Answers for missionaries' lies
First claim
Bahira said: “Ibn Hesham mentioned in the prophetical life history under the title:”The test of Khadija is the proof of revelation”
Bahira said: “Ibn Hesham mentioned in the prophetical life history under the title:”The test of Khadija is the proof of revelation”
You have mentioned many books that mentioned this Hadeeth, but you haven’t mentioned that this Hadeeth is weak.
Ibn Taymya and Al Albany said that this Hadeeth is weak: For reference:
You have mentioned many books that mentioned this Hadeeth, but you haven’t mentioned that this Hadeeth is weak.
Ibn Taymya and Al Albany said that this Hadeeth is weak: For reference:
Historians usually mention all what was said about the event whether correct or not, it is not a proof that the story was true.
Second claim
Is it possible for Satan to intervene in the revelation
Of course, no
Allah says
(وما تنزلت به الشياطين وما ينبغى لهم وما يستطيعون)
But Bahira adopted a fabricated story told by the idolaters of Mecca 1400 years ago to justify being touched by Quran, the story of Gharaniq
Is it possible for Satan to intervene in the revelation
Of course, no
Allah says
(وما تنزلت به الشياطين وما ينبغى لهم وما يستطيعون)
But Bahira adopted a fabricated story told by the idolaters of Mecca 1400 years ago to justify being touched by Quran, the story of Gharaniq
When Muhammad started reciting Surat Al Najm, they couldn’t help responding to Allah’s Words that had conquered their hearts, they bowed to Allah. Their co-polytheists who had not been present on the scene blamed them severely; consequently they began to fabricate lies and calumniate the Prophet [sAaws] alleging that he had attached to their idols great veneration and ascribed to them the power of desirable intercession. All of these were desperate attempts made to establish an excusable justification for their prostrating themselves with the Prophet [sAaws] on that day
For reference (English):’s%20Machination%20against%20the %20Emigrants
under the title: “The First Migration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia
For reference (Arabic):
For reference (English):’s%20Machination%20against%20the %20Emigrants
under the title: “The First Migration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia
For reference (Arabic):
Bahira used a wrong explanation of the Ayah of Surat Al Haj to prove her point. Many of Quran explainers deny this Hadeeth Bahira used
Ibn Kathir said
“وَلَكِنَّهَا مِنْ طُرُق لَهَا مُرْسَلَة وَلَمْ أَرَهَا مُسْنَدَة مِنْ وَجْه صَحِيح وَاَللَّه أَعْلَم”
Al Qortoby said
“وَهَذَا الْحَدِيث الَّذِي فِيهِ هِيَ الْغَرَانِيق الْعُلَا وَقَعَ فِي كُتُب التَّفْسِير وَنَحْوهَا , وَلَمْ يُدْخِلهُ الْبُخَارِيّ وَلَا مُسْلِم , وَلَا ذَكَرَهُ فِي عِلْمِي مُصَنِّف مَشْهُور”
Al Nahas said
“وهذا حديث منكر منقطع ولا سيما من حديث الواقدي”
For reference: =1826
Ibn Kathir said
“وَلَكِنَّهَا مِنْ طُرُق لَهَا مُرْسَلَة وَلَمْ أَرَهَا مُسْنَدَة مِنْ وَجْه صَحِيح وَاَللَّه أَعْلَم”
Al Qortoby said
“وَهَذَا الْحَدِيث الَّذِي فِيهِ هِيَ الْغَرَانِيق الْعُلَا وَقَعَ فِي كُتُب التَّفْسِير وَنَحْوهَا , وَلَمْ يُدْخِلهُ الْبُخَارِيّ وَلَا مُسْلِم , وَلَا ذَكَرَهُ فِي عِلْمِي مُصَنِّف مَشْهُور”
Al Nahas said
“وهذا حديث منكر منقطع ولا سيما من حديث الواقدي”
For reference: =1826
The correct explanation is: When a prophet wishes (a good wish), The Satan puts obstacles to resist the prophet’s wish. So Allah overcomes what the Satan did
أي إذا أحب واجتهد في نجاح دعوته ( ألقى الشيطان ) العراقيل والشبهة في طريق أمنيته فينسخ الله - أي يزيلها ويبطل أثرها - كما قال في سورة الأنبياء
فان تمني النبي ( ص ) وأمنيته ، هي رغبته الملحة في هداية الناس . وإلقاء الشيطان فيها هو إلقاء الشبهة والوساوس في طريق أمنيته ، وينسخها الله يعني : يزيل تلك الشبهات والوساوس ، وفي ذلك يكون إحكام آياته .
Bahira said that Gebriel came to the Prophet directly after the incident with the Ayah of Surat Al Haj to tell him about his mistake
The Ayahs of Surat Al Najm was delivered in Mecca 7 years before Hijra, while the Ayah of Surat Al Haj was delivered in Madina. Is it possible that the time span was more than 7 years for the same event?
The Ayahs of Surat Al Najm was delivered in Mecca 7 years before Hijra, while the Ayah of Surat Al Haj was delivered in Madina. Is it possible that the time span was more than 7 years for the same event?
For reference: Revise the table of contents of Quran
إذا عرفنا انهم زعموا ان الآيات من سورة الحج وآية : ( وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِن قَبْلِكَ مِن رَّسُولٍ وَلَا نَبِيٍّ إِلَّا إِذَا تَمَنَّى ) كانت ضمن الحادثة التي وقعت في مكة في قصة الغرانيق المفتراة ، بينماسورة الحج مدنية ، نزلت في المدينة ، وأين هذا من ذاك ؟
سورة الحــج
عدد الآيات: 78
ترتيب المصحف: 22
ترتيب النزول: 103
نزلت بعد سورة: النور
مكية أم مدنية: مدنية
:Third claim
Is it possible for human to intervene in the Qur’an?
Bahira said: “Ibn Omer said: nothing came down from God to people except by the same way that Omer had said, Omer was making his saying, and then the Qur’an was coming down accordant to it
Where did you get this? That’s why you didn’t mention your source, because it has no source
Bahira said: “So the Qur’an verses were coming according to what Omer said and also the companions
Omar and the companions were good by nature, so they by nature loved what Allah loved and hated what Allah hated
There were events when the opinion of Omar agreed with the legislation before the Quran mentioned it. That was because the nature of Omar was according to what Allah loved and that he was ready for accepting Allah’s orders earlier than others
But the Ayahs were the words and the will of Allah, and agreed with Omar’s opinions
Is it possible for human to intervene in the Qur’an?
Bahira said: “Ibn Omer said: nothing came down from God to people except by the same way that Omer had said, Omer was making his saying, and then the Qur’an was coming down accordant to it
Where did you get this? That’s why you didn’t mention your source, because it has no source
Bahira said: “So the Qur’an verses were coming according to what Omer said and also the companions
Omar and the companions were good by nature, so they by nature loved what Allah loved and hated what Allah hated
There were events when the opinion of Omar agreed with the legislation before the Quran mentioned it. That was because the nature of Omar was according to what Allah loved and that he was ready for accepting Allah’s orders earlier than others
But the Ayahs were the words and the will of Allah, and agreed with Omar’s opinions
For reference:
Fourth claim
Does Allah not speak in Arabic
Why then there are foreign Non-Arabic words of the Qur’an?
Does Allah not speak in Arabic
Why then there are foreign Non-Arabic words of the Qur’an?
Again !! Using the Islamic encyclopediaas a reference? You learn slowly
Again !! I will tell you that
Again !! I will tell you that
The Islamic Encyclopedia is not an Islamic source, but was written by Christian scholars, mainly priests and some Jews participated in it
Using the Islamic Encyclopedia is enough to prove that your claim is wrong
Anyway, the answer is
1- Quran doesn’t contain any non Arabic language structures.
إن القرآن يخلو تمامًا من تراكيب غير عربية ، فليس فيه جملة واحدة إسمية ، أو فعلية من غير اللغة العربية
2- In any language, proper nouns are not translated, but are written and pronounced as is.
ومن المعروف أن الأسماء لا تترجم إلى اللغة التى تستعملها حتى الآن
3- The Arabic, Hebrew, Syrian languages all belong to the same language origin: Semitic, therefore there are some similarities among them.
اللغات العربية والعبرية والسريانية تنتمي إلى سلالة لغوية واحدة هي سلالة اللغات السامية، ولابد من أجل ذلك أن يكون بينها الكثير من التشابه والتماثل.
4- Some words are adopted in the language and used as if they are original. For example the English word “sugar” is of Arabic
origin “سكر”, but was used long ago in English. Does that mean that the word “sugar” is not an English word?
origin “سكر”, but was used long ago in English. Does that mean that the word “sugar” is not an English word?
الكلمات التي وردت في القرآن دخلت العربية قبل نزول القرآن وصارت عربية في التعبير،العرب استعملوها
5- The Arabs at the time of Muhammad and fought him never claimed that Quran contained non Arabic words, although they were excellent at Arabic. Keep in mind that they were trying hard to prove that Quran was false, but didn’t say that Quran contained non Arabic words.
5- The Arabs at the time of Muhammad and fought him never claimed that Quran contained non Arabic words, although they were excellent at Arabic. Keep in mind that they were trying hard to prove that Quran was false, but didn’t say that Quran contained non Arabic words.
أن العرب الذين عاصروا نزول القرآن، وعارضوا دعوة الإسلام، لم يُعرف منهم، ولم ينقل عنهم أنهم نفوا عن تلك الألفاظ أن تكون ألفاظًا عربية، وهم كانوا أولى من غيرهم في نفي ذلك لو كان، وهم أجدر أن يعلموا ما فيه من كلمات أعجمية لا يفهمونها، أو ليست من نسيج لسانهم العربي المبين، ولو كان شيء من ذلك القبيل، لوجدوا ضالتهم في الرد على دعوة الإسلام، ومدافعة ما جاء به القرآن؛ أَمَا وإنهم لم يفعلوا ذلك، فقد دل ذلك على تهافت هذه الدعوة، وسقوطها من أساسها جملة وتفصيلاً.
6- Bahira brought words from other language origins that are pronounced similar to Arabic words but they are in fact not the same word because they have different meanings than the Arabic words. Can you say that the English word “can” is derived from the Arabic word “كان” just because they have similar pronunciation? Of course no because simply the first word is a means “able to” while the second word means “was”
To be continued iaA
يتبع إن شاء الله ..