iam not angry, just u know iam russian and u said me: Lets learn karan and islum.
U know, terrorists say so too, chechenian terrorists in russia speak to muslim people: Lets learn karan more deep, if muslims agree after learning they will be good bomb who will attack civilians and will blast, as u know some days ago in domodedovo was blast, so do u want make from me terrorist?
U know, terrorists say so too, chechenian terrorists in russia speak to muslim people: Lets learn karan more deep, if muslims agree after learning they will be good bomb who will attack civilians and will blast, as u know some days ago in domodedovo was blast, so do u want make from me terrorist?
رساله من احد الروسسين عندما دعيته برساله عن الاسلام
كم الاسلام بريء من هذا الهمجيه التي يفعلونها والتفجيرات في الابرياء
انا احترت ماذا ارد عليه
اودت ان اقول لاتحكم الاسلام على افعال هؤلاء