البرنامج الرائع فى فحص حالة الهارد وفحص حرارة الكمبيوتر HDDlife Pro 3.1.170

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    البرنامج الرائع فى فحص حالة الهارد وفحص حرارة الكمبيوتر HDDlife Pro 3.1.170

    HDDlife Pro 3.1.170

    HDDlife Pro description
    Real-time hard-drive statistics, alerts, malfunction protection

    HDDlife - worried about hard-drive failure? Get HDDLife - a real time hard drive monitoring utility with alerts, malfunction protection and data loss prevention functions. This hard-drive inspector is an advanced proactive hard drive failure detection system that controls 100% of hard-drive risks.

    HDDLife is S.M.A.R.T. technology based and works both for single PCs and large computer networks. S.M.A.R.T. technology was developed by hard-drive manufacturers to accurately predict hard-drive life span and prevent HDD malfunction.

    HDDlife is a software that helps you protect your HDD.

    HDDLife displays S.M.A.R.T. attributes real time and alerts system administrator if particular hard-drive's attributes exceed threshold values and being at risk.

    The system administrator can then back data up and/or replace endangered hard-drive. HDDLife loads on Windows start, compares new attribute values with the previous values and consumes absolutely no memory.

    The program is extremely straightforward no fundamental knowledge or PC or hard-drive technology needed whatsoever. Zero failures during last four years for 100000+ hard-drives monitored!

    JustNow! is a completely new technology that allows you to find out the state of health and performance rate of your hard drives immediately both when you start the program for the first time and when you start it again!

    There is no need to control disks over a long period of time! No analogous software allows it! Thanks to this technology, HDDlife also shows the health and performance level in percentage as compared to a new disk.

    HDDlife can work in the background mode checking and controlling the health of your hard drives and the safety of your data at certain time intervals. At the same time, it uses as little memory as possible and does not annoy you with unnecessary messages.

    To be able to work efficiently, you must know not only the health, but also the performance rate of your hard drive. With HDDlife, you will be able to see when it approaches the critical level and have time to replace your hard drive before it becomes too slow and paralyzes your work.

    Modern computers emit a large amount of heat and use coolers to get rid of it. A hard drive is no exception: the faster it works, the hotter it gets. When the temperature of a hard drive increases by 10C, its performance rate gets two times less!

    That is why it is very important to control their temperature too. HDDlife allows you to solve this problem as well since the actual disk temperature is always displayed in the system tray (next to the computer clock).

    Another nice feature is that HDDlife can show you the highest temperature the disk has reached for the entire period of its work (in case the disk supports this feature).

    HDDlife Pro will allow you to determine how the disk has been working so far, whether it has ever been overheated before and whether it will have failures in the future.

    صور البرنامج




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