برنامج التحميل الرائع HiDownload Platinum 7.96 Portable


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    برنامج التحميل الرائع HiDownload Platinum 7.96 Portable

    HiDownload Platinum 7.96 Portable

    HiDownload Platinum 7.96 Portable | 5.2 Mb

    HiDownload Platinum is a multi-threaded download manager that allows you to download individual files (or lists of files) from *** and FTP sites while maximizing the potential of your internet connection. It also supports multimedia streaming and and RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) with optional resume, enabling you to download movies, music and capture streaming video and audio,record radio from Internet. It also offers a tool to analyze MMS/RTSP URLs, as well as a built-in Broadcast Manager. In addition, it provides all the standard features of a download manager, including scheduling, drop basket, download history, clipboard monitoring, download categories as well as zip preview and more.

    Key Features:
    • Accelerated Downloads:By splitting the files into several parts and downloading them at the same time you save time.
    • Support HTTP, FTP, MMS/MMST/MMSU, RTSP, PNM protocols
    • Support rapidshare, megaupload and other similar sites(Premium Account)
    • Record Streaming Video and Streaming Audio
    • Advanced Scheduler:you decide when and what will be downloaded!
    • Zip Preview:view the *******s of Zip files before download
    • Zip Extract:download & extract specific files from zip archive
    • Virus Checking:You may select files that have been downloaded and scan them.
    • Support Proxy Server:You may set HiDownload to use a proxy server according to your network configuration.
    • ******s support
    • Rename automatically

    All the popular streaming formats are supported, including:
    • Windows Media™
    • Real Audio™ and Real Video™
    • QuickTime™
    • Flash Video (FLV)
    • Streaming MP3 (Shoutcast™)

    Record all kinds of great online media, including:
    • Music Videos.
    • YouTube, PutFile, Google Video and other Video Sites.
    • Live Internet TV and Radio.
    • Streaming ***cams.
    • Shoutcast™ and other Streaming MP3 radio.

    • Support ****-files: ram, smil, asx, wax, wvx, m3u, pls, ...
    • Categories:you can easily have files of certain types downloaded automatically to a folder you specify
    • Live Broadcast Manager
    • Build-in Podcast Manager, schedule to download podcast
    • Browser Integration:The program can detect clicks on certain file types in the most common browsers and automatically handle the downloads for you.Currently HiDownload Platinum integrates with:
    - Internet Explorer
    - Mozilla Firefox
    - Mozilla
    - Netscape
    - Opera

    • Advanced Scheduler:you decide when and what will be downloaded!
    • Zip Preview:view the *******s of Zip files before download
    • Zip Extract:download & extract specific files from zip archive
    • Virus Checking:You may select files that have been downloaded and scan them.
    • Support Proxy Server:You may set HiDownload to use a proxy server according to your network configuration.
    • ******s support
    • Rename automatically




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