Islam and morality

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • ارجو رحمة الله
    2- عضو مشارك
    • 13 ماي, 2009
    • 186
    • English teacher at TALS
    • مسلمة طبعا


    Islam and morality

    Islam and morality
    Islam emphasizes all the aspects of good manners such as honesty, telling the truth, charity, cooperation, and modesty. These manners make the difference between a clean life and a marred one. These manners make our life worthy of being lived. Let us imagine how our life would be in the absence of good manners. Let us imagine what would happen if all acts become dishonest and all sentences convey lies. In this case, our life would become unbearable.

    Paradise for the virtuous

    Islam emphasizes all good manners in the Holy Quran and the saying of Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him” and reinforces this emphasis by promising the doer of good deeds of paradise in the other life and prosperity and psychological security in this life.
    I will mention here some examples of Islamic teachings that are related to good behavior


    Allah orders the Muslim to be moderate in spending: not to be a spendthrift nor to be a miser.


    Islam emphasizes contentment, i.e. being satisfied with what you have. Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him” said “the real richness is the richness of the soul”. This concept of contentment is very important as a factor in the psychological health of the human being. Without some kind of contentment, our life will be a torture. If one is always dissatisfied, one will never feel happy. Each of us needs some kind of contentment in order to feel satisfied and happy. Therefore, Islam calms the individuals here, because man does have desires. But at the same time, man needs to control these desires so as to be the master of his desires, not to be the slave of them.
    Without contentment, some kind of contentment, man will destroy himself. If you are always not content with your power, if you are always not content with your wealth, if you are always not content with your knowledge, if you are always not content with your job, you will never taste self-satisfaction or happiness. That is why Islam urges the believer to be content with what he has got.


    Islam urges the Muslim to forgive others, to control himself, and to avoid anger.
    Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him” said “the strong man is not the one who wins over another, but he who controls himself when angry”

    To be continued
  • ارجو رحمة الله
    2- عضو مشارك
    • 13 ماي, 2009
    • 186
    • English teacher at TALS
    • مسلمة طبعا

    Hard work
    The Muslim should not be dull, lazy or passive. Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him”, said “the upper hand is better than the lower one”. This means that to give is better than to take. He also said, “If you go up the mountain to collect some wood, this will be better than begging.” In this saying Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him”, urges the believer to work and not to depend on others.
    Allah says in the Holy Quran, “When prayer is over, spread on the earth.” Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him” said “The best food you eat is what you earn with your hands”

    Islam emphasizes charity and benevolence very much. Allah says in the Holy Quran, “Whatever you give will be compensated.” Allah also says, “Whatever good you give is for yourselves.” This means that if you do well to others, Allah will reward you in this life when others will do well to you and in the second life when Allah places you in paradise


    • ارجو رحمة الله
      2- عضو مشارك
      • 13 ماي, 2009
      • 186
      • English teacher at TALS
      • مسلمة طبعا

      Islam urges the Muslim to be modest. Allah says in the Holy Quran, “We created you from males and females and made you peoples and tribes to know one another. The best of you to Allah are the most pious.” This shows that Islam equalizes all peoples. According to Islam, no person is better than another because of color, race, sex or trib. A person is better than another if he is more pious.
      Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him”, said “Be modest. No one is boast over others or wrong others.”
      He also said, “If you are modest. Allah will raise you.” When Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him” passed by some children, he greeted them, as a sign of modesty. Islam warns the Muslim of self-conceit. Allah says in the Holy Quran. “Do not walk self-conceited.” Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him” said “The self-conceited person will not get into Paradise

      Dependence on Allah

      Allah orders us to work and depend on ourselves because sky does not rain gold or silver. At the same time, Allah orders us to depend on Him and to ask for His blessing. This balance creates in the Muslim a feeling of internal security. This balance is also a logical one because man’s abilities are limited and he is not expected to achieve everything or to overcome all difficulties. Failure, to a Muslim, does not mean despair because a Muslim is strongly connected with Allah and strongly dependent on Him.


      Allah orders the Muslim to suppress his anger as a rule for social treatment with others. This suppression of anger minimizes clashes among individuals in the same society. Therefore, when a Muslim misbehaves with another, the latter often says, “Allah forgive you”


      Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him”, said “Allah is merciful and he likes mercy”. The Muslim repeats the concept of mercy dozens of times every day. The Muslim often repeats, “In the name of Allah, the most Merciful and the most Compassionate.” Repeating the concept of mercy is one way to root it in the personality of the Muslim.
      Islam urges the Muslim to be kind. Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him” said “If someone misses kindness, one misses all goodness” when a man asked Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him” to teach him, he said “Do not lose your temper


      • ارجو رحمة الله
        2- عضو مشارك
        • 13 ماي, 2009
        • 186
        • English teacher at TALS
        • مسلمة طبعا

        Islam orders the ruler to be kind to his subjects. Allah orders the ruler to be just and fair. Prophet Muhammad “peace and blessing be upon him “said that everyone is responsible for his subjects. The ruler is responsible for his subjects. The man is responsible for his family. The woman is responsible for her husband’s house. The servant is responsible for his lord’s money. Everyone is responsible.
        Islam is a complete way of life. It is not some prayers. It is a complete system of living. Allah orders the Muslim to be just in what he says or does. Allah says in the Holy Quran “ Be just. Allah likes the just


        عن الكاتب


        ارجو رحمة الله مسلمة طبعا اكتشف المزيد حول ارجو رحمة الله

        مواضيع ذات صلة


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