AV Voice Changer Software 7.0.34

برنامج تغير الصوت AV Voice Changer Software 7.0.34 , تطبيق صمم لتغير الصوت او تحرير ملفات الصوت عن طريق التغير فى حجم ومسمع الصوت البرنامج وفق تحديث جديد اضيف اليه العديد من الموثرات والاصوات المختلفة بالاضافة الى اصوات الخلفية ( كاصوات طبيعة , ضوضاء او شارع .. افراح ) والتى تضفى على تغيرات الصوت انسجام اكثر .....

برنامج AV VOICE CHANGER SOFTWARE DIAMOND برنامج رائع يمكنك من تغيير صوتك فى المحادثات والشات وتسجيل الاصوات الى صوت عجوز او شاب او امراة او طفل البرنامج متوافق مع مشغلات الاوديو المتعددة كما انه متوافق مع كافة انواع الماسنجر سواءهوت ميل او اى سى كيو او جوجل تولك وياهو ماسنجر والعديد من برامج المحادثة أقضى أوقات من المرح والدعابه مع أهلك وأصدقائك.
برنامج AV Voice Changer Software Diamond Edition تحكم في صوتك اثناء المحادثات في الشات والماسنجر سوء ياهو او هوتميل او بالتوك وغيره تكلم بصوت عجوز تكلم بصوت طفل تكلم بصوت رجل كبير تكلم بصوت ولد تكلم بصوت شاب او شابه او طفله كل هذا واكثر مع هذا العملاق للتحكم في جودة ودهاء الصوت متوافق مع برامج المحادثات التالية Yahoo Messenger (YIM), AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), ICQ, MSN, PalTalk, Odigo, Netmeeting and Roger Wilco; and PC2Phone programs: Net2Phone, Dialpad, Go2Call, DeltaThree, MaxPhone. كما يتوفق ايضاً مع معظم مشغلات الصوت والفيديو مثل Windows Media Player, Winamp, RealOne Player, Music Match, Music Jukebox, PowerDVD, WinDVD, Zoom Player, BlazeDVD, Hero DVD Player; وملفات الصوت المدعومة من البرنامج هي mp3, wma, wav, ogg, au, ape, nist, aif, irc, mp2 والكثير يقدمة هذا الاسطورة العملاق
AV Voice Changer Software stands apart from other online or computer voice changers because of its unlimited ability to change voices and sounds to produce various enhanced voice/sound outputs.
NEW BACKGROUND EFFECTS in version 7.0 include nature sounds, public affairs and street voices help you to create an audio environment: in a forest, by a waterfall, or on a train, etc.
This computer voice changer software can serve both your business and entertainment purposes: make voice-overs, record voices, disguise gender and age for online fun.
Apart from other voice changers, Voice Changer Software changes your voice over internet in real time and acquires unlimited number of new voices. You can modify voice by changing voice pitch and voice timbre, applying effects, adjusting advanced tuner, and setting equalizer.
By changing your voice to any voice of male, female, teen, baby..., you can disguise your voice in voice chat, PC phone, online gaming, voice mail, voice messages. You can try different tones to enhance your voice for better sex appeal or better impression.
Voice Changer Software helps you make many different voices for movie, cartoon, story telling, presentation, audio story. It also changes voice of music, add effects for listening or recording to new file.
Voice Changer Software is quite simple to use with various presets available for you to pick and apply: audio effects, "nickvoices", and equalizer settings.
Also, you have more control over the software such as exclude certain audio streams or application out of modifying process and manage you list of "nickvoice" effects, equalizer settings.
NEW BACKGROUND EFFECTS in version 7.0 include nature sounds, public affairs and street voices help you to create an audio environment: in a forest, by a waterfall, or on a train, etc.
This computer voice changer software can serve both your business and entertainment purposes: make voice-overs, record voices, disguise gender and age for online fun.
Apart from other voice changers, Voice Changer Software changes your voice over internet in real time and acquires unlimited number of new voices. You can modify voice by changing voice pitch and voice timbre, applying effects, adjusting advanced tuner, and setting equalizer.
By changing your voice to any voice of male, female, teen, baby..., you can disguise your voice in voice chat, PC phone, online gaming, voice mail, voice messages. You can try different tones to enhance your voice for better sex appeal or better impression.
Voice Changer Software helps you make many different voices for movie, cartoon, story telling, presentation, audio story. It also changes voice of music, add effects for listening or recording to new file.
Voice Changer Software is quite simple to use with various presets available for you to pick and apply: audio effects, "nickvoices", and equalizer settings.
Also, you have more control over the software such as exclude certain audio streams or application out of modifying process and manage you list of "nickvoice" effects, equalizer settings.

DOWNLOAD : AV Voice Changer Software 7.0.34