برنامج lovely folder لتغير اشكال الفولدرات 3 ميجا


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    برنامج lovely folder لتغير اشكال الفولدرات 3 ميجا

    stomize your Windows folders.Using this handy program you can replace the standard folder icon for individual folders with any eye-catching icon you wish, chosen from hundreds of built-in colorful icons or generated automatically by internal IconConverter depending on the content of a folder (music, video, images, etc.). Moreover, Lovely Folders can change folder background! Your individual folders now may have a background image - just like your desktop. In addition, you can replace the system-defined standard folder icon, set an info tip for folders, rebuild the system icon cache, search for icons on your computer and much more.Included 3 icon packs.

    Lovely Folders allows you to:

    – Apply different icons to individual folders in a few mouse clicks
    – Put any picture as a wallpaper to a folder
    – Set an info tip for a folder
    – Replace the system-defined standard folder icon, which is used by Windows to display each folder on your computer
    – Extract icons from icon files (ICO), icon libraries (ICL) and icon resources (EXE, DLL, CPL, SCR, OCX etc.)
    – Search for icons on your computer
    – Copy icon to the current folder to make your folder icons independent from icon source files (that allows you to move or copy your customized folders anywhere even to another computer! Your folders will be the look exactly as you specified)
    – Rebuild the system icon cache to repair incorrect icon images
    – Add your favorite icons to the user icon list to access them faster
    – Create a template to make doing multiple identical changes of folder’s appearance easier
    – Extract all icons from the application associated with the specified

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