i am a muslim and proud


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Makaveli1992 Muslim اكتشف المزيد حول Makaveli1992
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مشاركات جديدة
  • Makaveli1992
    1- عضو جديد
    • 9 يول, 2012
    • 43
    • Student
    • Muslim

    i am a muslim and proud

    A lot of people don't like Islam
    Or let's say they don't like Muslim people
    Why? We are human like you
    We respect and accept you like what you are
    Why now you don't accept us?
    For me there is no difference between us
    No difference between white and black
    We are human and we should live together
    Each of us, need each other
    We are not terrorist
    Everywhere there good and bad people
    So, don't look at us as bad people
    There're good people but you don't want to see
    All I wanted is to be someone
    To be a friend, to be me
    Each one of us has own belief and faith
    And I am not here to judge you of it
    Because I accept you and respect
    So, don't judge me of my religion
    I want you to accept me, that all I ask
    If you do that to me, I will thank

    Written by my friend: Haifa
  • ارجو رحمة الله
    2- عضو مشارك
    • 13 ماي, 2009
    • 186
    • English teacher at TALS
    • مسلمة طبعا

    So, don't judge me of my religion
    I want you to accept me, that all I ask

    I don't accept that what ur friend said

    i think they should not judge religion because of us or through Muslims themselves because if a Muslim makes some thing wrong the Islam itself be in guilt . I mean that ( The west or those people in another religions have a pre-conceived idea about Islam itself and we , as Muslims are responsible for this negative idea). I think we should apply the Islamic traditions and apply the Sunna of our prophet Peace and Blessing be upon him in the first place among us then talk with them and try to convince them with the real concepts of of Islam as a religion of toleration

    For me there is no difference between us
    No difference between white and black

    I think there is a crucial difference between us
    we believe in a one God who is Allah and all of His messengers and Prophets
    but they did not believe

    yes sure we can accept them ( This is related to the Idea of the Other which created by Edward Said in his Book Oriantalism ), but they are the people who do not accept us . They call for the Human Rights but they can not confess by Rights for Muslims.


    مواضيع ذات صلة


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