رد: الإعجاز في يخرج من بين الصلب والترائب
بارك الله فيكم على المجهود المبذول
انا كنت بفكر اكتب موضوع شامل عن هذا الامر ان شاء الله
فقط ساعطى نبذه بسيطة واعدكم بكتابة موضوع كامل
فى الجنين يحدث تكشف للخصيتين فى الذكر وكذلك من المبياض فى الانثى
ثم تنزل الى مكانهم الطبيعى مع الوقت
حتى انه تحدث مشكلة فى حالة الولادة المبكرة
هى الخصية المعلقة لانها لم تأخذ الوقت الكافى للنزول لمكانها الطبيعى
وبالتالى يحدث العقم
الاستاذ اللى كان بيسئل عن مراجع
انا هديك عدة مراجع
لكن ان شاء الله فى موضوعى هكتب مراجع اكتر
دى عدة مراجع تقدر ترجع ليها
1. Pinczowski D, McLaughlin JK, Lackgren G, Adami HO, Persson I. Occurrence of testicular cancer in patients operated on for cryptorchidism and inguinal hernia. J Urol. 1991;146:1291–4.
2. Martin DC. Malignancy in the cryptorchid testis. Urol Clin North Am. 1982;9:371–6.
3. Swerdlow AJ, Higgins CD, Pike MC. Risk of testicular cancer in cohort of boys with cryptorchidism.BMJ. 1997;314:1507–11 [Published erratum appears in BMJ 1997;315:1129]
4. Kogan SJ. Fertility in cryptorchidism. An overview in 1987. Eur J Pediatr. 1987;146(suppl 2):S21–4.
5. McAleer IM, Packer MG, Kaplan GW, Scherz HC, Krous HF, Billman GF. Fertility index analysis in cryptorchidism. J Urol. 1995;153:1255–8.
6. Friedman RM, Lopez FJ, Tucker JA, King LR, Negro-Vilar A. Fertility after cryptorchidism: a comparative analysis of early orchiopexy with and without concomitant hormonal therapy in the young male rat. J Urol. 1994;151:227–33.
7. Hadziselimovic F. Pathogenesis of cryptorchidism. In: Kogan SJ, Hafez ES, eds. Pediatric andrology. Boston: Nijhoff, 1981:147.
8. Gaudio E, Paggiarino D, Carpino F. Structural and ultrastructural modifications of cryptorchid human testes. J Urol. 1984;131:292–6.
9. Schultz KE, Walker J. Testicular torsion in undescended testes. Ann Emerg Med. 1984;13:567–9.
10. Riegler HC. Torsion of intra-abdominal testis: an unusual problem in diagnosis of the acute surgical abdomen. Surg Clin North Am. 1972;52:371–4.
11. Elder JS. Cryptorchidism: isolated and associated with other genitourinary defects. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1987;34:1033–53.
12. Scorer CG, Farrington GH. Congenital deformities of the testis and epididymis. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971.
13. Berkowitz GS, Lapinski RH, Dolgin SE, Gazella JG, Bodian CA, Holzman IR. Prevalence and natural history of cryptorchidism. Pediatrics. 1993;92:44–9.
14. Docimo SG. Testicular descent and ascent in the first year of life. Urology. 1996;48:458–60.
15. Schiffer KA, Kogan SJ, Reda EF, Levitt SB. Acquired undescended testes. Am J Dis Child. 1987;141:106–7.
16. Rabinowitz R, Hulbert WC. Late presentation of cryptorchidism: the etiology of testicular re-ascent.J Urol. 1997;157:1892–4.
17. Redman JF. Impalpable testes: observations based on 208 consecutive operations for undescended testes. J Urol. 1980;124:379–81.
18. Smolko MJ, Kaplan GW, Brock WA. Location and fate of the nonpalpable testis in children. J Urol. 1983;129:1204–6.
19. Silver RI, Docimo SG. Cryptorchidism. In: Gonzales ET, Bauer SB, eds. Pediatric urology practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1999:499.
20. Rajfer J, Walsh PC. The incidence of intersexuality in patients with hypospadias and cryptorchidism. J Urol. 1976;116:769–70.
21. Marshall FF, Weissman RM, Jeffs RD. Cryptorchidism: the surgical implications of non-union of the epididymis and testis. J Urol. 1980;124:560–1.
22. Jarow JP, Berkovitz GD, Migeon CJ, Gearhart JP, Walsh PC. Elevation of serum gonadotropins establishes the diagnosis of anorchism in prepubertal boys with bilateral cryptorchidism. J Urol. 1986;136:277–9.
23. Lee MM, Donahoe PK, Silverman BL, Hasegawa T, Hasegawa Y, Gustafson ML, et al. Measurements of serum müllerian inhibiting substance in the evaluation of children with nonpalpable gonads. N Engl J Med. 1997;336:1480–6.
24. Hrebinko RL, Bellinger MF. The limited role of imaging techniques in managing children with undescended testes. J Urol. 1993;150:458–60.
25. Rajfer J, Walsh PC. Hormonal regulation of testicular descent: experimental and clinical observations. J Urol. 1977;118:985–90.
26. Colodny AH. Undescended testes—is surgery necessary? [Editorial]. N Engl J Med. 1986;314:510–1.
27. Pyorala S, Huttunen NP, Uhari M. A review and meta-analysis of hormonal treatment of cryptorchidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1995;80:2795–9.
28. Koop CE. Technique of herniorraphy and orchiopexy. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser. 1977;13:293–303.
29. Docimo SG. The results of surgical therapy for cryptorchidism: a literature review and analysis. J Urol. 1995;154:1148–52.
30. Cisek LJ, Peters CA, Atala A, Bauer SB, Diamond DA, Retik AB. Current findings in diagnostic laparoscopic evaluation of the nonpalpable testis. J Urol. 1998;160:1145–50.
31. Kirsch AJ, Escala J, Duckett JW, Smith GH, Zderic SA, Canning DA, et al. Surgical management of the nonpalpable testis: the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia experience. J Urol. 1998;159:1340–3.
32. Cortesi N, Ferrari P, Zambarda E, Manenti A, Baldini A, Morano FP. Diagnosis of bilateral abdominal cryptorchidism by laparoscopy. Endoscopy. 1976;8:33–4.
33. Peters CA, Kavoussi LR. Pediatric endourology and laparoscopy. In: Walsh PC, Retik AB, Stamey TA, et al., eds. Campbell's Urology. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1993:1.
34. Docimo S. Improved technique for open laparoscopic access. J Endourol. 1998;12:S185.
بارك الله فيكم على المجهود المبذول
انا كنت بفكر اكتب موضوع شامل عن هذا الامر ان شاء الله
فقط ساعطى نبذه بسيطة واعدكم بكتابة موضوع كامل
فى الجنين يحدث تكشف للخصيتين فى الذكر وكذلك من المبياض فى الانثى
ثم تنزل الى مكانهم الطبيعى مع الوقت
حتى انه تحدث مشكلة فى حالة الولادة المبكرة
هى الخصية المعلقة لانها لم تأخذ الوقت الكافى للنزول لمكانها الطبيعى
وبالتالى يحدث العقم
الاستاذ اللى كان بيسئل عن مراجع
انا هديك عدة مراجع
لكن ان شاء الله فى موضوعى هكتب مراجع اكتر
دى عدة مراجع تقدر ترجع ليها
1. Pinczowski D, McLaughlin JK, Lackgren G, Adami HO, Persson I. Occurrence of testicular cancer in patients operated on for cryptorchidism and inguinal hernia. J Urol. 1991;146:1291–4.
2. Martin DC. Malignancy in the cryptorchid testis. Urol Clin North Am. 1982;9:371–6.
3. Swerdlow AJ, Higgins CD, Pike MC. Risk of testicular cancer in cohort of boys with cryptorchidism.BMJ. 1997;314:1507–11 [Published erratum appears in BMJ 1997;315:1129]
4. Kogan SJ. Fertility in cryptorchidism. An overview in 1987. Eur J Pediatr. 1987;146(suppl 2):S21–4.
5. McAleer IM, Packer MG, Kaplan GW, Scherz HC, Krous HF, Billman GF. Fertility index analysis in cryptorchidism. J Urol. 1995;153:1255–8.
6. Friedman RM, Lopez FJ, Tucker JA, King LR, Negro-Vilar A. Fertility after cryptorchidism: a comparative analysis of early orchiopexy with and without concomitant hormonal therapy in the young male rat. J Urol. 1994;151:227–33.
7. Hadziselimovic F. Pathogenesis of cryptorchidism. In: Kogan SJ, Hafez ES, eds. Pediatric andrology. Boston: Nijhoff, 1981:147.
8. Gaudio E, Paggiarino D, Carpino F. Structural and ultrastructural modifications of cryptorchid human testes. J Urol. 1984;131:292–6.
9. Schultz KE, Walker J. Testicular torsion in undescended testes. Ann Emerg Med. 1984;13:567–9.
10. Riegler HC. Torsion of intra-abdominal testis: an unusual problem in diagnosis of the acute surgical abdomen. Surg Clin North Am. 1972;52:371–4.
11. Elder JS. Cryptorchidism: isolated and associated with other genitourinary defects. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1987;34:1033–53.
12. Scorer CG, Farrington GH. Congenital deformities of the testis and epididymis. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971.
13. Berkowitz GS, Lapinski RH, Dolgin SE, Gazella JG, Bodian CA, Holzman IR. Prevalence and natural history of cryptorchidism. Pediatrics. 1993;92:44–9.
14. Docimo SG. Testicular descent and ascent in the first year of life. Urology. 1996;48:458–60.
15. Schiffer KA, Kogan SJ, Reda EF, Levitt SB. Acquired undescended testes. Am J Dis Child. 1987;141:106–7.
16. Rabinowitz R, Hulbert WC. Late presentation of cryptorchidism: the etiology of testicular re-ascent.J Urol. 1997;157:1892–4.
17. Redman JF. Impalpable testes: observations based on 208 consecutive operations for undescended testes. J Urol. 1980;124:379–81.
18. Smolko MJ, Kaplan GW, Brock WA. Location and fate of the nonpalpable testis in children. J Urol. 1983;129:1204–6.
19. Silver RI, Docimo SG. Cryptorchidism. In: Gonzales ET, Bauer SB, eds. Pediatric urology practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1999:499.
20. Rajfer J, Walsh PC. The incidence of intersexuality in patients with hypospadias and cryptorchidism. J Urol. 1976;116:769–70.
21. Marshall FF, Weissman RM, Jeffs RD. Cryptorchidism: the surgical implications of non-union of the epididymis and testis. J Urol. 1980;124:560–1.
22. Jarow JP, Berkovitz GD, Migeon CJ, Gearhart JP, Walsh PC. Elevation of serum gonadotropins establishes the diagnosis of anorchism in prepubertal boys with bilateral cryptorchidism. J Urol. 1986;136:277–9.
23. Lee MM, Donahoe PK, Silverman BL, Hasegawa T, Hasegawa Y, Gustafson ML, et al. Measurements of serum müllerian inhibiting substance in the evaluation of children with nonpalpable gonads. N Engl J Med. 1997;336:1480–6.
24. Hrebinko RL, Bellinger MF. The limited role of imaging techniques in managing children with undescended testes. J Urol. 1993;150:458–60.
25. Rajfer J, Walsh PC. Hormonal regulation of testicular descent: experimental and clinical observations. J Urol. 1977;118:985–90.
26. Colodny AH. Undescended testes—is surgery necessary? [Editorial]. N Engl J Med. 1986;314:510–1.
27. Pyorala S, Huttunen NP, Uhari M. A review and meta-analysis of hormonal treatment of cryptorchidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1995;80:2795–9.
28. Koop CE. Technique of herniorraphy and orchiopexy. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser. 1977;13:293–303.
29. Docimo SG. The results of surgical therapy for cryptorchidism: a literature review and analysis. J Urol. 1995;154:1148–52.
30. Cisek LJ, Peters CA, Atala A, Bauer SB, Diamond DA, Retik AB. Current findings in diagnostic laparoscopic evaluation of the nonpalpable testis. J Urol. 1998;160:1145–50.
31. Kirsch AJ, Escala J, Duckett JW, Smith GH, Zderic SA, Canning DA, et al. Surgical management of the nonpalpable testis: the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia experience. J Urol. 1998;159:1340–3.
32. Cortesi N, Ferrari P, Zambarda E, Manenti A, Baldini A, Morano FP. Diagnosis of bilateral abdominal cryptorchidism by laparoscopy. Endoscopy. 1976;8:33–4.
33. Peters CA, Kavoussi LR. Pediatric endourology and laparoscopy. In: Walsh PC, Retik AB, Stamey TA, et al., eds. Campbell's Urology. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1993:1.
34. Docimo S. Improved technique for open laparoscopic access. J Endourol. 1998;12:S185.