برنامج Videomizer 1.2.11 للتعديل على الفيديو بسهولة

مع برنامج Videomizer يمكنك انشاء وتعديل الفيديوهات بسهولة تامة .يمكنك قص الفيدوهات بسرعة فائقة . ويمكنك من التعامل على اشهر صيغ الفيديوهات المختلفة مثل DVD-Video, AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MPG, TS والمزيد
وهذا هو وصف البرنامج بالانجليزية
Automatic object recognition: manipulates only those frame parts, which help optimize the overall impression!
Fully automatic re-adjustment of tonality, re-sharpening and contrast optimization!
Touching-up of images through higher definition and re-sharpening of matt colours!
Fully automatic system for hue control and saturation, white balance and bright/dark correction.
Elimination of fog and other weather influences and undesired colour casts.
Adjustment options for resolution, bit rate and frame rate as well as audio attributes (channels, bit rate, sample rate)
Picture size optimization to eliminate black bars, among others Stretch and Pan & Scan
High-quality scaling filters, among them Lanczos and the extremely efficient ODU
Video cut and real time preview (dual view for direct comparison)
Supported input formats: DVD-Video, AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MPG, TS and more
Supported output formats: AVI, MPG, MP4 and WMV, among others with profiles for iPod, iPad, Android, PlayStation Portable and other devices.
Fully automatic batch mode for automated manipulation of several videos in a row!
Additional option for manual optimization!
The HDR-simulator helps to create amazingly HDR-similar modifications. HDR is known from photography and serves for creating high dynamic range images. You require, however, three images of the same subject with three different exposures. The VideoMizer creates a similar effect for your videos although it has to do with just one image per unit of time.
The scaling optimization, another distinctive feature of the program, guarantees that your videos are most efficiently shown on a certain display. If for example you have a portable media player like the Apple iPod, your videos are automatically adjusted to its display attributes for full screen mode - without disturbing black bars!
حجم البرنامج:27.4 MB
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مع برنامج Videomizer يمكنك انشاء وتعديل الفيديوهات بسهولة تامة .يمكنك قص الفيدوهات بسرعة فائقة . ويمكنك من التعامل على اشهر صيغ الفيديوهات المختلفة مثل DVD-Video, AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MPG, TS والمزيد
وهذا هو وصف البرنامج بالانجليزية
Automatic object recognition: manipulates only those frame parts, which help optimize the overall impression!
Fully automatic re-adjustment of tonality, re-sharpening and contrast optimization!
Touching-up of images through higher definition and re-sharpening of matt colours!
Fully automatic system for hue control and saturation, white balance and bright/dark correction.
Elimination of fog and other weather influences and undesired colour casts.
Adjustment options for resolution, bit rate and frame rate as well as audio attributes (channels, bit rate, sample rate)
Picture size optimization to eliminate black bars, among others Stretch and Pan & Scan
High-quality scaling filters, among them Lanczos and the extremely efficient ODU
Video cut and real time preview (dual view for direct comparison)
Supported input formats: DVD-Video, AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MPG, TS and more
Supported output formats: AVI, MPG, MP4 and WMV, among others with profiles for iPod, iPad, Android, PlayStation Portable and other devices.
Fully automatic batch mode for automated manipulation of several videos in a row!
Additional option for manual optimization!
The HDR-simulator helps to create amazingly HDR-similar modifications. HDR is known from photography and serves for creating high dynamic range images. You require, however, three images of the same subject with three different exposures. The VideoMizer creates a similar effect for your videos although it has to do with just one image per unit of time.
The scaling optimization, another distinctive feature of the program, guarantees that your videos are most efficiently shown on a certain display. If for example you have a portable media player like the Apple iPod, your videos are automatically adjusted to its display attributes for full screen mode - without disturbing black bars!
حجم البرنامج:27.4 MB
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اضغط هنا لتحميل برنامج Videomizer 1.2.11 للتعديل على الفيديو
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