امريكية تسأل عن الاسلام
I may ask questions that are ignorant so please bear with me. My first question has to do with woman. The Quran to me seems like a book written by men for men. I noticed that the Quran makes a statement about righteous men receiving many virgins in the afterlife, does it also address the fate of woman after death or do woman not go to paradise?
I am also interested in hearing about what you think about Muslim extremists, do you think that they justify violence against and killing infidels based on the section in the Quran that suggests to do so and even places a reward from Allah for these acts?
Also,it seems to me that Allah is a God of punishment more than of love, what do you think about the fact that His love is represented as conditional... that He loves those who love Him but not those who do not profess the faith? Along with this question is, why does liturgical prayer need to be in Arabic even though Allah knows all languages?
- تقول ان القرآن يبدوا ككتاب كتب من رجال لرجال. وان الرجال المستقيمين يعطون حور العين في الاخرة. فماذا للمرأة
- تقول هل مبرر المتطرفون من عنف وقتل للكفار مبني علي نصوص في القرآن تعطي مكافأة لمن يفعل ذلك
- تقول يبدو لي ان الله اله عقاب لا محبة .. وان حبه مشروط بأنه يحب من يحبوه ولا يحب من لا يؤمن
- ولماذا الصلاة فقط باللغة العربية رغم ان الله يعرف كل اللغات
I may ask questions that are ignorant so please bear with me. My first question has to do with woman. The Quran to me seems like a book written by men for men. I noticed that the Quran makes a statement about righteous men receiving many virgins in the afterlife, does it also address the fate of woman after death or do woman not go to paradise?
I am also interested in hearing about what you think about Muslim extremists, do you think that they justify violence against and killing infidels based on the section in the Quran that suggests to do so and even places a reward from Allah for these acts?
Also,it seems to me that Allah is a God of punishment more than of love, what do you think about the fact that His love is represented as conditional... that He loves those who love Him but not those who do not profess the faith? Along with this question is, why does liturgical prayer need to be in Arabic even though Allah knows all languages?
- تقول ان القرآن يبدوا ككتاب كتب من رجال لرجال. وان الرجال المستقيمين يعطون حور العين في الاخرة. فماذا للمرأة
- تقول هل مبرر المتطرفون من عنف وقتل للكفار مبني علي نصوص في القرآن تعطي مكافأة لمن يفعل ذلك
- تقول يبدو لي ان الله اله عقاب لا محبة .. وان حبه مشروط بأنه يحب من يحبوه ولا يحب من لا يؤمن
- ولماذا الصلاة فقط باللغة العربية رغم ان الله يعرف كل اللغات