the mathmatical form of the holy trinity


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samer eskandarany muslim اكتشف المزيد حول samer eskandarany
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مشاركات جديدة
  • samer eskandarany
    0- عضو حديث
    • 13 فبر, 2010
    • 7
    • engineer
    • muslim

    the mathmatical form of the holy trinity

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    The Holy Trinity is a teaching of the church not the bible

    INVITATION to the Christians who have PHD in Mathematics only

    Your god yasou3 can not solve this problem? Can you resolve it for him?
    Data according to your church
    God (G) =1, Father (F) = God, Son(S) =God, Holy Spirit (H) =God
    From the above data please
    Prove that F+S+H= one G>>>equation one
    Prove that F, S, H are not equal>> equation two
    Prove that F X S X H = one G not G^3 (Cubic G) >. Equation three
    1) Graduate of Madbouly library are allowed to share us >> Dr Simple mouse and similar.
    2) The first question is a complete question, the 2nd question is a complete question, the 3rd question is a complete question, and they are NOT 3 complete questions but one complete question. >. Do not tell me you do not understand , I do not understand either, but it is the Trinity theory, Even yasou3 can not understand it

    the following is an application for the trinity theory >> Dr. Far baseet may resolve it
    Your Father is independent person, your mother is independent person, you are an independent person, all of you NOT 3 independent persons but one independent person ?? so if you have killed your teacher in yr school ,you would have been under arrest only or you and your father and your mother all of you under arrest ?
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة في حب الله; 19 فبر, 2010, 05:33 م. سبب آخر: حذف كلمة الله وإضافة كلمة يسوع لأنها لا تليق على رب العالمين
  • توحيد
    حارس قديم
    • 18 ينا, 2007
    • 4223
    • السعي لمرضاة الله
    • مسلم

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