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  • أم تيمية
    1- عضو جديد
    حارس من حراس العقيدة
    • 2 مار, 2007
    • 72

    The first Letter
    In response to your response on all the killing and murdering by Muslims due to a cartoon.

    I think there should free speech. If people want a cartoon of Jesus they should be able to do it. Look at what the president of Iran is doing about the holocaust. The news papers are printing all his lies. Do you and Muslims think that all news, books and movies should be censored so that anything that hurts the felling of someone should not be printed.

    Please be assured, I would not kill a lot of people over my picture if has you purpose “found your picture in a newspaper in a funny way with bad names under it” you seen to think that Muhammad would just murder everyone instead of just suing for liable and prove it in open court.

    You are the one trying to prove that Islam is misunderstood and is really a peaceful and tolerant religion and yet just justify killing and murdering over a cartoon. I asked you to provide all the Muslim protests over the riots and killings over a cartoon. You provided none, therefore I assume that you cannot provide any and that you approve of the hundreds of people killed by Muslims over a cartoon.

    Very tolerant religion??? Keep in mind that you are trying prove that Islam and therefore Muslims are very peaceful and tolerant. Instead you just keep trying to justify Muslim killing and rioting by saying others do it.

    Tell me what I would do over a cartoon of me have to do with Islam???????????

    Just your smoke screen.

    By the way, here is a story of westerns protesting the cartoon in a peaceful manner.

    From New York Time Feb 2006
    The Philadelphia Inquirer became the first major American newspaper to publish any of the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad on Saturday, prompting a small protest outside the newspaper's offices yesterday morning.
    About two dozen demonstrators, holding signs reading "No to Hate" and "Peaceful Protest for Religious Tolerance," dispersed after about an hour. The organizers said they would be back on Friday unless they received an apology.
    See complete story at: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/07/na...a379&ei =5070
    But, here are stories about all the killings by the followers of Muhammad:


    Here's my answer:

    I have right here several comments on you what you have already said:
    1- the case of the holocaust is absolutely bad but I can tell you that it is related to the president of Iran who also kills Mulims in Iraq by his personal army. I do believe that the number of killed Mulims, who are sunnis are over the number of poor Jews who are killed in the Holocaust in Germany. The president of Iran is Perse and he has one aim which is to get back the empire of the perse.....he pretends to be Muslim at the time that he murders the Muslims, sunnis for they love the messenger of God and his disciples....I am not to get further into this topic but I think the idea is quite clear. No body has the right to mock at another one for any purpose. Religion is the one of the holiest criteria to deal with the human being as a respectful creature. I would rather sasy that nobody would live on earth with a god to worship. We all love God, Allah Almighty. To express you love towards your creature, you have to respect His messengers for they are telling us what is the right path to seek freedom, happiness, and mirth on earth and in the Hereafter. Nobody can deny this evidence. Allah has created us to love each other and not to kill each other. A person who is killing the others is absolutely bad person.
    2- the fact that you are giving yourself as an example of telling your right to complain about being misrespected in the media is not just for the simple reason that you are not to be compared to Jesus Christ or to Muhammad, peace and prayers of Allah be upon them. I have to highlight that a Muslim would seriously be angry at the fact that a christian or Jewish or secularist has insulted Jesus Christ for the simple reason that Jesus is considered in Islam as a great messenger of God- Allah Almighty. If a Christian person cannot understand why the Muslim would be that angry to boycott the merchandise of denmark in case Muhammad or Jesus, peace and prayers of Allah be upon them, have been insulted, this evidence can construe one crucial fact: A Christian cannot love Jesus as much as a Muslim can do. We, Muslims, love all the messengers of Allah: Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad peace and prayers of Allah be upon them. We, Muslims love Allah and His messengers more than we do love ourselves. If you do not do the same like we do, at least in case of Jesus Christ, then, you have to redeem yourself for you are not following the right path that enables you to achieve the total salvation.
    3- you are talking about rioting and killing people by some Muslims. I am not to tell you that Islam is a tolerant religion for I do believe that the sun does not need to tell you that is shining. I have just to remind you that the fact of rioting and killing some people by some Muslims does not mean that Islam is urging for violence. The word of Islam means peace in English. You should have known this fact by learning the Arabic language. Furthermore, I have to point out that what The American Amry is doing in Iraq by the name of Jesus for the respectful Bush has uttered in one of his speeches that the crusades have come back again.....and then he has apologized...!
    Do you think that the obloquy of Abu Ghraib and the extinguishing of people in Iraq is a good exhibition of Chrisitanity???? I don't think so........... I believe that Jesus Christ would be mad at Bush for all the bad deeds he has ever done. Jesus has come to world to spread peace and love instead of killing and being unmerciful. I have to tell you that the behavior of some uneducated Muslims is only due to some people who are not considered to represent the majority of Muslims around the world. Though, I am sorry to say that the behavior of Bush in Iraq is representing a civilization that is unable to respect the others for they are weak and unable to defend themselves for a while.


    • أم تيمية
      1- عضو جديد
      حارس من حراس العقيدة
      • 2 مار, 2007
      • 72

      هذا جوابي على الرسالة الأولى..
      أود أن أعرف مصادر هذه الرسائل حتى أبعثها لمن سألوا إن أمكن فيكون جوابي لكم ولهم...وشكرا


      • حاضنة الدعوه
        0- عضو حديث
        • 10 مار, 2007
        • 2

        السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
        هل هناك رد أخوتى على الرسائل ؟؟؟؟؟
        بعد اذنكم ياريت حد يساعدنى ويرد على الرسائل دى بسرعه ,,,,,


        • أم تيمية
          1- عضو جديد
          حارس من حراس العقيدة
          • 2 مار, 2007
          • 72

          الرسالة الثانية
          Letter Two:

          Are there different bible or rather do some bible include books were others do not = yes. Jesus warned us about secular divisions and false profits.Mathew Asked him who do we follow in these times where Jesus answered him- judge them on their works.
          Regardless of the justified frustrations of individuals abroad, here in England i have found Muslim people to be gentle warm and loving people they have a glow to them, as others can do from different forms of the same fundamental faith.I find this glow on other peoples also.
          Historuically the Kelts were trading with the cathars of spain and morroco long before the influx of the Ashkenazim peoples came through europe, not going into a history lesson which has been overshadowed for different reasons.we had the gospel of John long before the Catholic crusades of Constantine.this did not get to the west coast untill Edward affectionatley known as the retrobate came

          The answer:

          علي أن أوضح جيدا أني لم أفهم تماما ما المقصود الحقيقي من هذه الرسالة، لكني حاولت أن أكتب ردا عليها انطلاقا من بعض مفاتيح كلماتها والله المستعان، فإن أحسنت فمن الله تعالى، وإن أخطأت فمن نفسي وأستغفر الله العظيم:

          All right my friend, but I wonder about the criteria you have to judge that this is the true bible...we have different bibles which apparently contradict each other nobody can deny this fact. The scholars of Christianity confess this fact openly for the contradictions of the bibles give evidence that the original Bible has been interpolated through the years. The numbers, the events, and the names are changed from one bible to another. What is the reason and the cause before that....do you believe that it is Jesus who has written this Bible that you have in your hands? I don't think so....No to mention that the gospel is called John Gospel...Luke Gospel...that is to say in a clear English that this Bible belongs to John and Luke etc. In King James Version, the statements that are mentioned by Jesus Christ are written in Red color. I wonder the rest of the statements belong to whom? John? Luke? Mathew? Thomas? Who has written the Bible. A holy Book that is sent from God must be written by God. Only God's words that have the holiness to be followed word by word with all respect and love for God who has created us not John or any other one. If you roam around the world with a speculative outlook, you are going to notice that all miscellaneous creatures are the proof of one mighty Lord of the world. A Lord Who is not made of flesh, blood, and can be crucified mercilessly by his creatures!!!! God can show the humanity the right path and lead them to paradise without the less effort for His Almighty can do whatever He wants. There would be no need of the paradise or hell in case of Jesus' salvation....Though, the hell is still over there waiting for the criminals, unbelievers to get into it. We have to do our utmost, to spread goodness, peace, and love on earth to win the paradise...Though, relying on some statements that come from priests who pretend that Jesus will keep us away from hell...has no sense ...I am sorry to say this, but I don't a murderer who kills thousands of people and dies while aiming at killing other thousands will be blessed by Jesus Christ for she/he only believes in his solemn words.....Jesus has come to world to give peace and love instead of wars and destruction....God does not want us to be unmerciful towards the others because they are not like us or they have different races, colors.......God has created us all and He wants us to be pious, kind, and generous towards the others. What about the glow of Muslims to show the truth of their Islam in England or anywhere means solely one main thing: the love of others to be happy instead of committing suicide...by the way, the number of Western people who commit suicide is quadruple the number of Muslims who commit suicide. Do you know why is this occuring? The simple reason is that there is the chasm between life and religion from one side; and on the other hand, materialism has killed the souls of people to feel a deteriorating emptiness inside of themselves. Christianity prevents the body pleasure in everything the person is palatable to do while the person is made of soul and body. Materialism, secularism and all the new ideologies, which cover up our timing, worship the human body and extinguish the glow of the soul forever. This terrible fact has engendered criminals, homosexuals, murderers, and finally committing suicide. People today need catharsis to get to mirth and real happiness. This mirth cannot be found in money, parties, power, or sex. It can be found only in making a true equilibrium between satiating the needs of the body and satiating the needs of the soul. Thus, the freedom of the soul will get along with the freedom of the body without any social troubles or any psychic problems. A glow of Muslim feeling towards a non-Muslim to see the light does not mean denying the importance of Jesus Christ in one's life, but rather, it imposes on thinking that Jesus Christ is one of the greatest messengers of God. Jesus is the brother of Moses, Noah, and Mohammad: the last messenger. This is the truth...Jesus has never said that he is God...show me where does he utter this fact?????????????????? Look closely at the bible, and you will notice the amazing truth.


          • أم تيمية
            1- عضو جديد
            حارس من حراس العقيدة
            • 2 مار, 2007
            • 72

            لعيونك يا حاضنة الدعوة ..........تكرمي يا أختي الكريمة


            • أم تيمية
              1- عضو جديد
              حارس من حراس العقيدة
              • 2 مار, 2007
              • 72

              الرسالة الثالثة
              الرسالة الثالثة:

              The bible as such took a long time to be accepted as it was seen as something from the occupier, therefore to misstrusted.Throught the ages many have re deciphered the scrolls and found them to be accurate as for wording,We can thank the the Jehovist witnesses and the Philadelphian group for this.
              reading the critasism from the evangelick site you gave, enforced my thought that they have also been (highjacked) i believe they have realised this and are trying to ammend this.The infadel is strong and persuasive.how could the devil offer Jesus the world if indded he did not own it.another misconception is that the devil will return....hes already here always was - always will.Is he manifest ? he doese not need not be when others will do his bidding
              love and peace

              The answer:

              I am sorry but really I didn't get it here at all...what do you mean by the bible? Which bible? The Bible of Thomas that has been discovered in Egypt and has given the evidence that Jesus is not crucified for there has been a person who looks like him...that person is the one who has been crucified. Or do you intend King James version? The Catholic version that is older than the King James version. By the way, the Catholic version denies many facts that are written in King James version.....I wonder where is the truth among the bulks of the bibles????!!!!!!! Tell me which bible contains the total truth? What do I have to do with the contradictions that are mentioned in the Bible? My good ethics make me disagree with the love stories of the Hezekiel for it contains uneducated and bad matters about illegal sexual relationships..........Do you think that God has told us these stories to urge us to fornicate?????????? Huh? There is no wonder that Jimmy Swaggert has confessed that more than 60% of the Americans do not think that the illegal relationships before marriage are really okay. What about the incest that is mentioned in The Bible????? I can't believe that God has told the humanity throughout the Bible the incest of Lot with his daughters and Jimmy Swaggert mentions that there 40 cases of incest in the Bible. Wow that is very amazing...........there is about 29% incestuous case in the USA. Why? Well, it is not surprising since the Bible – the Holy Book- mentions 40 incestuous stories......Is this the word of God? The commonest ideas about the holiness, religions, faith, and loyalty is to look forward to having real good ethics. Do you think that these stories which are mentioned in the Bible are good ethics????????????? One has to rethink about these matters with a meditative thought.
              Furthermore, I would like to ask about the Satan and Jesus Christ...if you don't mind, of course. America is considered as a Christian country. Bush is a Christian leader. One cannot deny that the American Christian Soldiers love Jesus. Though, I wonder where has been that love when they committed unethical deeds towards the prisoners in Abu Ghraib and sexual assault on the prisoners. The scandal of Abu Ghraib and the murdering of the innocent people in Iraq proves that there is not a jot of respect – not to mention love and peace- to the human beings. Where is the bidding of Jesus over there???????????


              • أم تيمية
                1- عضو جديد
                حارس من حراس العقيدة
                • 2 مار, 2007
                • 72

                أين الرسالة الرابعة يا أم البنات؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ شفتك نطيتي على الرسالة الخامسة مباشرة!!!!!!!!!!!
                هل هناك خطأ مطبعي؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ على كل سأرى باقي الرسائل............


                • أم تيمية
                  1- عضو جديد
                  حارس من حراس العقيدة
                  • 2 مار, 2007
                  • 72

                  الرسالة الخامسة

                  الرسالة الخامسة:

                  i live by simple rules the first being "love thy
                  neighbour as you would love thyself". the next being "respect", i respect
                  others in the fact that we may not agree but i must respect your rights to
                  your opinin in the same way i would hope you would respect mine.

                  i believe that what the Pope said may have been taken out of context and
                  that he should apologise. furhter to that i think he should have not even
                  mentioned it to begin with. where were his advisors? could they be so inept?
                  it took Pope John Paul many years to break the ice and one stupid speech to
                  bring it all tumbling down!

                  my belief is Christian (not catholic) and so i was taught to respect and
                  follow the teachings of the 10 Commandments and to believe in Jesus but that
                  gives no one the right to question anothers beliefs. times change and
                  beliefs change but if we can respect eachother as Humans we will live in a
                  better world.

                  The answer:

                  My dear friend, I see that you are very innocent and kind person. I thank you from my bottom of heart to be so nice and gentle person. Though, I think it is my duty to show you what is going on oustide of your environment where that sense of respect is vanished away when it comes to money and power. Do you know my dear friend that Africa suffers a lot from some missionaries because of the diamond. It occurs that some missionaries come to Africa to give by one hand a piece of bread, and look carefully at the other hand that provides rifles, guns, etc to make the African tribes fight each other........what is the benefit they get? Diamond and very expansive natural materials to become rich and powerful in the world....where is piety, faith in God over all of this????? Don't open your eyes wide for this is the sad story of life.......One cannot deny that there are pious Christians who look forward to having peace and spreading peace. Though, how much are they?????????? I think they are few....for if they were a lot of pious Christians and these kind people have the power, there wouldn't be blood that are dropping in the roads of Baghdad – Iraq- or anywhere in the world....there wouldn't be sore tears
                  that are welled up to express the sobbing out of torn hearts..........there wouldn't be raped women and men without the least of power to defend themselves as human beings..............where is the respect over all of this?????????? The darkness of reality that is making the realm of some people lugubrious is the total truth that respect is just a word which is whispered in the chaotic noise of bombs and guns. The Muslims have seen the utterance of your Pope as an overshadow that exhibits a reticular smile with a profound hate............
                  This might lead to a series of wars ............the general people are innocent, but the greedy and gluttonous people are ready to get use of religion to ahieve their own considerations: money and power. Jesus, peace and prayers of Allah be upon him, is innocent and has nothing with these gluttonies......but the evil inside of some people leads them to rush to their own destruction and the destruction of others for the sake of God???????????!!!!!!!!! Of course of not, for the sake of money and power.


                  • أم تيمية
                    1- عضو جديد
                    حارس من حراس العقيدة
                    • 2 مار, 2007
                    • 72

                    اه أسفة انا كنت اقرأ رسالة برسالة وما قرأت الردود والآن فهمت ما المقصود وما هي الرسالة الرابعة...........على كل سأحاول الرد فيما بعد و دعواتي بالتوفيق ونشر دين الحق وهداية عباده إلى طريق الفلاح.......لا تنسوني أنتم أيضا من دعائكم بارك الله فيكم


                    عن الكاتب


                    أم البنات اكتشف المزيد حول أم البنات

                    مواضيع ذات صلة


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