important plz answer

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  • hanin
    0- عضو حديث
    • 19 أكت, 2009
    • 7
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    • مسلمة


    important plz answer

    peace be upon you

    i was send amessage about the prophet & his mercy to un moselim people

    to tell their about islam & prophet coz most of un moselim don't know what is the
    principle of islam and what it say

    but yesterday i had recived amessage told me several things i hope that u answer it i'll very thankful to you my techer

    first of thies questions the terrorism in islam ?
    and that question repeated several times speciall after 9-11

    i hope the answer will be Convincing on both sides, mental and religious...

    thank u
  • hanin
    0- عضو حديث
    • 19 أكت, 2009
    • 7
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    2. he said that who is created sky ,earth and all things (he doesn't know whome )and the proof of that allah creat that ?

    3. and has no partner the proof that ALLAH is One God

    4> he said that when he sow athing that mean it's existing and then he can believe it is true and exist but allah he can't see him so he isn't believe that he exist ?

    I give him an example about the pain that we couldn't see it but feel about it that it exists but he need to more proof of that ?

    5 he told me that there is no differences about all religion and said all of religion order war and violence and said that moselim are kill them and make terrorism and that is wt islam say

    I try to understsnd him that islam said peace and those are far of what islam say but he Not convinced>

    6. he said that the wise book qura'n that not from allah and said there is more wrong about it that because he Compare about Terrorist acts, the secularists and atheir moselim terroism acts </> and what alllah said

    I hope that you answer me in both sides mental and religion

    Thank you


    • The Truth
      المشرف العام
      على أقسام النصرانيات

      • 28 يون, 2009
      • 2239
      • Chemist
      • مسلم

      he said that who is created sky ,earth and all things (he doesn't know whome

      Did not claim one on earth that he is the creator of heaven and earth, only God is the Creator of the heavens said he and earth
      And if someone other than Allaah is the Creator of the heavens and the earth Why did not you can create just now but so far science is unable to stand a lot of difficult diseases, and many natural phenomena in front of which scientists are unable to
      There is no doubt that the Creator is God alone who stated this in his holy book
      [ Luqman:11 ]-[ This is the Creation of Allah . Now show me that which those ( ye worship ) beside Him have created . Nay , but the wrong doers are in error manifest! ]

      2.and the proof of that allah creat that ?
      3. and has no partner the proof that ALLAH is One God

      Evidence that the Creator of all things and is one that all the creatures on Earth and contain cells and genetic material and the succession of night and day and the march of the universe on the pattern and no one comes on the day before the faithful the night before the day or night, but there is a unified system

      Al-Anbiyaa:22 ]-[ If there were therein Gods beside Allah , then verily both ( the heavens and the earth ) had been disordered . Glorified be Allah , the Lord of the Throne , from all that they ascribe ( unto Him ) . ]

      4> he said that when he sow athing that mean it's existing and then he can believe it is true and exist but allah he can't see him so he isn't believe that he exist ?

      No one can see magnetic field, however, considers its impact on the iron filings

      No one can view X-rays, but with the view that better understand their effects

      We do not see radio waves or satellite, but we hear and see the impact on services

      As well as we do not see God now, but we'll see under the command in the next life if he wants, but we see the effect of the presence of God in everything around us from the seas and oceans and rivers, and planets and stars and forest and many species


      5 he told me that there is no differences about all religion and said all of religion order war and violence and said that moselim are kill them and make terrorism and that is wt islam say

      Islam call for peace and no doubt in this

      [ Al-Baqara:208 ]-[ O ye who believe! Come , all of you , into submission ( unto Him ) ; and follow not the footsteps of the devil . Lo! he is an open enemy for you . ]

      [ An-Nahl:125 ]-[ Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation , and reason with them in the better way . Lo! thy Lord is best aware of him who strayeth from His way , and He is Best Aware of those who go aright . ]

      If a Muslim made a mistake and did not do what the order of the God of peace and goes against that and killed it is not wrong in Islam and the defect in the person but not in religion


      6. he said that the wise book qura'n that not from allah and said there is more wrong about it that because he Compare about Terrorist acts, the secularists and atheir moselim terroism acts </> and what alllah said

      There is no one verse in the Koran calling for the killing and all but the Koran calling for peace or self-defense in case of attack

      [ An-Nahl:125 ]-[ Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation , and reason with them in the better way . Lo! thy Lord is best aware of him who strayeth from His way , and He is Best Aware of those who go aright . ]

      Finally, peace to you and I ask you to know the truth and perhaps this site will help you

      and Peace be upon you


      • داليا أمة الله
        4- عضو فعال

        حارس من حراس العقيدة
        • 7 نوف, 2009
        • 650
        • -
        • مسلمة

        Alsalam Alikom hanin
        i can say alittle some about jihad in islam
        it may helps you

        "as far as the word Jihad is concerned there is a Misconception not only among the Non-Muslim but even among the Muslims, What most of the people think that any war fought by any Muslim for any reason whether it be for his personal gain, whether it be for politics, whether it be for language, whether it be for color.... its is called as Jihad.

        Jihad does not mean any war fought by any Muslim , Jihad is Arabic word means to strive which means to struggle ,
        and in Islamic context it means to strive and to struggle against own evil inclination, to strive and struggle to make the society better. Even if a person is striving and struggling in the battle to defend himself, so Jihad basically means to strive and struggle.

        Many people have misconception that Jihad means Holy War and many people translate jihad as holy war.
        if you read the Qur'an no where in the Qur'an not the Single Verse, no where in the Authentic Hadith of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) is the arabic word for "Holy War" mentioned any where,
        the translation of Jihad is not "Holy War" at all.
        But it's used for the muslims unfortunately.

        Yes jihad mean to strive to struggle one of the striving can include fighting, fighting also in the way of Allah (God Almighty),
        and every verse of the Qur’an speaks the worse as a last resort, were fighting has to be used as last resort, it always says peace is better. If they say peace give them peace.

        And if you read Surah Maidah chapter 5 verse 32, Surah Nisa chapter 4 verse 40 it says that -
        "If any one kills any human being its as though he killed the humanity"
        This is the basic rule of Islam that "if anyone kill any human being whether it be a Muslim or Non-Muslim unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land it is as though he is killed the humanity and if any one saves any human being it is as though he is saved the humanity."

        (( يُعرف الرجال بالحق
        ولا يُعرف الحق بالرجال ))


        • hanin
          0- عضو حديث
          • 19 أكت, 2009
          • 7
          • معلمة
          • مسلمة

          peace be upon you

          thank you my techer "the true" for this great answer
          and the site is useful for dawaa

          of course there is no doubt thatThere is no God but allah and mohamed (prayer&peace be upon him )is his messenger of allah

          thank u very much


          • hanin
            0- عضو حديث
            • 19 أكت, 2009
            • 7
            • معلمة
            • مسلمة

            Alokom elsalam my sister dalia

            you are right my sister
            there is mixing of jihad and terrorism

            that aya is very beautiful

            If any one kills any human being its as though he killed the humanity"
            ُ مَن قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَا أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا

            thank you very much

            جزاكم الله خيرا .....


            عن الكاتب


            hanin مسلمة اكتشف المزيد حول hanin

            مواضيع ذات صلة


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