Virtual_CD_v9.3.0.2_Retailالبرنامج الرائع بالسريال


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  • راجى عفوربه
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    حارس من حراس العقيدة
    • 13 مار, 2007
    • 198
    • مسلم

    Virtual_CD_v9.3.0.2_Retailالبرنامج الرائع بالسريال

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


    برنامج رائع لعمل الاسطوانات الايزو وعمل سدى روم وهمى لتشغيل الاسطوانات وحرق اسطوانات حقيقية

    Virtual CD v9.3.0.2 Retail | 56.5MB

    With Virtual CD you can not only create and use virtual CDs, but also burn virtual CDs and DVDs. Regardless of whether you yourself would like to test a created DVD, to put together an audio CD or just not happen to have a blank disk for a data CD at hand, with Virtual CD you always have a burner with a blank disk that you can use from any program. You can use the CDs or DVDs created in this manner immediately with Virtual CD and burn them on a physical medium, if necessary.

    Virtual CD offers you more!
    You can use virtual CDs in a network!
    تستطيع حرق الاسطوانات الوهمية على اسطوانات حقيقة من خلال البرنامج
    - You can burn virtual CDs to a CD-R!

    ويمكنك حماية السدىهات والديفيدات الوهمية بعمل باسورد من خلال البرنامج
    - You can protect your virtual CDs with a password or encryption!
    - You can protect your "real" physical CD/DVD drives with a password!

    Using CDs and DVDs without a drive:
    Virtual CD copies your CDs and DVDs to the hard drive of your PC or Server using highly efficient data compression techniques. The virtual CDs are then run in virtual CD drives which are automatically set up in Windows and have all the functions and features of physical CD drives.

    Advantages of Virtual CD:

    عن طريق البرنامج تستطيع عمل حتى 25 سى دى او دفى دى وهمى كانها حقيقية
    - Up to 25 virtual CD/DVD drives

    يمكنك تحميل اسطوانات وهمية على ال25 فى نفس الوقت وتبديل التشغيل لها
    - Up to 25 CDs/DVDs accessible at the same time

    - High speed access to an unlimited number of CDs and DVDs
    - 1:1 access to CD- or DVD-images stored in a network
    - CD/DVD data throughput at hard disc speed (200x CD-ROM)
    - Accesstime up to 93% faster than a phys. CD-ROM drive
    - Concurrent access of several computers to a CD/DVD image
    and much more...

    Virtual CD v9 - New functions:
    • Vista-compatible: “Certified for Windows Vista”.
    • Incremental extension of images
    • Fast access to Toolbox programs
    • Smart Virtual CD drives now compatible with USB flash drives
    • Unlimited number of virtual burners
    • Comparison Wizard
    • Improved Quick Start utility
    • Snapshot function
    • Grouping function
    • Job Execution
    • Extended options for creating images
    • Support for any physical CD drive

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة راجى عفوربه; 24 ماي, 2011, 04:25 م.

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