لجميع الدعاة , هيا نُدمر الصلب في 15 دقيقة مع أي مسيحي غربي.. !!


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د.أمير عبدالله مسلم اكتشف المزيد حول د.أمير عبدالله
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  • د.أمير عبدالله
    حارس مؤسِّس

    • 10 يون, 2006
    • 11249
    • طبيب
    • مسلم

    لجميع الدعاة , هيا نُدمر الصلب في 15 دقيقة مع أي مسيحي غربي.. !!

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    لجميع الدعاة , دخلت على المسنجر , فوجدت لك صديق مسيحي غربي , فتحاورتما في الأديان , فوجدته يقول أن المسيح قد صُلِب , أو أنك أرغمته على أن يقول ذلك .....فماذا ستفعل ؟!!!

    إطلب منه دقيقة واحدة وقت مُستقطع ,
    BRB , Just 1 minute
    ثم اذهب وافتح هذه الصفحة وقم بالنسخ واللصق

    هيا نُدمر الصلب في 15 دقيقة فقط
    مع أي مسيحي غربي.. !!
    "يا أيُّها الَّذٍينَ آمَنُوا كُونُوا قوَّاميِنَ للهِ شُهَدَاء بِالقِسْطِ ولا يَجْرِمنَّكُم شَنئانُ قوْمٍ على ألّا تَعْدِلوا اعدِلُوا هُوَ أقربُ لِلتّقْوى
    رحم الله من قرأ قولي وبحث في أدلتي ثم أهداني عيوبي وأخطائي
    موقع نداء الرجاء لدعوة النصارى لدين الله .... .... مناظرة "حول موضوع نسخ التلاوة في القرآن" .... أبلغ عن مخالفة أو أسلوب غير دعوي .... حوار حوْل "مصحف ابن مسْعود , وقرآنية المعوذتين " ..... حديث شديد اللهجة .... حِوار حوْل " هل قالتِ اليهود عُزيْرٌ بنُ الله" .... عِلْم الرّجال عِند امة محمد ... تحدّي مفتوح للمسيحية ..... حوار حوْل " القبلة : وادي البكاء وبكة " .... ضيْفتنا المسيحية ...الحجاب والنقاب ..حكم إلهي أخفاه عنكم القساوسة .... يعقوب (الرسول) أخو الرب يُكذب و يُفحِم بولس الأنطاكي ... الأرثوذكسية المسيحية ماهي إلا هرْطقة أبيونية ... مكة مذكورة بالإسْم في سفر التكوين- ترجمة سعيد الفيومي ... حوار حول تاريخية مكة (بكة)
    "وأما المشبهة : فقد كفرهم مخالفوهم من أصحابنا ومن المعتزلة
    وكان الأستاذ أبو إسحاق يقول : أكفر من يكفرني وكل مخالف يكفرنا فنحن نكفره وإلا فلا.
    والذي نختاره أن لا نكفر أحدا من أهل القبلة "
    (ابن تيْمِيَة : درء تعارض العقل والنقل 1/ 95 )
  • د.أمير عبدالله
    حارس مؤسِّس

    • 10 يون, 2006
    • 11249
    • طبيب
    • مسلم

    My brother ……I just wanna study somethin with u.....Plz I will take just 5 minutes of ur time to read and give a special attention to wut I write for u….

    Are You Ready ?
    Ok .. thank u
    Let's go
    Plz hold ur Bible in ur hand , now open Matthew 12:39...

    Matthew 12:39"But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas".

    Matthew 12:40 "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth".

    Have u Finished Reading them?!!!

    From above we understand two important things:
    1-From Matthew 12:39 Jesus said he will be like jonah ……

    True ?!!
    Yes, true ... thank u
    • BUT
    What was the "sign" or the miracle that Jonah performed that Jesus now proposes to emulate??

    2- From Matthew 12:40 jesus said it will be even like jonah in the term of numbers too ( 3 nights and 3 days).

    True ?!!
    Yes, true ... thank u again
    Ok … Now lets investigaite those 2 things …..

    What was the "sign" or the miracle that Jonah performed that Jesus now proposes to emulate??......

    To know lets see wut happened to jonah :
    Jonah 1:12 ". . . Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm for you; for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you."

    1-Was Jonah dead or alive when he was thrown into the raging sea?
    We get a unanimous reply — that he was ALIVE!......... true
    when you throw a man into a raging sea, he ought to die…..and those who cast him of course thought he died.
    Because Jonah did not die, therefore, it is a

    2- A fish comes and swallows him……Was he dead or alive?
    And again everyone says ALIVE!............
    A fish comes and gobbles the man; he ought to die. He did not die. It is now therefore, a double MIRACLE!
    Because of heat and suffocation in the whale's belly for three days and three nights, he ought to die. He did not die, therefore, it is now a miracle of MIRACLES!

    3- On the third day the fish vomits him onto the seashore —dead or alive?
    And the reply again is ALIVE!
    how did We expected Jonah to die each time, but he does not die; therefore, his is a multiple MIRACLE.
    __________________________________________________ __

    Now lets see how can Jesus fulfill this miracle:

    How was Jonah in the whale's belly for three days and three nights — Dead or Alive?
    The Muslims, the Christians and the Jews again give a unanimous verdict of A-L-1-V-E!

    let's see if Jesus was like Jonah:

    How was Jesus in the tomb, for three days and three nights — Dead or Alive?
    Over a thousand million Christians, of every church or Denomination give a unanimous verdict of D-E-A-D!

    Is that like Jonah or un-like Jonah in your language?
    And everyone whose mind is not confused, says that, that is very UNLIKE Jonah.

    Jesus said that he would be "LIKE JONAH"
    But his infatuated followers say that he was "UN-LIKE JONAH!".
    Who is lying — Jesus or his followers?

    __________________________________________________ ___
    If we have to follow wut Jesus said we have to confirm and be sure that he was alive for 3 days and 3 nights, the same as Jonah ….NOT DEAD
    So Let's correct it to Make the miracle of Jesus like that of jonah………
    it will be like this:
    Sailors and Jonah's poaple thought wrong that Jonah died , But He was ALIVE
    Jews and Christians ……….thought wrong that Jesus died , But He was ALIVE
    __________________________________________________ ______

    Some will say it was the time factor…..
    Can't you see that he is emphasising the time factor?....Why not?!!
    If it was the time factor that Jesus was trying to stress in the prophecy under discussion, let us see whether that was fulfilled:
    Ok let's see:
    Jesus was buried on Friday night...true?!!!
    yes true

    Now let's start counting:
    1. Friday night Jesus was buried. This is night number 1.

    2. Saturday day Jesus was still in the grave. This is day number 1.
    3. Saturday night Jesus was still in the grave. This is night number 2.
    You will no doubt observe from the above that the grand total amounts to no more than ONE day and TWO nights and juggle as you may.....
    you will never, never get three days and three nights.

    1. The Christians allege that
    Jesus was UNLIKE Jonah...Jonah was ALIVE for three days and three nights, whereas Jesus was "DEAD" in the tomb.
    2. Jesus said that
    he would be in the tomb for THREE days and THREE nights, whereas the Christians say that he was in the tomb for only ONE day and TWO nights.
    SO Where Is The Truth?

    How was it possible for the past two thousand years, that the Christian world had not known their religious arithmetic to get their sums right?"

    "Who has deceived the 1,200,000,000 Christians of the world, including the Roman Catholics who claim an unbroken chain of Popes from the first Pope (Peter) to the present Pope, into falsely celebrating GOOD FRIDAY?"...
    I Ask u dear , Who ???!!
    For the sake of God we have to spread the truth…..we have to advise each other…..and we have to be all seekin the truth…..before the day of Judgment ……
    We have to follow wut Jesus really said and wut the 1st Christians followed...!!!

    To Be Continued ........
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة د.أمير عبدالله; 26 أكت, 2020, 08:04 م.
    "يا أيُّها الَّذٍينَ آمَنُوا كُونُوا قوَّاميِنَ للهِ شُهَدَاء بِالقِسْطِ ولا يَجْرِمنَّكُم شَنئانُ قوْمٍ على ألّا تَعْدِلوا اعدِلُوا هُوَ أقربُ لِلتّقْوى
    رحم الله من قرأ قولي وبحث في أدلتي ثم أهداني عيوبي وأخطائي
    موقع نداء الرجاء لدعوة النصارى لدين الله .... .... مناظرة "حول موضوع نسخ التلاوة في القرآن" .... أبلغ عن مخالفة أو أسلوب غير دعوي .... حوار حوْل "مصحف ابن مسْعود , وقرآنية المعوذتين " ..... حديث شديد اللهجة .... حِوار حوْل " هل قالتِ اليهود عُزيْرٌ بنُ الله" .... عِلْم الرّجال عِند امة محمد ... تحدّي مفتوح للمسيحية ..... حوار حوْل " القبلة : وادي البكاء وبكة " .... ضيْفتنا المسيحية ...الحجاب والنقاب ..حكم إلهي أخفاه عنكم القساوسة .... يعقوب (الرسول) أخو الرب يُكذب و يُفحِم بولس الأنطاكي ... الأرثوذكسية المسيحية ماهي إلا هرْطقة أبيونية ... مكة مذكورة بالإسْم في سفر التكوين- ترجمة سعيد الفيومي ... حوار حول تاريخية مكة (بكة)
    "وأما المشبهة : فقد كفرهم مخالفوهم من أصحابنا ومن المعتزلة
    وكان الأستاذ أبو إسحاق يقول : أكفر من يكفرني وكل مخالف يكفرنا فنحن نكفره وإلا فلا.
    والذي نختاره أن لا نكفر أحدا من أهل القبلة "
    (ابن تيْمِيَة : درء تعارض العقل والنقل 1/ 95 )


    • د.أمير عبدالله
      حارس مؤسِّس

      • 10 يون, 2006
      • 11249
      • طبيب
      • مسلم

      Jesus didn’t die, Jews failed to kill him ..!
      His sign like Jonah to be true then we have to stop listening to others , and Just listen to him Jesus Alone.

      From above proof we came to an obvious Fact that Jesus didnt die ...

      Now we will have another confirmative proof :

      Before having it …Lets read Matthew 26:39, Luke 22:44 & James 5:16

      Ok , Thank u

      Matthew 26:39 "And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt".
      It is very clear from the above verse in Matthew 26:39 that : Jesus had no intention of dying.
      In this verse …..It is shown that Jesus was praying strongly .... . Had Jesus Christ been sent to be crucified , he would not have hesitated to be killed at all.

      Now Plz give attention to this verse:
      Luke 22:44 "And being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly,and his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground"

      Now Plz look at this verse ....!!
      James 5:16 "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

      Such heartfelt prayers!
      Such blood-curdling cries!
      Such sorrow and sobs!

      A cynic remarked that it would even bring God down from His Throne…..
      Wut did God do?????
      THE ANSWER IS : God Answered the prayers of Jesus Christ and saved him from death :
      Hebrews 5:7 confirming that his supplications did not fall on deaf ears

      Hebrews 5:7 "Who, in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was HEARD in that he feared."......

      What does it mean "God heard" his prayers!
      It means that God accepted his prayers. God Almighty is not deaf at any time.

      He is the All-Hearing God. He heard (accepted) the supplication of Jesus in the same way that He had heard (accepted) the prayer of father Abraham. Abraham, in his old-age had prayed for a son, and Ishmael was born.

      The words of Abraham had become flesh. Ishmael literally means "GOD HEARD", in Hebrew.
      From above proof we come to an obvious Fact that Jesus didnt die...

      God heared his Prayers

      Jesus Said:
      if it be possible, let this cup pass from me

      And the Result was
      that was able to save him from death, and was HEARD in that he feared."......
      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة د.أمير عبدالله; 26 أكت, 2020, 08:04 م.
      "يا أيُّها الَّذٍينَ آمَنُوا كُونُوا قوَّاميِنَ للهِ شُهَدَاء بِالقِسْطِ ولا يَجْرِمنَّكُم شَنئانُ قوْمٍ على ألّا تَعْدِلوا اعدِلُوا هُوَ أقربُ لِلتّقْوى
      رحم الله من قرأ قولي وبحث في أدلتي ثم أهداني عيوبي وأخطائي
      موقع نداء الرجاء لدعوة النصارى لدين الله .... .... مناظرة "حول موضوع نسخ التلاوة في القرآن" .... أبلغ عن مخالفة أو أسلوب غير دعوي .... حوار حوْل "مصحف ابن مسْعود , وقرآنية المعوذتين " ..... حديث شديد اللهجة .... حِوار حوْل " هل قالتِ اليهود عُزيْرٌ بنُ الله" .... عِلْم الرّجال عِند امة محمد ... تحدّي مفتوح للمسيحية ..... حوار حوْل " القبلة : وادي البكاء وبكة " .... ضيْفتنا المسيحية ...الحجاب والنقاب ..حكم إلهي أخفاه عنكم القساوسة .... يعقوب (الرسول) أخو الرب يُكذب و يُفحِم بولس الأنطاكي ... الأرثوذكسية المسيحية ماهي إلا هرْطقة أبيونية ... مكة مذكورة بالإسْم في سفر التكوين- ترجمة سعيد الفيومي ... حوار حول تاريخية مكة (بكة)
      "وأما المشبهة : فقد كفرهم مخالفوهم من أصحابنا ومن المعتزلة
      وكان الأستاذ أبو إسحاق يقول : أكفر من يكفرني وكل مخالف يكفرنا فنحن نكفره وإلا فلا.
      والذي نختاره أن لا نكفر أحدا من أهل القبلة "
      (ابن تيْمِيَة : درء تعارض العقل والنقل 1/ 95 )


      • د.أمير عبدالله
        حارس مؤسِّس

        • 10 يون, 2006
        • 11249
        • طبيب
        • مسلم

        السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
        الإخوة الأحبة ..أسعد الله أوقاتكم بكل خير

        هذه المحادثة هي مثال عملي للمكتوب أعلاه , وقد جرت في أحد غُرف المحادثات الكتابية

        راقبوا كيف دخل المحاور المسيحي وكيف تحول الحوار لموضوع الصلب , وكيف أن المحاور المُسلِم أخذ كوبي وبيست فقط من الرسالتين أعلاه ووضعهما وكأنه في حوار , والمسيحي يتحاور معه ... وانظروا الى النتيجة والتي اعترف فيها المسيحي للمحاور المسلم بانه كلام منطقي جداً وأنه قد أوضح له بالفعل ما خفي عنه
        __________________________________________________ _____________________

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        Ήоѕт ýоυѕυƒ : Heyyyyyyyyy Welcome back, Salaams Blackhorse
        welcome to islam friends Chat
        8Majnun is away.
        §carłet : brb
        Blackhorse : tyt
        8Đıŵăaňı has left the conversation.
        8RandomAnarkhy has joined the conversation.
        Ήоѕт ýоυѕυƒ : Welcome RandomAnarkhy this is the first time you've visited Islam Room please enjoy your stay.
        Blackhorse : Salam Random
        RandomAnarkhy : hello
        RandomAnarkhy : umm...
        Blackhorse : Hello
        ιѕlαм вот : S Courier\bNew;0 3. "Hatim al Asamm said:. I was once too late for congregational prayer and Abu Ishaq al Bukhari was the only one to commiserate with me. Had I lost a son, more than ten thousand would have offered me their condolences, for people find religious misfortune easier to bear than wo
        Blackhorse : Are u new Here Random?
        RandomAnarkhy : no, I've been in other rooms
        Blackhorse : Are u Muslim?
        RandomAnarkhy : no, actually I am not
        Blackhorse : Ok...Bro
        Blackhorse : You are welcome here wutevre ur Religion
        RandomAnarkhy : I came here to see if it was a bunch of people bashing islam
        Blackhorse : No...Bro ...We are here Muslims
        RandomAnarkhy : ok, that's cool
        Blackhorse : If u would like to ask about Islam u are welcome
        Blackhorse : If*
        RandomAnarkhy : ...
        RandomAnarkhy : ok, well, my questions may be blunt and obtuse,
        Blackhorse : Dont worry...feel free to ask ... and i answer in respection to each other
        RandomAnarkhy : are you in the states or are you in the east?
        Blackhorse : I am in The East
        RandomAnarkhy : you aren't a radical are you?
        Blackhorse : Wut is the Definitioon of Radical Brother?
        Blackhorse : Difinition*
        Blackhorse : According to ur Concept about it
        Blackhorse : Are u there?
        RandomAnarkhy : well, I suppose my definition would be one who pretty much attacked us, in a religious retrospect I suppose it'd be anyone who was truly religious,
        RandomAnarkhy : yeah, it took a while to think how to word that
        Blackhorse : Ok, Bro
        Blackhorse : I am Religious
        Blackhorse : But, i follow the true teachings of Islam
        Blackhorse : And the 1st basic in islam is not to attack others
        Blackhorse : the*
        8Lubna has joined the conversation.
        Ήоѕт ýоυѕυƒ : Welcome Lubna this is the first time you've visited Islam Room please enjoy your stay.
        Blackhorse : The Muslim is the one who give Peace for all and Protect them from his hand and Tongue
        Lubna : ITS NOT MY FIRST TIME
        Lubna : as salaamualaikum all
        RandomAnarkhy : I know that is one of the first basis of things, it's the same with christranity and Judism
        RasMalai_usurper_po ws
        Blackhorse : True Bro...But there is a big difference though
        Lubna :
        Blackhorse : Wa Alaikom Assalam Lubna
        Blackhorse : For Example ... If u hold Quran and Bible by ur hand and try to get the whole verse that talked about fighting
        Blackhorse : It would be strikin truth for u to know that Quran never told us to start to attack... but to defend ourselves from attackers
        RandomAnarkhy : I know that too
        Blackhorse : But in Old testament i think u see the Orders were to start fighting against the Gentiles
        RandomAnarkhy : I've never understood, who are the gentiles?
        Blackhorse : Anyway ...God orders Always for Peace and Fair
        Blackhorse : The gentiles are all rather than Jews
        Lubna : uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum
        Blackhorse : All who are not a jew ...not a son of Issac and Jaccob is considered a gentile
        Lubna : o
        8ooooow has joined the conversation.
        Ήоѕт ýоυѕυƒ : Welcome ooooow this is the first time you've visited Islam Room please enjoy your stay.
        RandomAnarkhy : and, although the old testament said to attack gentiles the new testament, the teachings and revelations of jesus christ
        RandomAnarkhy : has shown that instead of punishment you should love and forgive all
        Lubna : i dont know
        Blackhorse : Jesus Christ Peace be upon him came to fullfill the law not to destroy it
        Blackhorse : True
        Blackhorse : But not in a contradiction to the old testament
        Blackhorse : He means , better to forgive
        Lubna : ummmmmmm
        Blackhorse : but didn’t abolish Moses Laws
        RandomAnarkhy : I know, I used to believe that saying to fight gentiles was man's word
        RandomAnarkhy : and that god really loved anyone who believed in him
        Blackhorse : And he said about All Moses’s Laws ...The heavens and earth eliminates but the the law prevail for ever
        Blackhorse : True
        ooooow : alsalm alkom
        Blackhorse : Wa Alaikom Assalam OOOOOW
        Blackhorse : So, Bro ...Are ur Background is Christianity?
        8MuslimGirl is away.
        RandomAnarkhy : yes, I was brought up in a christian home,
        8MuslimGirl has returned.
        Blackhorse : Great
        Blackhorse : Catholic Or Protestent?
        RandomAnarkhy : I kinda gave up on it after that tho
        Blackhorse : Why?
        RandomAnarkhy : protestant
        Blackhorse : Why u gave up?!!
        8ooooow has left the conversation.
        RandomAnarkhy : I don't know...I was uneducated about it, I had questions, I didn't want to just pray, I wanted to understand I guess
        RandomAnarkhy : a couple years ago I went back to the faith tho
        RandomAnarkhy : I became incredibly christian
        Blackhorse : Do u know my Brother that the Only Religion Which gives u the complete answers for ur Question is Islam
        Blackhorse : and it talks to ur mind?
        Blackhorse : Have u ever thought to search if islam was really from God or not?
        8Lubna is away.
        RandomAnarkhy : well, technically (no offense ment) all religions say that
        RandomAnarkhy : that's why people follow them
        Blackhorse : Ok Bro ... But u have a mind
        Blackhorse : and u alone can Judge if wut realigion says is true or false
        Blackhorse : true?
        RandomAnarkhy : I know, I haven't had the oppurtunity to study islam
        Blackhorse : Let' say the basics at least should be understood
        RandomAnarkhy : there's a lot of religions I haven't studied thouroughly
        Blackhorse : But u have to leave all and stick to divine messages
        Blackhorse : whichg has a revealed Book from God
        RandomAnarkhy : if you choose to believe said faith, yes
        Blackhorse : All the revealed Books of God calls for one true God
        RandomAnarkhy : indeed, I know that
        8Lubna has returned.
        Lubna :
        Blackhorse : The Trinity for example is not understood
        Blackhorse : But Oneness are completely understood
        RandomAnarkhy : the father son and holy ghost?
        Blackhorse : that's the basics
        MuslimGirl : Hello Lubna!!
        Blackhorse : How come, the basis of ur faith is not understood?!!, wut does it mean?!!
        Lubna : hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
        Lubna : do i know you
        Blackhorse : Yes
        MuslimGirl : How are you?
        Lubna : forehead
        Lubna : i'm good alhamdulillah yourself?
        Blackhorse : Trinity...The God the father, The Son ,The Holy Spirit
        RandomAnarkhy : how can the base be understood?
        MuslimGirl : Yea I'm fine too thanks
        MuslimGirl : I guess you are from USA right?
        Lubna : yup
        Blackhorse : if u dig in something u dont understand from the start the result will be that u won't follow
        MuslimGirl : So you have cold there
        Blackhorse : this is why Most of USA and Europe are not Stick To Christianity
        Lubna : yesh
        MuslimGirl : the weather os so cold
        Blackhorse : But the opposite u find in Islam
        RandomAnarkhy : well, actually, natural curiosity may make some people follow
        Blackhorse : True
        Lubna : uuuuuuuuum
        Blackhorse : But When always u try to escape
        Blackhorse : the Truth of Religion will pull u or the falsifications may push u away..!!
        Lubna : lolol
        Lubna : above
        MuslimGirl : I was watching you from along time looool
        Blackhorse : So , If the Religion is not corrupted by man made invention , For Sure it will let u more sticky to it
        RandomAnarkhy : but if that's the case, if people give up religion because they don't understand, then that just shows that people are indeed closeminded and I don't want to be a part fo that
        Blackhorse : Jesus came and Told us God is one
        RandomAnarkhy : so you believe in christ?
        Blackhorse : But the 4th cencery Fathers invented the concept of Trinity which is never been in bible at all
        Blackhorse : Of Course I beleive in Christ
        Blackhorse : He is a holy man from God
        RandomAnarkhy : I know that the trinity wasn't involved in the bible
        Blackhorse : came by the massage of Oneness
        RandomAnarkhy : so how does his story fit into the quran?
        Blackhorse : So, Brother...Plz tell me...If God says I am one and man says God is trinity ..How can then we allow for ourselves to accept wut the man say and neglect wut God said?
        Lubna : ummmmmmm
        MuslimGirl : Allah Ywafigak (BlackHorse) .................
        Blackhorse : This is Why God Sent his last messenger
        RandomAnarkhy : I don't accept what man says
        Blackhorse : the Comforter fortold by Jesus
        Blackhorse : who was Muhammad
        RandomAnarkhy : ...that makes sense
        RandomAnarkhy : that makes a lot of sense
        Blackhorse : He came to warn us
        Blackhorse : to leave idols worshipper
        Blackhorse : and to return back to the one True God
        Blackhorse : and to beleive in all the prophets of God
        Blackhorse : Abraham, Moses. Jesus....etc

        RandomAnarkhy : so you don't believe he died for our sins?
        Blackhorse : No
        Blackhorse : God in Quran
        Blackhorse : his last revealed book
        Blackhorse : tells us
        Blackhorse : That Jesus was saved
        MuslimGirl : (s)
        Blackhorse : and never died
        Blackhorse : he ascended Alive to Heaven
        RandomAnarkhy : so there is no story of him rising from the dead?
        Blackhorse : And the sin abolishment by killing never from God
        Blackhorse : it was invented by Paul ,salvation by death and rising from the dead … all are man made inventions ….!!
        Blackhorse : Paul who never meet the messiah invented them..!
        Blackhorse : Brother
        Blackhorse : i will let u have the truth
        Blackhorse : about Jesus
        Blackhorse : from the bible itself
        8ooooow has joined the conversation.
        Ήоѕт ýоυѕυƒ : Heyyyyyyyyy Welcome back, Salaams ooooow
        Blackhorse : are u ready?
        RandomAnarkhy : yes
        Blackhorse : do u have a bible in ur hand?
        MuslimGirl : ((Allah Ywafegak Ya BlackHorse))
        Blackhorse : Thank u
        RandomAnarkhy : hold on
        Blackhorse : Let's Open MAtthew
        Blackhorse : the 1st book
        RandomAnarkhy : ok
        RandomAnarkhy : ok
        Blackhorse : Ok, i have it now open
        RandomAnarkhy : he was a son of abraham
        RandomAnarkhy : I see that
        MuslimGirl : Black Horse, I don't like to bother you now but can I take your ID to help me too??
        Blackhorse : lets see matt 12: 39
        Blackhorse : Ok sis
        Blackhorse : Matthew 12:39"But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas".
        Blackhorse : Plz brother concentrate in jesus words
        Blackhorse : Done?
        Blackhorse : And this is the next verse to it
        Blackhorse : Matthew 12:40 "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth".
        Blackhorse : From Matthew 12 : 39, 40 ....Tell me wut do u understand?
        Blackhorse : Are u there Bro?
        8Kryptonite has left the conversation.
        8Kryptonite has joined the conversation.
        Ήоѕт ýоυѕυƒ : Welcome Kryptonite this is the first time you've visited Islam Room please enjoy your stay.
        RandomAnarkhy : yeah, I read it
        RandomAnarkhy : ...
        Blackhorse : Ok bro
        MuslimGirl : BlackHorse, wait him till he finish reading it!
        Blackhorse : Wut do u see
        Blackhorse : wut did jesus really said?
        RandomAnarkhy : how to put it in words
        Blackhorse : Ok sis
        RandomAnarkhy : hmm..
        Blackhorse : Let me help u
        §carłet : brb dinner
        Blackhorse : From Matthew 12:39
        RandomAnarkhy : wait, I get it
        Blackhorse : Jesus said he will be like jonah
        RandomAnarkhy : he was an example
        Blackhorse : true?
        Blackhorse : yes
        RandomAnarkhy : yes
        Blackhorse : true?
        Blackhorse : ok
        Blackhorse : we agree
        RandomAnarkhy : but he was also an example
        Blackhorse : Tell me Bro....What was the "sign" or the miracle that Jonah performed that Jesus now proposes to emulate??
        Blackhorse : to be like his example?
        RandomAnarkhy : in the sense he was dead three days, and returned to ascend to heaven
        Blackhorse : Good
        RandomAnarkhy : and jonah was in the fish three days
        Blackhorse : True
        Blackhorse : U are true
        RandomAnarkhy : and was spat out to preach to ninevah
        RandomAnarkhy : so how does this apply to us?
        Blackhorse : As jonah was in the belly of whale for 3 days and 3 nights
        Blackhorse : the same will be jesus
        Blackhorse : it will
        Blackhorse : wait plz
        RandomAnarkhy : ok
        Blackhorse : lets see the 2nd notice in the 2nd verse
        Blackhorse : From Matthew 12:40 jesus said it will be even like jonah even in the term of numbers too( 3 nights and 3 days).
        Blackhorse : true?
        RandomAnarkhy : yes
        Blackhorse : great
        Blackhorse : lets now back to the sign of jonah
        Blackhorse : to completely understand wut will jesus do
        Blackhorse : Jonah 1:12 ". . . Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm for you; for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you."
        Blackhorse : let me ask ur kindness ., this question
        RandomAnarkhy : just like jesus in the disciples boat
        Blackhorse : 1-Was Jonah dead or alive when he was thrown into the raging sea?
        RandomAnarkhy : alive
        Blackhorse : thank u
        Blackhorse : We get a unanimous reply - that he was ALIVE!.........
        Blackhorse : when you throw a man into a raging sea, he ought to die…..and those who cast him of course thought he died.
        Blackhorse : Because Jonah did not die, therefore, it is a MIRACLE!
        RandomAnarkhy : soo..jesus didn't actually die upon the cross, he was still alive
        Blackhorse : true
        RandomAnarkhy : ...
        Blackhorse : lets go on
        Blackhorse : 2- A fish comes and swallows him……Was he dead or alive?
        RandomAnarkhy : alive still
        Blackhorse : for Jonah?
        Blackhorse : thank u....And again everyone says ALIVE!............
        Blackhorse : A fish comes and gobbles the man; he ought to die. He did not die. It is now therefore, a double MIRACLE!
        Blackhorse : true?
        RandomAnarkhy : ture
        RandomAnarkhy : *true
        MuslimGirl : Good Luck!
        Blackhorse : Because of heat and suffocation in the whale's belly for three days and three nights, he ought to die. He did not die, therefore, it is now a miracle of MIRACLES!
        RandomAnarkhy : I see the similarities now
        Blackhorse : lets see the 3rd ques
        Blackhorse : 3- On the third day the fish vomits him onto the seashore -dead or alive?
        RandomAnarkhy : alive, yet another miracle
        Blackhorse : And the reply again is ALIVE!
        Blackhorse : Now lets see how can Jesus fulfill this miracle:
        Blackhorse : How was Jonah in the whale's belly for three days and three nights - Dead or Alive? The Muslims, the Christians and the Jews again give a unanimous verdict of A-L-1-V-E!
        Blackhorse : How was Jesus in the tomb, for three days and three nights - Dead or Alive? Over a thousand million Christians, of every church or Denomination give a unanimous verdict of D-E-A-D!
        Blackhorse : Is that like Jonah or un-like Jonah in your language?
        RandomAnarkhy : unlike in the bible
        Lubna : brother
        Blackhorse : ?
        Blackhorse : And everyone whose mind is not confused, says that, that is very UNLIKE Jonah.
        Blackhorse : Jesus said that he would be "LIKE JONAH" and his infatuated followers say that he was "UN-LIKE JONAH!".
        Blackhorse : Who is lying - Jesus or his followers?
        RandomAnarkhy : christians believe he was the son of god
        Blackhorse : Of course not Jesus
        Blackhorse : So, The death was a big lie inserted to the bible
        RandomAnarkhy : so either jesus was the liar for saying he was
        Blackhorse : Jesus never said it
        RandomAnarkhy : ...
        Blackhorse : No
        Blackhorse : He was completely true
        Blackhorse : he was saved
        Blackhorse : and was alive
        Blackhorse : let me prove it more
        Blackhorse : by just one verse
        RandomAnarkhy : ok
        Blackhorse : wut did jesus do before the cross?
        Blackhorse : Matthew 26:39 "And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt".
        Blackhorse : It is very clear from the above verse in Matthew 26:39 that Jesus had no intention of dying
        Blackhorse : true?
        Blackhorse : In this verse …..It is shown that Jesus was praying strongly
        Blackhorse : Had Jesus Christ been sent to be crucified , he would not have hesitated to be killed at all
        RandomAnarkhy : true
        Blackhorse : the same we read in Luke
        Blackhorse : Luke 22:44 "And being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly,and his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground
        Blackhorse : Was Jesus agreat holy man or not?
        Blackhorse : yes he was
        Blackhorse : lets say wut the bible says
        Blackhorse : James 5:16 "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
        Blackhorse : availeth much
        Blackhorse : Such heartfelt prayers! Such blood-curdling cries! Such sorrow and sobs! A cynic remarked that it would even bring God down from His Throne
        Blackhorse : Wut did God do?
        RandomAnarkhy : wow
        Kryptonite : reading
        Kryptonite : da convo
        Blackhorse : the Answerr is
        Blackhorse : God Answered the prayers of Jesus Christ and saved him from death
        RandomAnarkhy : inded
        Blackhorse : Here is the Answer so clear from the Bible
        Blackhorse : Hebrews 5:7
        RandomAnarkhy : this has been truly enlightening
        Blackhorse : Hebrews 5:7 "Who, in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was HEARD in that he feared
        Blackhorse : and was HEARD in that he feared
        Blackhorse : and was HEARD in that he feared
        Blackhorse : and was HEARD in that he feared
        Blackhorse : and was HEARD in that he feared
        Blackhorse : What does it mean "God heard" his prayers!
        Blackhorse : It means that God accepted his prayers
        RandomAnarkhy : indeed , omg
        RandomAnarkhy : amazing
        Blackhorse : God moved the Cup Away from him
        MuslimGirl : All are here reading the Conversation!!Good Luck
        Blackhorse : because he was a real fearer
        Blackhorse : He came to call us for to the One true God
        Blackhorse : He said: The etrnal life is to beleive that i was sent by God
        Blackhorse : and that God is one
        Blackhorse : this is the eternal life
        Blackhorse : not as paul invented
        Blackhorse : Paul was a Pharisi
        RandomAnarkhy : I think this is why I don't want this religion
        Blackhorse : And jesus warned us from the tyeachings of Pharisis
        Blackhorse : All wut I proved for u
        RandomAnarkhy : I learn ways to use it as a weapon
        Blackhorse : came to us muslims
        Blackhorse : so clear in the last revealed Book
        Blackhorse : Quran
        Blackhorse : God told us he saved Jesus
        Blackhorse : and none who was with him are sure iof he died or not
        RandomAnarkhy : but we assume he did
        Blackhorse : The Only Salvation
        RandomAnarkhy : and that his resurrection is a miracle
        Blackhorse : You Assume
        Blackhorse : but have no witness
        Blackhorse : Brother
        Blackhorse : the Bible was not written at time of Jesus
        Blackhorse : but 50 to 100 years after him
        RandomAnarkhy : true
        MuslimGirl : Yes it is
        Blackhorse : How come for those who wrote it could realize the Truth?
        Blackhorse : they vreally wrote wut jesus said
        Blackhorse : but misinterrupted it
        RandomAnarkhy : yeah
        Blackhorse : and inserted it with jesus words
        MuslimGirl : There is a very long time between the time of Juses and the time of writing the bible!
        Blackhorse : corrupting the true words of God
        RandomAnarkhy : and some of their own
        Blackhorse : Yes
        Blackhorse : Brother ..God revealed Quran for Us upon the Prophet Muhammad
        Blackhorse : who never known any about bible
        Blackhorse : who was illeterate living in the desert
        Blackhorse : can not raed nor write
        Blackhorse : How come for this man ..Unite the whole arabia and the Whole countries of Jesus?!!!!!
        RandomAnarkhy : true
        Blackhorse : to worship the One true God?
        RandomAnarkhy : ture
        Blackhorse : is this not strikin u?
        Blackhorse : dont u think in wut Jesus said
        RandomAnarkhy : it is
        Blackhorse : that The Kingdom of God will be removed from u christians and be given to another nation to give its fruits?
        Blackhorse : Do u remember the samitarian womanm when she asked jesus wut is the true Direction for Prayer?
        Blackhorse : wut did he say for her?
        RandomAnarkhy : I don't know
        Blackhorse : hetold her beleive me woman, The direction will come to be changed
        Blackhorse : not to this mounmtain (Juresalem)
        Blackhorse : But to another
        RandomAnarkhy : I have to go now, this has really been enlightening, plz add me ( ……….) , that we can chat again
        Blackhorse : When the real Prayers and worshippers Appear
        Blackhorse : I hope so Brother ,... and to remind u
        MuslimGirl : .....................BlackHorse................... ...
        Blackhorse : We are the only nation who do Pray 5 times a day the exactly the same as Jesus
        Blackhorse : as he did Before cross
        MuslimGirl : Really I hope he will understand what our Islam really is!
        Blackhorse : we Put our heads and cry for Gud to forgive us
        Blackhorse : and may God bless u
        Blackhorse : and show u the Absolute Truth
        RandomAnarkhy : you too
        RandomAnarkhy : thank u brother
        Kryptonite : ameen
        Blackhorse : I get a Promise u will search and read in ISlam
        Kryptonite : tc
        8RandomAnarkhy has left the conversation.
        Blackhorse : and come to us Plz
        MuslimGirl : I hope a good life to you RandomAn
        Blackhorse : to be a muslim
        Blackhorse : and brother for us
        Blackhorse : to God
        Blackhorse : Amen
        MuslimGirl : Good luck for you
        Blackhorse : He gone
        MuslimGirl : Yea
        MuslimGirl : Black Horse
        Blackhorse : Yes Sis
        MuslimGirl : ....BlackHorse...How are you?
        Blackhorse : Fine Sis
        Blackhorse : And u?
        Blackhorse : And*
        MuslimGirl : Thank you so mcuh about this conversation
        Blackhorse : No Thanx needed sis ....Its my Duty
        MuslimGirl : I was watching you and him talking
        MuslimGirl : Yes
        MuslimGirl : Me too like to be like you in telling about my Islam and I liked your way indeed
        Blackhorse : May God guide him to the Truth insha allah
        Blackhorse : Thank u sis.....
        Blackhorse : copy the conversation and uses it
        Blackhorse : with every one
        MuslimGirl : Ameen, you know I was watching you both and as soon as any word you say or he say, I openly ask Allah to make him understand
        MuslimGirl : I will do
        Blackhorse : The most strikin thing To Christians is the salvation and death of Jesus
        Blackhorse : If u disprove it
        8Majnun has returned.
        MuslimGirl : Not only this even the matters about marrying 4 women
        Blackhorse : he will be enlightedned insha allah
        Lubna : majjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
        MuslimGirl : Ameen
        Blackhorse : Ameen
        Kryptonite :
        Majnun : lubbbbbbbbbbbbsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
        Lubna :
        Majnun :
        Lubna :
        التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة د.أمير عبدالله; 26 أكت, 2020, 08:04 م.
        "يا أيُّها الَّذٍينَ آمَنُوا كُونُوا قوَّاميِنَ للهِ شُهَدَاء بِالقِسْطِ ولا يَجْرِمنَّكُم شَنئانُ قوْمٍ على ألّا تَعْدِلوا اعدِلُوا هُوَ أقربُ لِلتّقْوى
        رحم الله من قرأ قولي وبحث في أدلتي ثم أهداني عيوبي وأخطائي
        موقع نداء الرجاء لدعوة النصارى لدين الله .... .... مناظرة "حول موضوع نسخ التلاوة في القرآن" .... أبلغ عن مخالفة أو أسلوب غير دعوي .... حوار حوْل "مصحف ابن مسْعود , وقرآنية المعوذتين " ..... حديث شديد اللهجة .... حِوار حوْل " هل قالتِ اليهود عُزيْرٌ بنُ الله" .... عِلْم الرّجال عِند امة محمد ... تحدّي مفتوح للمسيحية ..... حوار حوْل " القبلة : وادي البكاء وبكة " .... ضيْفتنا المسيحية ...الحجاب والنقاب ..حكم إلهي أخفاه عنكم القساوسة .... يعقوب (الرسول) أخو الرب يُكذب و يُفحِم بولس الأنطاكي ... الأرثوذكسية المسيحية ماهي إلا هرْطقة أبيونية ... مكة مذكورة بالإسْم في سفر التكوين- ترجمة سعيد الفيومي ... حوار حول تاريخية مكة (بكة)
        "وأما المشبهة : فقد كفرهم مخالفوهم من أصحابنا ومن المعتزلة
        وكان الأستاذ أبو إسحاق يقول : أكفر من يكفرني وكل مخالف يكفرنا فنحن نكفره وإلا فلا.
        والذي نختاره أن لا نكفر أحدا من أهل القبلة "
        (ابن تيْمِيَة : درء تعارض العقل والنقل 1/ 95 )


        • الشهيدة
          مشرفة شرف المنتدى

          • 15 ديس, 2009
          • 2314
          • مترجمة
          • مسلم

          جزاك الله خيراً د.أمير أن نقلتها لنا ..
          مفيدة جداً ما شاء الله ..
          .. منْ أُلقيَ عنهُ حُبُّ المالِ فقدْ اسْترَاح ..


          مواضيع ذات صلة


          المواضيع إحصائيات آخر مشاركة
          ابتدأ بواسطة عبدالمهيمن المصري, 25 يون, 2022, 01:36 ص
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          آخر مشاركة عبدالمهيمن المصري
          ابتدأ بواسطة عبدالمهيمن المصري, 28 أغس, 2020, 02:19 ص
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          آخر مشاركة عبدالمهيمن المصري
          ابتدأ بواسطة salhinawfal, 13 مار, 2020, 08:35 م
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          آخر مشاركة salhinawfal
          بواسطة salhinawfal
          ابتدأ بواسطة عبدالمهيمن المصري, 8 ديس, 2019, 11:45 م
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          آخر مشاركة عبدالمهيمن المصري
          ابتدأ بواسطة salhinawfal, 18 أغس, 2019, 05:53 م
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          آخر مشاركة د.أمير عبدالله