اريد المساعدة


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محمود بسام مسلم اكتشف المزيد حول محمود بسام
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  • محمود بسام
    0- عضو حديث
    • 2 نوف, 2008
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    اريد المساعدة

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    لقد قمت بوضع فيديوهات على الملف الخاص بي في احدى المواقع للتعريف بالاسلام باللغه الانجليزية وقام ملحد من بريطانيا بالتعليق على هذه الفيديوهات وهي
    وكان رده عليها
    Thomas Middleton okay now that i've got some time free i will get stuck into these videos..

    okay this is probably an obvious one but why is it that these amazing passages are only found after the discoveries have been made by science, for evidence that is, and to use Zakir Naik's own words " in a nutshell", they are remarkably ambiguous towards the subject...

    oh and also the "big bang" is still only a theory, it is only used as it is the "best fit" with the currant conditions, but it has not been proven, there are actually hundreds of theories that have been made about the creation of the universe including the "balloon theory" and "multiple dimensions" to name a few...

    oh and to the point about the "smoke" idea, remember that the entire passage hinges on the use of the word "smoke", otherwise it would not work, the rest of the passage is nothing more than the same ambiguous rubbish about the creation, using the use of a single word to prove an entire passage true is a logical fallacy

    and the final point is simply astounding in it's own foolhardiness, the Quran said the universe expanded, now it was hardly going to contract was it?, when something has to appears it has to expand thats common sense that i'm pretty sure was never really in contention in the scientific community..

    although the video was right about it not being a coincidence, it is todays religions stretching scientific theories around religious text, much like fitting a tyre round a metal wheel..

    وعلى فيديو اخر وهو
    كان رده هو

    Thomas Middleton yes it was possible for Mohammed to know the uniformity of the universe actually, try looking up at the sky at night it is uniform there are no patches that are different all are black with stars inside so yes he could and would have assumed so actually....

    and again the web idea that hinges on the use of a single word that by it's own admission is used "sometimes" meaning it is not a scientific term or even a particularly well used term and if i'm honest i'm finding it hard to believe it was used much outside of this video by anyone, and who's not to say the term was made by a muslim scientist quoting from said Quran.....

    ‎"working like cosmic sweepers" does not even imply they swallow planets, i'm fairly sure that had no vacuum cleaners back then so the term "sweeping" would have had as much to do with swallowing as it does with say quantum nuclei...

    Thomas Middleton also the Quran states that black holes are "well hidden stars" which they are not, they are not even close to being stars, but that is overlooked obviously cause it says "sweeping' which is by far a precise and analytical overview on black holes that are deserving of a god....

    the final quote about god spreading life in the "heavens and the earth" is again nothing more than a play on words, the word "heaven" has dual meanings it is both a transcendent idyllic area for life after death or the sky above us, but it ...See More

    overall of the two videos as i said earlier it seems to be mainly religious scientists try to stretch facts to the passages to make them seem like there related, yet the passage has to contain no real specifics other than the odd half mentioned word, and even go to the point of ignoring problems in favor of simply trying to show your the stuff that does fit

    ولكني لا اجيد اللغة الانجليزية فلا افهم ما الذي قاله و بالتالي لم استطيع ان ارد عليه
    ولذلك اريد ان يقوم احد بالرد عليه باللغه الانجليزيه وترجمه ما قاله لأعرف معنى ما قاله
    ولكم جزير الشكر

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