة: البحث في القرآن الكريم هنا تفاسيره هنا القرآن بعدة لغات هنا سماع القرآن هنا القراءات القرآنية هنا
    الإعجاز العلمي هنا بحث في حديث بإسناده هنا و هنا معاجم عربية هنا معاجم اللغات هنا
    كتب وورد
    هنا المكتبة الشاملة هنا كتب مصورة هنا و هنا وهنا وهنا وهنا وهنا و هنا وهنا وهناوهنا وهنا وهنا وهنا وهنا كتب مخطوطة هنا
    للتأكد من الأخبار العصرية موقع فتبينوا


    • Makaveli1992
      1- عضو جديد
      • 9 يول, 2012
      • 43
      • Student
      • Muslim


      Bro I need a list of Scientists that were Killed by the Church in dark age and as Giordano Bruno ...etc

      And i want to know Who burned the library at alexandria?


      • باحث سلفى

        حارس من حراس العقيدة
        • 13 فبر, 2007
        • 5183
        • مسلم (نهج السلف)


        And you have peace and mercy of Allah

        How are you, my brother

        And i want to know Who burned the library at alexandria?

        It was the end of the Library of Alexandria by the fire, a fire intentionally in the opinion of most historians, although they differed in determining the person responsible for those tragic end, though confined to accusations among 'Julius Caesar' or 'Orleans' or «Faodouxius» or «Theophilus 'or' Amr Ibn al »but the proportion hypothesis burn library in the era of« Julius Faisr »not exceeding 10% were in the custody of combustion collections of books without extending the fire to cover the BA major and the door of ijtihad is still open to determine who is responsible for fire ancient Library of Alexandria, and may appear evidence Nkulaih resolved this case the appearance of fossils in the subsoil of Alexandria, as happened in old libraries Iraq and library «Pergamum» or library «Alheirklanyum».
        I will convey to you an article for the brother Abu Bakr weakens the evidence says that Amr ibn al-Aas is Alexandria burned Office.
        Who burned the Library of Alexandria??
        Common charges thrown out by Islam and Muslims is burning Amr ibn al-Aas to the library. They cite some texts that were mentioned in some historical references by some historians of Muslims and Christians.

        The argument in that what he wrote Abdul Latif Al-Baghdadi (1231 m) in his book "benefit and consideration in matters seen and accidents preview land Egypt", and Makrizy hardly convey sentiments Baghdady literally, as well as the son Alagafty (1248 m) in his book "good guys scientists news wise men", as well as Author Christian Abu Faraj Melta (1277) in his book "The brief states."

        - It is known that Amr ibn al-Aas had conquered Egypt in 642 AD, was observed from the above dates that first wrote about this, Abdul Latif Al-Baghdadi after a time of conquest of almost 600 years. Add to that the historians who preceded him did not refer to this charge any indication, even though they may have spoken in their books at length about the Arab conquest of Egypt. Among these historians Saeed bin Penguin (905 m) and almost Tabari Yacoubi, Albuladhiry and Ibn Abd al-Hakam, Canadian and others.
        Add to that book in the previous two centuries of Arab Fatah did not mention anything about the existence of a public library in Alexandria, and also did not refer to it Hanna Alngiws not to burned with that he wrote for the Arab conquest.

        - The Le Bon Gustav in his book "Arab civilization" printed in 1884 in Paris (page 208): that the library did not exist when the Arab conquest, as had been burned in 48 BC. M at the coming of Julius Caesar to Alexandria.

        This was confirmed by Butler in his book "The Arab conquest of Egypt" Page 303 - 307 and added that Julius Caesar was confined to the year 48 BC. M in District Albrookjon surrounded by Egyptians from each side under the leadership of Okhilas, burn ships in port to cut the line taking back to Julius and it was said that the fire spread to the library (eg here Library Museum or library mother) and burned the library and Ffentha or may
        فنيت completely in the fourth century AD .

        Butler continues his defense, saying: The fledgling library, which has in the Serapeum they were connected chambers built Serapeum have burned this temple during the reign of Theodosius in 391 AD by the Christians who were led by their president Theophilus.

        - Gibbon said in his book "The decay and fall of the Roman Empire" Part IX (page 275): that the library had burned in 387 - 395 AD during the reign of Theodosius.

        The indication of the sincerity of these statements that a traveler Romans and named Oorazius had visited Egypt in the early fifth century AD and written about the year 416 AD and said that he found only empty shelves of books in this library.

        Male Georgy Zeidan in Part III of the book urbanization Islamic (Page 42 - 43), quoting from Abu Faraj Melta (Christian) - This Manglh Makrizy him the letter - that John Grammar said that the library was out at the time of Btolmaos Philadelphus more than 120 50 books and that these books were burned in the six months after that was distributed to four thousand bathroom.

        - And objected to a team of historians on the report of Abu Faraj for many reasons not approved by the mind:

        1 - Matt John grammar before the Arab conquest of Egypt about 30 or 40 years old.

        2 - How does Amr Ibn El-Aas on the burning of books and then deliver them to the bathrooms, which is serviced by the Christians of Egypt - with the knowledge of the existence of valuable books and collectibles in this library?

        3 - Did not the bathrooms in the capacity of employers to sell and Aterbhawwa?

        4 - Did not possible for a wealthy likes of John grammar to acquire them?

        5 - books were made of paper Alkagd which is not fit for lighting the fire.

        6 - It is known that Muslims were working on the dissemination of science since the Battle of Badr, so were they release the prisoner if he taught ten Muslims.

        7 - to talk checker attributed to John grammar of Amr ibn al-Aas said that these books precious and priceless. What was the Amr Ibn El-Aas to burn it money for the Copts of Egypt, and the Covenant, which took him Amr itself requires the protection of the Copts and their money.

        8 - pay Amr ibn al-Aas to the Egyptians in Upper Egypt for what destroyed by the Romans in the second attack on Egypt because of his plan, which was aimed at the withdrawal of Romanian troops away from Alexandria. Vistbad that have damaged their property and their righteous his covenant with them.

        9 - saw the Prophet, peace be upon him with Omar bin Khattab Rkoqa of the Bible did not tell him to burn or get rid of it. Also asked the Prophet, peace Jews from the words of the Torah in the adulterers and read from the book, which in their hands, and did not order anyone of them bent or burned.

        10 - Although the Bible by some texts that sees Muslim partners Pena or disbelief explicit, defamatory undoubted in the right prophets, and although some may understand texts that refer to the weight father daughters, or weight fever Pkinth, but he did not one of the Muslims have burned a single copy of the Bible and there are no provisions in the Quran or Sunnah incite it.

        11 - established safe in 830 AD in Baghdad "House of Wisdom", a public library and House Science and translation office, The House of Wisdom greatest cultural told arose after the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Vistbad Muslim is science, reading, research and reflection to burn a book of science.

        12 - do many Arabs studying foreign languages
        ​​and translation of books some celebrities Science in the Greco, send Arab scientists (on their own expenses) traders to India and Byzantium to search for and purchase science books.

        Convey some of them from the book "Shams Arab origin translator Sun God shines on the West," the writer Sigrid
        هونكه such as:

        1) Muslim scholars were keen to acquire science books Greek and Roman study. It is like that great man of science Musa bin Shaker and his three children Mohamed and Ahmed Hassan in the era of Caliph Mamoun. Has excelled in astronomy and the study of the atmosphere and sports. And they sent their followers to the country's Byzantine expenses for the purchase of books, translated and benefit from their knowledge. Had text in Islam forbids it to have committed the sin of search science and translation of books and teach the West.

        2) keen Khawarezmi scientists like to acquire Indian science books and others. He was aware of Ptolemy's books for tables and algebra which he corrected.

        3) Translate Thabit ibn Qurra Moses built a large number of mathematical and astronomical works and medical Apollonius, Archimedes and Euclid and Theodosius and Erstutalis Plato and Galen and Hippocrates and Ptolemy. It also corrected translations Hunayn ibn Ishaq and his son then proceeded to put his huge works, he put 150 Arab authors and 10 books in Syriac in astronomy, mathematics and medicine. This bright model models in the pages of science Arabs and sanctify for information. Will a wise believe that Muslims have burned the great library such as the Library of Alexandria and then incurs scholars hassle of searching for books for the same scientists who burned their books?!!!

        Does this met the West thanks? No.

        The lost wiped Arab identity until Islam does not appear
        متلألأ darkness imposed by the priests, bishops and popes of the Christian religion all came from a scientific fact contrary to the Bible and show the ignorance of madder.

        The Osmo Khawarezmi "Olgeoresmos" Algorizmus Osmo Ibn Sina "Eristfallas" Aristofolis or Avicienne Osmo Ibn Rushd "Overos" Averoes

        We conclude this post by saying Oledumaly Aldo Mieli in his valuable book: "Science at the Arabs":

        "In the first century of succession Abbasids [beginning of the eighth century was Translators (from Greek into Syriac, and Syriac into Arabic) who holds the first place - in particular - of scientific activity" and was among those scientists and translators Christians and Jews lie in inadequate succession itself. It is unreasonable to burn their books their
        نبيد coherence then embrace their scholars. It is like these scientists Theophile Ben Thomas الرهاوى a Maronite Christian died in 785 AD, and George Ben Gabriel ibn Bouktichua died in 771 AD, as well as Abu Yahya penguin died in 800 AD, (page 184 of the sun shines on the Arab West).

        Written by Brother Abu Bakr

        أدوات للباحثين على الشبكة: البحث في القرآن الكريم هنا تفاسيره هنا القرآن بعدة لغات هنا سماع القرآن هنا القراءات القرآنية هنا
        الإعجاز العلمي هنا بحث في حديث بإسناده هنا و هنا معاجم عربية هنا معاجم اللغات هنا
        كتب وورد
        هنا المكتبة الشاملة هنا كتب مصورة هنا و هنا وهنا وهنا وهنا وهنا و هنا وهنا وهناوهنا وهنا وهنا وهنا وهنا كتب مخطوطة هنا
        للتأكد من الأخبار العصرية موقع فتبينوا


        • ارجو رحمة الله
          2- عضو مشارك
          • 13 ماي, 2009
          • 186
          • English teacher at TALS
          • مسلمة طبعا

          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Makaveli1992

          Bro I need a list of Scientists that were Killed by the Church in dark age and as Giordano Bruno ...etc

          I learnt those people in college
          but i forgot them
          i also learnt this period from the history of church which is related to the history of England
          but i forgot them
          i will try to search in my books for u I S ALLah


          عن الكاتب


          Makaveli1992 Muslim اكتشف المزيد حول Makaveli1992

          مواضيع ذات صلة


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