Egyptians support the death penalty for apostasy!!!!

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • カリウム
    0- عضو حديث
    • 8 ينا, 2012
    • 3
    • طالب
    • مسلم


    Egyptians support the death penalty for apostasy!!!!

    The problem is that Muslims are acting based on Koran and other Islamic sources. How can I not judge a religion based upon what the majority of its adherents profess to believe and support?

    80% of Egyptians support the death penalty for apostasy, the numbers are similar in Pakistan. How can I support that? I am an agnostic, I do not believe there is sufficient evidence for the existence of Allah or any god. I assert my human right to live freely and without persecution from you and from all Muslims because you think I should be a Muslim. Yet if I lived in Egypt, the vast majority of the people think I should be killed simply for my beliefs. Don't you think that's disturbing - not as a Muslim, but simply as a human being?

    How can I not judge a religion that supports throwing acid on young girls because they have the audacity to go to school? How can I not judge a religion that supports murdering human beings who decide to not believe in that religion anymore? How can I not judge a religion whose religious authorities lock the doors to a building that is burning to trap school girls from escaping, because the religious police did not want the girls to escape death dress immodestly, thus forcing them to burn to death? This happened in your country 10 years ago, I remember it well.

    Why should I support Islam given all the evil that is committed in its name? All that evil is justified by the Quran and the Hadith - so telling me to read these sources doesn't change the horror I feel when I read all the news stories about the all the evil and violence that is committed against human beings in the name of your religion.

    Have you ever considered the idea that there is no Allah, there is no religion, that we are material beings governed by natural scientific laws? What if Islam is just wrong - what if there is no Allah? Think about it

    رساله من ملحد أتمنى الرد باللغة الانجليزية
  • dlta17
    1- عضو جديد

    • 3 أكت, 2011
    • 36
    • شركة blumenbecker
    • muslim

    اخي في الله هوة معلوماتة داهلة في بعضها ملمسة الاسلاك يعني احنا في مصر معندناش شرطة دينية ثانيا حد الردة في الاديان السماوية كلها حتي في المسيحية ثالثا لو هوة عندة دليل ان الاسلام خاطيء تماما مش عوة بس هوة والفاتيكان والمعابد البوذية وجميع المهلوقات سواء بشر او جان او حتي كائنات فضائية الي اصلا هوة تلاقية كافر بالله ومومن بكائنات زي اي تي
    يسبت ولا مش خيعرف يثبت حاجة سهلة في فكرة ممكن يدينا 10 ايات بس زي القران الي مش عاجبة اذا كان عايز اثبات بوجود الله فدي حاجة سهلة مش صعبة ولو هوة ملحد بجد سهل انة ربنا يهدية لاكن لو مدعي الالحاد يبقي بالبلدي فاكس تلاقية قسيس في وقت فراعة من الكنيسة بيعدو يبعتو رسايل دي شغلتهم برة لان طول الاسبوه الرجل خفيفة قوي علي الكنايس ممكن واحد اتنين شغلهم سيت وجد افراح وصلاة


    • dlta17
      1- عضو جديد

      • 3 أكت, 2011
      • 36
      • شركة blumenbecker
      • muslim

      معلش اخي هردلك علية بس ادعية للمنتدي ويا ريت اي حد من المشرفين يراجع ردي يمكن اخطيء او اسهو في موضوع فقهي
      In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
      i see you brother have bad information and why you look for afghanstan only you have more islamic country have good life more eroup country and maby for your country your information frome tv and you know brother any information your country wont gave show only in tv and for talk about evil you know good woh make evil and Made of terrorism all coutry islamic was have verey good life and free only whin eroup and usa start worck all you see now come i hopy you know good history your grand father and your country and know how muslim gave for all world for larin
      and if you no blive for god ths cusy you no now god you was Jew or a Christian The two religions do not know about the true God and legislation which present so far in their books if you can show islam no true plz show me and you have big mony for this and if you wont know about true islam no wha't tv and your men relagion talk you send me our goo this wep


      • palestine will be free
        3- عضو نشيط

        • 15 أبر, 2011
        • 306
        • باحثة
        • مسلمه

        You know brother I swear that you are saying all this talking and there is a big conflict inside don't have any kind of justice when you talk about Islam .you see Islam from the point of view of islam refusers..I want you to look at the Islam by your eyes not by their will know that there is god called Allah and there is religion called Islam .and if you want any evidence we will do if god will.


        عن الكاتب


        カリウム مسلم اكتشف المزيد حول カリウム

        مواضيع ذات صلة


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