تساؤلات ملحد!! أرجوكم أجيبوا عليها

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • محب المصطفى
    مشرف عام

    • 7 يول, 2006
    • 17073
    • مسلم

    Replies on Fabrications about Islam

    مع التحية
    شموس في العالم تتجلى = وأنهار التأمور تتمارى , فقلوب أصلد من حجر = وأنفاس تخنق بالمجرى , مجرى زمان يقبر في مهل = أرواح وحناجر ظمئى , وأفئدة تسامت فتجلت = كشموس تفانت وجلى

    سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك نشهد أن لا اله الا انت نستغفرك ونتوب اليك ،،، ولا اله الا انت سبحانك إنا جميعا كنا من الظالمين نستغفرك ونتوب إليك
    حَسْبُنا اللهُ وَنِعْمَ الوَكيلُ
    يكشف عنا الكروب ،، يزيل عنا الخطوب ،، يغفر لنا الذنوب ،، يصلح لنا القلوب ،، يذهب عنا العيوب
    وصل اللهم على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على ابراهيم وعلى آل ابراهيم انك حميد مجيد
    وبارك اللهم على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على ابراهيم وعلى آل ابراهيم إنك حميد مجيد
    عدد ما خلق الله - وملئ ما خلق - وعدد ما في السماوات وما في الأرض وعدد ما احصى كتابه وملئ ما احصى كتابه - وعدد كل شيء وملئ كل شيء
    وعدد ما كان وعدد ما يكون - وعدد الحركات و السكون - وعدد خلقه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته

    أحمد .. مسلم


    • سـاره
      0- عضو حديث
      • 16 نوف, 2006
      • 13

      محب المصطفى

      جزاك الله كل خير أخي الكريم^ __^

      و سأبحث في المنتدى خاصه عن سؤاله هذا لأنه كرره علي أكثر من مره because i dont believe in god ,if there were he would make the world a safer place

      how can i believe in god when he allows so much suffering and lets evil men rule the world ,how can i believe in god ,or allah

      الله يوفقك
      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة د.أمير عبدالله; 9 فبر, 2020, 06:57 ص.


      • محب المصطفى
        مشرف عام

        • 7 يول, 2006
        • 17073
        • مسلم

        لقد اضفت موقع آخر ايضا قد يساعد و الله اعلم
        شموس في العالم تتجلى = وأنهار التأمور تتمارى , فقلوب أصلد من حجر = وأنفاس تخنق بالمجرى , مجرى زمان يقبر في مهل = أرواح وحناجر ظمئى , وأفئدة تسامت فتجلت = كشموس تفانت وجلى

        سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك نشهد أن لا اله الا انت نستغفرك ونتوب اليك ،،، ولا اله الا انت سبحانك إنا جميعا كنا من الظالمين نستغفرك ونتوب إليك
        حَسْبُنا اللهُ وَنِعْمَ الوَكيلُ
        يكشف عنا الكروب ،، يزيل عنا الخطوب ،، يغفر لنا الذنوب ،، يصلح لنا القلوب ،، يذهب عنا العيوب
        وصل اللهم على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على ابراهيم وعلى آل ابراهيم انك حميد مجيد
        وبارك اللهم على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على ابراهيم وعلى آل ابراهيم إنك حميد مجيد
        عدد ما خلق الله - وملئ ما خلق - وعدد ما في السماوات وما في الأرض وعدد ما احصى كتابه وملئ ما احصى كتابه - وعدد كل شيء وملئ كل شيء
        وعدد ما كان وعدد ما يكون - وعدد الحركات و السكون - وعدد خلقه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته

        أحمد .. مسلم


        • الزهراء
          0- عضو حديث
          • 12 يون, 2006
          • 7

          أختي ساره
          فتحت الموقع الذي أرسلتيه للملحد وجدته رائع جداَ!!!!!!!

          للعلم الأسئله التي يسئلها الملحد منتشرة بشكل واسع في المنتديات الأجنية وبنفس الصياغة والمضون

          هذا موقع يحوي على قصص الأنبياء ومعلومات عن آخر دين للبشرية

          أول قصة هي قصة أدم عليه السلام

          طبعا أنتي تعرفين القصة وما تحويها من أحداث التي حصلت بين أدم علية السلام وإبليس وكيف كان سبب خروج أدم وحواء من الجنه وصة أبناء أدم....إلخ

          يمكنك أن ترسلي الموقع مع ملحوظة

          أرجو أن تقرأ القصة بتركيز

          لأنها في الحقيقة نجيب عن تساؤلاتك
          التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة د.أمير عبدالله; 9 فبر, 2020, 06:57 ص.


          • الزهراء
            0- عضو حديث
            • 12 يون, 2006
            • 7

            أرجو حذف الرابط لأني لم أنتبه(رابط شيعي)


            • الزهراء
              0- عضو حديث
              • 12 يون, 2006
              • 7

              أخت ساره الرابط السابق لموقع شيعي ,,,

              ولكن هذا موقع مميز أرجو أن ينفعكِ



              • سـاره
                0- عضو حديث
                • 16 نوف, 2006
                • 13

                أشكركما جدا أخي محب المصطفى و أختي العزيزه الزهراء على متابعتكما

                و أعتذر عن تأخري بالرد لإنشغالي بالدراسه

                وفقكما الله لما يحب و يرضى ^__^

                أرسلت له هذه الرساله من هنا Replies on Fabrications about Islam

                Do You Believe That Evolution Is True?

                If so, then provide an answer to the following questions. "Evolution" in this
                context is the idea that natural, undirected processes are sufficient to account for the existence of all natural things.

                1. Something from nothing?

                The "Big Bang", the most widely accepted theory of the beginning of the universe, states that everything developed from a small dense cloud of
                subatomic particles and radiation which exploded, forming hydrogen (and some helium) gas. Where did this energy/matter come from? How reasonable is it to assume it came into being from nothing? And even if it did come into being, what would cause it to explode? We know from common experience that explosions are destructive and lead to disorder. How reasonable is it to assume that a "big bang" explosion produced the opposite effect - increasing "information", order and the formation of useful structures, such as stars and planets, and eventually people?

                2. Physical laws an accident?

                We know the universe is governed by several fundamental physical laws, such as electromagnetic forces, gravity, conservation of mass and energy, etc. The activities of our universe depend upon these principles just like a computer program depends upon the existence of computer hardware with an instruction set. How reasonable is it to say that these great controlling principles developed by accident?

                3. Order from disorder?

                The Second Law of Thermodynamics may be the most verified law of science. It states that systems become more disordered over time, unless energy is supplied and directed to create order. Evolutionists say that the opposite has taken place - that order increased over time, without any directed energy. How can this be?

                ASIDE: Evolutionists commonly object that the Second Law applies to closed, or isolated systems, and that the Earth is certainly not a closed system (it gets lots of raw energy from the Sun, for example). However, all systems, whether open or closed, tend to deteriorate. For example, living organisms are open systems but they all decay and die. Also, the universe in total is a closed system. To say that the chaos of the big bang has transformed itself into the human brain with its 120 trillion connections is a clear violation of the Second Law.

                We should also point out that the availability of raw energy to a system is a necessary but far from sufficient condition for a local decrease in entropy to occur. Certainly, the application of a blow torch to bicycle parts will not result in a bicycle being assembled - only the careful application of directed energy will, such as from the hands of a person following a plan. The presence of energy from the Sun does NOT solve the evolutionist's problem of how increasing order could occur on the Earth, contrary to the Second Law.

                4. Information from Randomness?

                Information theory states that "information" never arises out of randomness or chance events. Our human experience verifies this every day. How can the origin of the tremendous increase in information from simple organisms up to man be accounted for? Information is always introduced from the outside. It is impossible for natural processes to produce their own actual information, or meaning, which is what evolutionists claim has happened. Random typing might
                produce the string "dog", but it only means something to an intelligent
                observer who has applied a definition to this sequence of letters. The
                generation of information always requires intelligence, yet evolution claims that no intelligence was involved in the ultimate formation of a human being whose many systems contain vast amounts of information.

                5. Life from dead chemicals?

                Evolutionists claim that life formed from non-life (dead chemicals), so-called "abiogenesis", even though it is a biological law ("biogenesis") that life only comes from life. The probability of the simplest imaginable replicating system forming by itself from non-living chemicals has been calculated to be so very small as to be essentially zero - much less than one chance in the number of electron-sized particles that could fit in the entire visible universe! Given these odds, is it reasonable to believe that life formed itself?

                6. Complex DNA and RNA by chance?

                The continued existence (the reproduction) of a cell requires both DNA (the "plan") and RNA (the "copy mechanism"), both of which are tremendously complex. How reasonable is it to believe that these two co-dependent necessities came into existence by chance at exactly the same time?

                7. Life is complex

                We know and appreciate the tremendous amount of intelligent design and
                planning that went into landing a man on the moon. Yet the complexity of this task pales in comparison to the complexity of even the simplest life form. How reasonable is it to believe that purely natural processes, with no designer, no intelligence, and no plan, produced a human being.

                8. Where are the transitional fossils?

                If evolution has taken place our museums should be overflowing with the
                skeletons of countless transitional forms. Yet after over one hundred years of intense searching only a small number of transitional candidates are touted as proof of evolution. If evolution has really taken place, where are the transitional forms? And why does the fossil record actually show all species first appearing fully formed, with most nearly identical to current instances of the species?

                ASIDE: Most of the examples touted by evolutionists concentrate on just one feature of the anatomy, like a particular bone or the skull. A true
                transitional fossil should be intermediate in many if not all aspects. The next time someone shows you how this bone changed over time, ask them about the rest of the creature too! Many evolutionists still like to believe in the "scarcity" of the fossil record. Yet simple statistics will show that given you have found a number of fossil instances of a creature, the chances that you have missed every one of its imagined predecessors is very small. Consider the trilobites for example. These fossils are so common you can buy one for under $20, yet no fossils of a predecessor have been found!

                9. Could an intermediate even survive?

                Evolution requires the transition from one kind to another to be gradual. And don't forget that "natural selection" is supposed to retain those individuals which have developed an advantage of some sort. How could an animal intermediate between one kind and another even survive (and why would it ever be selected for), when it would not be well-suited toeither its old environment or its new environment? Can you even imagine a possible sequence of small changes which takes a creature from one kind to another, all the while keeping it not only alive, but improved?

                ASIDE: Certainly a "light-sensitive spot" is better than no vision at all. But
                why would such a spot even develop? (evolutionists like to take this for
                granted). And even if it did develop, to believe that mutations of such a spot eventually brought about the tremendous complexities of the human eye strains all common sense and experience.

                10. Reproduction without reproduction?

                A main tenet of evolution is the idea that things develop by an (unguided)
                series of small changes, caused by mutations, which are "selected" for,
                keeping the "better" changes" over a very long period of time. How could the ability to reproduce evolve, without the ability to reproduce? Can you even imagine a theoretical scenario which would allow this to happen? And why would evolution produce two sexes, many times over? A sexual reproduction would seem to be more likely and efficient!

                ASIDE: To relegate the question of reproduction to "abiogenesis" does NOT address the problem. To assume existing, reproducing life for the principles of evolution to work on is a HUGE assumption which is seldom focused on in popular discussions.

                11. Plants without photosynthesis?

                The process of photosynthesis in plants is very complex. How could the first plant survive unless it already possessed this remarkable capability?

                12. How do you explain symbiotic relationships?

                There are many examples of plants and animals which have a "symbiotic"
                relationship (they need each other to survive). How can evolution explain

                13.It's no good unless it's complete

                We know from everyday experience that an item is not generally useful until it is complete, whether it be a car, a cake, or a computer program. Why would natural selection start to make an eye, or an ear, or a wing (or anything else) when this item would not benefit the animal until it was completed?

                ASIDE: Note that even a "light-sensitive spot" or the simplest version of any feature is far from a "one-jump" change that is trivial to produce.

                14. Explain metamorphosis!

                How can evolution explain the metamorphosis of the butterfly? Once the
                caterpillar evolves into the "mass of jelly" (out of which the butterfly
                comes), wouldn't it appear to be "stuck"?

                15. It should be easy to show evolution

                If evolution is the grand mechanism that has produced all natural things from a simple gas, surely this mechanism must be easily seen. It should be possible to prove its existence in a matter of weeks or days, if not hours. Yet scientists have been bombarding countless generations of fruit flies with radiation for several decades in order to show evolution in action and still have only produced ... more (deformed) fruit flies. How reasonable is it to believe that evolution is a fact when even the simplest of experiments has not been able to document it?

                ASIDE: The artificial creation of a new species is far too small of a change
                to prove that true "macro-evolution" is possible. Developing a new species changes the existing information, but does not add new information, such as would be needed for a new organ, for example.

                16. Complex things require intelligent design, folks!

                People are intelligent. If a team of engineers were to, one day, design a robot which could cross all types of terrain, could dig large holes, could carry several times its weight, found its own energy sources, could make more robots like itself, and was only 1/8 of an inch tall, we would marvel at this achievement. All of our life's experiences lead us to know that such a robot could never come about by accident, or assemble itself by chance, even if all of the parts were available laying next to each other. And we are certain beyond doubt that a canister of hydrogen gas, not matter how long we left it there or what type of raw energy we might apply to it, would never result in such a robot being produced. But we already have such a "robot" - it is called an "ant", and we squash them because they are "nothing" compared to people. And God made them, and he made us. Can there be any other explanation?


                and I will send to u icons that u want it after choosing English icons coz I have Arabic and English icons

                give my regards to ur family especially 4 Olivia

                S a r a h


                وكان هذا رده:



                أتمنى أن تردوا عليه بالإنجليزيه

                لا يكف عن مدح نفسه :/


                • سـاره
                  0- عضو حديث
                  • 16 نوف, 2006
                  • 13

                  لم أيأس ^__^


                  • ياسر جبر
                    حارس مؤسس
                    • 10 يون, 2006
                    • 2928
                    • مسلم

                    اهلا" بك أختنا سارة

                    لقد افتتحنا قسما" نود ان تشاركينا فيه ..الموضوع في توقيعي .
                    كتاب : البيان الصحيح لدين المسيح نسخة Pdf من المطبوع.
                    الكتاب الجامع لكل نقاط الخلاف بين الإسلام والنصرانية .
                    كتاب : هل ظهرت العذراء ؟ . للرد على كتاب ظهورات العذراء للقس عبد المسيح بسيط.
                    مجموعتي الجديدة 2010 : الحوارات البسيطة القاتلة : (7 كتيبات تحتوي حوارات مبسطة).
                    يمكنكم تحميل الكتب من : موقع ابن مريم


                    • سـاره
                      0- عضو حديث
                      • 16 نوف, 2006
                      • 13

                      أشكرك أخي ياسر جبر على ردك و سأكون باذان الله من المنضمين لهذه الدوره في الاجازه , و وجدت معهدا جيدا لتعليم الانجليزيه سأسجل في هذا المهعد ايضا ان شاء الله في الاجازه هذا سيساعدني كثيرا ^___^

                      و أيضا وجدت الاجابه, بحثت و لم ايأس في المواقع التي أعرفها وو جدت الجواب في موقع الداعيه :يوسف استس

                      وهذا هو

                      response to your question, Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, Director of the Islamic Society of Orange County and (past) President of the Islamic Society of North America, states:
                      Answer provided by: Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, past president of I.S.N.A.
                      Indeed Allah is All-Powerful (Al-`Aziz) and He is able to do all things (Allahu 'ala kuli shayin qadir). The Quran has mentioned this hundreds of times. It is also mentioned in the Quran that Allah is the Creator and He is the Best Creator. Glory be to Allah, the best Creator. (Al-Mu'minoon: 14)
                      But then the question comes why do pain and sufferings exist in the world. We find sickness, old age and death. We see things that are ugly, people who are insane and foolish. There are storms, earthquakes, floods, draught and famine. We also see people commit sins, show disloyalty, unfaithfulness, greed and insincerity. We see people commit rapes, murders; they fight and make wars. We know all these and many more problems. There are evils caused by human beings and there are natural disasters. There are suffering for individuals and there are those that involve a large number of people.
                      But we also know that this is not the whole story. Besides all these negative things, we also see beauty, health, prosperity, life, birth, wisdom, intelligence, growth and progress. We also see goodness among people, faith, sincerity, charity, love and the spirit of sacrifice. We also see a lot of virtue and piety. It is wrong to see one side of the coin and not to see the other side. Any philosophy that concentrates on one aspect of the creation and denies or ignores the other side is partially true and partial truths are no truth at all.
                      It is also the fact that the element of good is more in the creation than the element of evil. We all see that there are more people who are healthy than those who are sick. There are more that eat well than those who starve.
                      There are more that lead decent life than those who commit crimes. Goodness is the rule and evil is the exception. Virtue is the norm and sin is the aberration. Generally trees bear fruits, the flowers bloom, the winds move smoothly.
                      But then the question is why does Allah allow these exceptions to the rules?
                      Let us ask this question to understand Allah's ways in His creation. The Quran tells us that good, evil and whatever happens in this world happens by Allah's Will (mashiat Allah). Only Allah knows fully His Will. We finite beings cannot grasp fully His infinite Will and Wisdom. He runs His universe the way He deems fit. The Quran tells us that Allah is Wise and everything that Allah does is right, just, good and fair. We must submit and surrender to His Will. The Quran has not given us all the details about Allah's Will, but it has enlightened us with the guidance that is useful and sufficient for us. There are several points that we should keep in our mind to understand this issue:
                      1. First of all, Allah did not make this world a permanent world. This is a temporary world and everything here has a time limit. When its times comes it will die, come to an end and finish. Neither the good things of this world are forever, nor the bad things eternal. We are here for a short time and we are being tested. Those who will pass this test will find an eternal world that is perfect and permanent. Those who will fail this test shall see the evil consequences of their sins and corruption.
                      2. Allah has placed a physical law and a moral law in this universe. Allah allows suffering to occur when one or more of these laws are broken. The physical law is based on cause and effect. Sickness comes if one does not take care of ones health or is exposed to infections. A car accident occurs when one is not alert, or drives in a careless manner, or if the cars are not checked, roads and freeways are not made and kept in right shape, or the traffic laws are not right or not properly enforced. Study of causes and effects is very important to facilitate safeguards. Even here we should keep in mind that Allah often saves us and He does not let us suffer from every negligence. How many times it happens that we are not careful and still we reach safely to our destinations. The way people drive in some cities, it is a miracle that more accidents do not happen and more people do not suffer. Allah says:
                      (Allah) Most Gracious! It is He Who has taught the Quran. He has created man: He has taught him speech (and Intelligence). The sun and the moon follow courses (exactly) computed; and the herbs and the trees both (alike) bow in adoration. And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance (of Justice), in order that you may not transgress (due) balance. So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance. It is He Who has spread out the earth for (His) creatures."
                      The way we exceed the measures set by Allah and violate His laws of "cause and effect" is incredible. It is really the mercy of Allah that we are saved. Strictly speaking, the question should not be why does Allah allow suffering, but how much Allah protects us and saves us all the time in spite of our violations and negligence. The Quran says:
                      "If Allah were to punish people according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily Allah has in His sight all His servants."
                      But sometimes Allah does punish people because of their violations of His laws whether they are physical or moral. The Quran tells us that many nations and communities were destroyed because of their sinful lifestyles:
                      If they treat thy (mission) as false, so did the Peoples before them (with their Prophets), the People of Noah, and Ad and Thamud. Those of Abraham and Lut; and the Companions of the Madyan people; and Moses was rejected (in the same way). But I granted respite to the Unbelievers, and (only) after that did I punish them: but how (terrible) was My rejection (of them)! How many populations have We destroyed, which were given to wrong-doing! They tumbled down on their roofs. And how many wells are lying idle and neglected, and castles lofty and well-built?" (Al-Hajj: 42-45)
                      3. Suffering can also be a test and trial for some people. Allah allows some people to suffer in order to test their patience and steadfastness. Even Allah's Prophets and Messengers were made to suffer. Prophet Ayyub is mentioned in the Quran as a Prophet who was very patient. Good people sometimes suffer but their sufferings heal others and bring goodness to their communities. People learn lessons from their good examples. Martyrs die for their faith, soldiers give their lives for their nations and this brings liberation and freedom for their people.
                      4. Allah sometimes allows some people to suffer to test others, how they react to them. When you see a person who is sick, poor and needy, then you are tested by Allah. Allah is there with that suffering person to test your charity and your faith. In a very moving Hadith Qudsi (Divine Hadith) the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
                      Allah will say on the Day of Judgment, "O son of Adam, I was sick and you did not visit Me." He will say, "O my Lord, how could I visit You, when you are the Lord of the Worlds?" Allah will say, "Did you not know that My servant so-and-so was sick and you did not visit him? Did you not know that if you had visited him, you would have found Me there?" Allah will say, "O son of Adam, I asked you for food and you fed Me not." He shall say, "O my Lord, how could I feed you and you are the Lord of the Worlds?" And Allah will say, "Did you not know that My servant so-and-so was in need of food and you did not feed him? Did you not know that if you had fed him, you would have found that to have been for Me?" "O son of Adam, I asked you for water and you did not give Me to drink." The man shall say, "O my Lord, how could I give You water, when You are the Lord of the Worlds?" Allah will say, "My servant so-and-so asked you for water and you did not give him to drink water. Did you not know that if you had given him to drink, you would have found that to have been for Me?"
                      (Muslim, Hadith no. 4661)
                      Prophet `Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him, is also reported to have said something similar in the Injeel (Gospel or New Testament of The Bible). (See Matthew 25: 35-45) So to summarize, we can say suffering occurs to teach us that we must adhere to Allah's natural and moral laws. It is sometimes to punish those who violate Allah's natural or moral laws. It is to test our faith in Allah and to test our commitment to human values and charity. Whenever we encounter suffering we should ask ourselves, Have we broken any law of Allah? Let us study the cause of the problem and use the corrective methods. Could it be a punishment? Let us repent and ask forgiveness and reform our ways. Could it be a test and trial for us? Let us work hard to pass this test. Believers face the sufferings with prayers, repentance and good deeds. The non-believers face the sufferings with doubts and confusions. They blame Allah or make arguments against Him. May Allah keep us on the right path, Amen!
                      this is the answer of u qs why does God allow suffering? ^___^

                      give my regards to ur family


                      S a r a h ^__^

                      ولكن ماهذا

                      أظن أنه محاولة تخريب أليس كذلك؟!

                      لأني حاولت دخول المنتدى قبل دقائق لكن لم أستطع ^__^



                      عن الكاتب


                      سـاره اكتشف المزيد حول سـاره

                      مواضيع ذات صلة


                      المواضيع إحصائيات آخر مشاركة
                      ابتدأ بواسطة هالة اليقين, 14 ينا, 2012, 04:26 ص
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                      آخر مشاركة هالة اليقين
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                      ابتدأ بواسطة حاتم أمين, 23 أبر, 2008, 12:38 ص
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                      آخر مشاركة حاتم أمين
                      بواسطة حاتم أمين
                      ابتدأ بواسطة مهدي بن زياد, 26 نوف, 2010, 09:38 م
                      ردود 2
                      12,395 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة عبدالمهيمن المصري
                      ابتدأ بواسطة alwahsh1970, 24 أبر, 2007, 12:44 ص
                      ردود 3
                      2,110 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة alwahsh1970
                      بواسطة alwahsh1970
                      ابتدأ بواسطة alwahsh1970, 24 أبر, 2007, 12:09 ص
                      ردود 0
                      2,148 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة alwahsh1970
                      بواسطة alwahsh1970
                      ابتدأ بواسطة عبدالمهيمن المصري, 29 ينا, 2017, 07:12 م
                      ردود 0
                      446 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة عبدالمهيمن المصري
                      ابتدأ بواسطة راجى عفوربه, 19 ماي, 2011, 09:24 ص
                      ردود 0
                      7,613 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة راجى عفوربه
                      بواسطة راجى عفوربه
                      ابتدأ بواسطة قارب الأحلام, 5 مار, 2010, 01:29 ص
                      ردود 2
                      1,571 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة المستعصم
                      بواسطة المستعصم
                      ابتدأ بواسطة احب الدعوة, 11 نوف, 2011, 01:24 م
                      ردود 2
                      2,170 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة احب الدعوة
                      بواسطة احب الدعوة
                      ابتدأ بواسطة haris01, 12 يول, 2019, 04:47 ص
                      ردود 12
                      263 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة haris01
                      بواسطة haris01
                      ابتدأ بواسطة *اسلامي عزي*, 13 يول, 2024, 03:38 م
                      ردود 11
                      166 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة *اسلامي عزي*
                      بواسطة *اسلامي عزي*
                      ابتدأ بواسطة أحمد الشامي1, 13 سبت, 2024, 11:06 م
                      ردود 0
                      116 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة أحمد الشامي1
                      بواسطة أحمد الشامي1
                      ابتدأ بواسطة S@hEr, 26 أكت, 2010, 12:31 ص
                      ردود 3
                      5,459 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة S@hEr
                      بواسطة S@hEr
                      ابتدأ بواسطة أبو عبيد, 7 يول, 2007, 04:10 م
                      ردود 4
                      2,276 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة عبدالمهيمن المصري
                      ابتدأ بواسطة يوسف المصري, 5 سبت, 2009, 03:54 م
                      ردود 0
                      1,575 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة يوسف المصري
                      بواسطة يوسف المصري

                      مواضيع من نفس المنتدى الحالي


                      المواضيع إحصائيات آخر مشاركة
                      ابتدأ بواسطة dracola, 22 سبت, 2006, 04:26 م
                      ردود 170
                      79,445 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة رضا احمد محمد
                      ابتدأ بواسطة نصراني 1, 23 أكت, 2015, 06:07 م
                      ردود 160
                      13,822 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة د. نيو
                      بواسطة د. نيو
                      ابتدأ بواسطة باحث صغير, 20 نوف, 2010, 04:58 ص
                      ردود 123
                      29,710 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة الفضة
                      بواسطة الفضة
                      ابتدأ بواسطة الماز سليمان, 20 مار, 2009, 08:32 م
                      ردود 104
                      18,705 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة الفضة
                      بواسطة الفضة
                      ابتدأ بواسطة هدهدسليمان, 14 مار, 2008, 10:20 ص
                      ردود 94
                      12,319 مشاهدات
                      0 ردود الفعل
                      آخر مشاركة قلب ينبض بحب الله