think that mohemmed made his followers sexually obsessed by ((EL-HOUR)) . There are lots of prophet,s talk about THEM >i am v.shame to mention !!! I wonder how would a prophet from god said these things !!!!
why the other prophets did not speak about (( el-ganna )) like mohemmed ??
لماذا لا نجد فى كتب العهد القديم والجديد مثل جنة النبى محمد المليئة بالحور والملذات الاخرى !!!!
انتظر الرد هدانى الله !!:
why the other prophets did not speak about (( el-ganna )) like mohemmed ??
لماذا لا نجد فى كتب العهد القديم والجديد مثل جنة النبى محمد المليئة بالحور والملذات الاخرى !!!!
انتظر الرد هدانى الله !!: