هذا نص الحوار الطويل لكن السريع جدا انتهى بالضربة القاضية وهى ليست منى كما تعتقدون من العنوان ولكنها من هيمنة الاباء والكنيسة على عقول هؤلاء. الحوار به تعليقات منى باللغة العربية
[/color] بدات بسؤالها هل هى مسيحية والسبب فى ذلك
Omar: tell me how you become christian
ROSE : i was a catholic before(because my family is) ... i become a born again christian through my eldest sister and brother
ROSE : i was enlighten that we dont have to worship some idols
ROSE : and have to accept God as my personal Lord and saviour and needs to repent my sins
Omar: that is general
ROSE : what do u mean?
Omar: i mean that all christians think this way
ثم بدات بالسؤال البسيط جدا من هو المسيح
Omar: if i ask you some questions deeply are you ready to think about?
Omar: simple questions
ROSE : what
Omar: who is jesus
Omar: like that
Omar: as children tought in church
ROSE : Jesus is our Lord and saviour...
ROSE : who died for us and raised from the dead
Omar: did you read the bible
Omar: the 4 gospels
ROSE : what
Omar: 4 Gospels
Omar: did you read it
Omar: frankly i want to understand just how deep you are chritian
Omar: easy?
ROSE : i can say that im not so mature enough as christian ..
Omar: so you follow what other think
Omar: but you don't have your own idea
ROSE : i have
Omar: so i will ask just small questions
Omar: can i
ROSE : ok
Omar: also you can ask me
ROSE : ok
Omar: so we can discuss any subject you like
ثم سالتها عن سبب ارسال
Omar: why jesus come
Omar: what is the main reason
ROSE : Jesus comes into the world for us..
Omar: for what exactly
ROSE : for our salvation
ROSE : sin
Omar: which sin
Omar: which one
ROSE : for our sin... people
وعندما اجابت اجابة خاطئة فوجئت بذلك
Omar: no
Omar: wrong
ROSE : what
Omar: jesus did not come for our sin
Omar: strange?
ROSE : yes?
Omar: why he did not forgive it
Omar: our sins
Omar: from sky
Omar: without be a man
Omar: do you know?
ROSE : because God transform as a man for the people to know that He exist...
ROSE : and he show a living example to the people.. because many are convince that there is God...
Omar: before that we know him
Omar: no
Omar: there are many thing not shown to normal Christians like you
Omar: for example
Omar: Jesus is God or not?
Omar: simple
Omar: he is
واجابت ان المسيح هو الله كالعادة وبالتالى سألتها هل قال هو ذلك؟
ROSE : yes jesus is GOd
Omar: he declare himself before jesus incranation
Omar: in the old tastement you can read lots of that
Omar: so the reason is not to show himself to people to belive that he exists
ROSE : what
Omar: i will tell you
Omar: Jesus never said when he was alive that he is God
Omar: you can never find a word that he said I Am God
ROSE : thats true..
Omar: any way this is not the point
Omar: yes
Omar: we can read that confirmation in the bible
Omar: you want to see that?
وبدات بالسؤال ما هى النسخة التى استعملها لتطمئن اننى لا اقرا من اناجيل غير معتمدة
ROSE : what version u are reading?
Omar: King James
Omar: is that ok
Omar: KJV
Omar: ok for you
Omar: do you have it
Omar: bring it or i can copy for you
Omar: i will show you how they HIDE every thing in church
Omar: i don't want to be so hard to say that
Omar: but we have to prove every thing
ROSE : good.. my bible is also KJV and New International version(NIV)
Omar: we have the bible...and we can think....also ask
Omar: nice
بدات بكل بساطه اضع امامها نص واحد من رسائل بولس وهى الرسالة الاولى الى كورنثنوس والتى توضح انه لم يكن يعلم احد انه هو الله
Omar: can you open 1Cor:2:8:
Omar: read it
Omar: shall i put it
ROSE : none of the rulers of this age understood it,for if they had , they would have crucified the Lord of glory... 1cor:2:8
Omar: yes
Omar: 002:008 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
وسالتها مباشرة عن المعلومة المذكورة والتى لا يعلمها الا بولس
Omar: know what?
Omar: no one know what ?
Omar: what do you think
Omar: only Paul knows
وهنا اقرت بذلك وارجعت معرفة ان المسيح هو الله بالاعمال التى يعملها
ROSE : yes really.. but it was revealed through his works
Omar: nice
Omar: so , we can agree that he did not said the word
Omar: I am God
Omar: his works
ROSE : yes
وبدات تتعجب منى ومما اعرفه عن المسيحية
ROSE : im so really amazed to you..
وقررت ان اوضح لها ان كل ما تعرفه هو استنتاج
Omar: so it is not said clear...it is a deduction
ROSE : you are a Muslim and yet you do study the bible
ROSE : of christians also
Omar: yes
Omar: as i said you i am more christian than you are
وقررت ان اضع لها الحقيقة وماذا تفعل التعاليم والكنائس بعقولهم[color=#FF0000]
Omar: listen
Omar: you want to know the truth
Omar: i can said it
Omar: and you can check yourself what is between your hand
Omar: true rose
Omar: i will be so faithful to you
ROSE : ok..
Omar: i will never say some thing wrong..or i am not sure 100%
وبدات اجيب لها على اول سؤال سالته لها وهو لماذا اتى المسيح من وجهة النظر المسيحية[color=#FF0000]
Omar: so my first question answer
Omar: Jesus came for only Adam Original Sin
Omar: that is the main task
Omar: bacause God could not forgive his Sin
Omar: so Jesus is only a solution
Omar: you see
ROSE : yes
Omar: did you hear that before?
ROSE : yes i did
Omar: great
Omar: so jesus die just for that sin
Omar: not all sins
Omar: because God forgive the Sins by himself
Omar: this is written in the old tastement
Omar: we can discuss Adam sin latter
Omar: but now i don't want to have a heavy discussion
Omar: you are as normal christians not forced to think or read
Omar: church only read what church likes people to hear
Omar: did you read the old tastement?
ROSE : ys but not all..
Omar: who to reveal that one?
Omar: God?
Omar: i mean belongs to God ...is that also the word of God?
ومن هنا بدا الصراع النفسى داخلها وقررت ان تنتهج مبدا عباد البقر وهو ان البقرة هى الرب بالايمان فقط بلا دليل
Omar: read the bible
Omar: want to see?
Omar: or i can talk in general
Omar: any time you want to stop that discussion just tell me
Omar: ok ............
ومن هنا قالت لى بالحرف الواحد انى اخاف منك انت مبشر....ولكن انا عقلى مفتوح وقابلة لتصحيح المفاهيم
ROSE : im so interested of our topic but we need have to argue ...i awe you because you are a if preaching to me ..thanks..
ROSE : just chat me around again when we have both free time... is ok to you?
ROSE : really and its not offensive to me all things you have discussed.. im an open person and open also be corrected, to be reminded as well... God bless..
ROSE : nice talking to you today....
Omar: thanks [/CENTER]
[/color] بدات بسؤالها هل هى مسيحية والسبب فى ذلك
Omar: tell me how you become christian
ROSE : i was a catholic before(because my family is) ... i become a born again christian through my eldest sister and brother
ROSE : i was enlighten that we dont have to worship some idols
ROSE : and have to accept God as my personal Lord and saviour and needs to repent my sins
Omar: that is general
ROSE : what do u mean?
Omar: i mean that all christians think this way
ثم بدات بالسؤال البسيط جدا من هو المسيح
Omar: if i ask you some questions deeply are you ready to think about?
Omar: simple questions
ROSE : what
Omar: who is jesus
Omar: like that
Omar: as children tought in church
ROSE : Jesus is our Lord and saviour...
ROSE : who died for us and raised from the dead
Omar: did you read the bible
Omar: the 4 gospels
ROSE : what
Omar: 4 Gospels
Omar: did you read it
Omar: frankly i want to understand just how deep you are chritian
Omar: easy?
ROSE : i can say that im not so mature enough as christian ..
Omar: so you follow what other think
Omar: but you don't have your own idea
ROSE : i have
Omar: so i will ask just small questions
Omar: can i
ROSE : ok
Omar: also you can ask me
ROSE : ok
Omar: so we can discuss any subject you like
ثم سالتها عن سبب ارسال
Omar: why jesus come
Omar: what is the main reason
ROSE : Jesus comes into the world for us..
Omar: for what exactly
ROSE : for our salvation
ROSE : sin
Omar: which sin
Omar: which one
ROSE : for our sin... people
وعندما اجابت اجابة خاطئة فوجئت بذلك
Omar: no
Omar: wrong
ROSE : what
Omar: jesus did not come for our sin
Omar: strange?
ROSE : yes?
Omar: why he did not forgive it
Omar: our sins
Omar: from sky
Omar: without be a man
Omar: do you know?
ROSE : because God transform as a man for the people to know that He exist...
ROSE : and he show a living example to the people.. because many are convince that there is God...
Omar: before that we know him
Omar: no
Omar: there are many thing not shown to normal Christians like you
Omar: for example
Omar: Jesus is God or not?
Omar: simple
Omar: he is
واجابت ان المسيح هو الله كالعادة وبالتالى سألتها هل قال هو ذلك؟
ROSE : yes jesus is GOd
Omar: he declare himself before jesus incranation
Omar: in the old tastement you can read lots of that
Omar: so the reason is not to show himself to people to belive that he exists
ROSE : what
Omar: i will tell you
Omar: Jesus never said when he was alive that he is God
Omar: you can never find a word that he said I Am God
ROSE : thats true..
Omar: any way this is not the point
Omar: yes
Omar: we can read that confirmation in the bible
Omar: you want to see that?
وبدات بالسؤال ما هى النسخة التى استعملها لتطمئن اننى لا اقرا من اناجيل غير معتمدة
ROSE : what version u are reading?
Omar: King James
Omar: is that ok
Omar: KJV
Omar: ok for you
Omar: do you have it
Omar: bring it or i can copy for you
Omar: i will show you how they HIDE every thing in church
Omar: i don't want to be so hard to say that
Omar: but we have to prove every thing
ROSE : good.. my bible is also KJV and New International version(NIV)
Omar: we have the bible...and we can think....also ask
Omar: nice
بدات بكل بساطه اضع امامها نص واحد من رسائل بولس وهى الرسالة الاولى الى كورنثنوس والتى توضح انه لم يكن يعلم احد انه هو الله
Omar: can you open 1Cor:2:8:
Omar: read it
Omar: shall i put it
ROSE : none of the rulers of this age understood it,for if they had , they would have crucified the Lord of glory... 1cor:2:8
Omar: yes
Omar: 002:008 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
وسالتها مباشرة عن المعلومة المذكورة والتى لا يعلمها الا بولس
Omar: know what?
Omar: no one know what ?
Omar: what do you think
Omar: only Paul knows
وهنا اقرت بذلك وارجعت معرفة ان المسيح هو الله بالاعمال التى يعملها
ROSE : yes really.. but it was revealed through his works
Omar: nice
Omar: so , we can agree that he did not said the word
Omar: I am God
Omar: his works
ROSE : yes
وبدات تتعجب منى ومما اعرفه عن المسيحية
ROSE : im so really amazed to you..
وقررت ان اوضح لها ان كل ما تعرفه هو استنتاج
Omar: so it is not said clear...it is a deduction
ROSE : you are a Muslim and yet you do study the bible
ROSE : of christians also
Omar: yes
Omar: as i said you i am more christian than you are
وقررت ان اضع لها الحقيقة وماذا تفعل التعاليم والكنائس بعقولهم[color=#FF0000]
Omar: listen
Omar: you want to know the truth
Omar: i can said it
Omar: and you can check yourself what is between your hand
Omar: true rose
Omar: i will be so faithful to you
ROSE : ok..
Omar: i will never say some thing wrong..or i am not sure 100%

وبدات اجيب لها على اول سؤال سالته لها وهو لماذا اتى المسيح من وجهة النظر المسيحية[color=#FF0000]
Omar: so my first question answer
Omar: Jesus came for only Adam Original Sin
Omar: that is the main task
Omar: bacause God could not forgive his Sin
Omar: so Jesus is only a solution
Omar: you see
ROSE : yes
Omar: did you hear that before?
ROSE : yes i did
Omar: great
Omar: so jesus die just for that sin
Omar: not all sins
Omar: because God forgive the Sins by himself
Omar: this is written in the old tastement
Omar: we can discuss Adam sin latter
Omar: but now i don't want to have a heavy discussion
Omar: you are as normal christians not forced to think or read
Omar: church only read what church likes people to hear
Omar: did you read the old tastement?
ROSE : ys but not all..
Omar: who to reveal that one?
Omar: God?
Omar: i mean belongs to God ...is that also the word of God?
ومن هنا بدا الصراع النفسى داخلها وقررت ان تنتهج مبدا عباد البقر وهو ان البقرة هى الرب بالايمان فقط بلا دليل
Omar: read the bible
Omar: want to see?
Omar: or i can talk in general
Omar: any time you want to stop that discussion just tell me

Omar: ok ............
ومن هنا قالت لى بالحرف الواحد انى اخاف منك انت مبشر....ولكن انا عقلى مفتوح وقابلة لتصحيح المفاهيم
ROSE : im so interested of our topic but we need have to argue ...i awe you because you are a if preaching to me ..thanks..
ROSE : just chat me around again when we have both free time... is ok to you?
ROSE : really and its not offensive to me all things you have discussed.. im an open person and open also be corrected, to be reminded as well... God bless..
ROSE : nice talking to you today....
Omar: thanks [/CENTER]