Islam and Jesus Christ

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مشاركات جديدة
  • وما توفيقى الا بالله 2
    2- عضو مشارك
    • 22 أغس, 2009
    • 245
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    Islam and Jesus Christ

    Islam and Jesus Christ
    Muslims respect and revere Jesus, peace be upon him, and await his Second Coming. ‎They consider him one of the greatest God's messengers to mankind. A Muslim ‎never refers to him simply as 'Jesus', but always adds the phrase "peace be upon him ". The Holy Qur'an confirms his virgin birth (a chapter of the Holy Qur'an ‎is entitled 'Mary'), and Mary is considered the purest woman among all the creation. The ‎Holy Qur'an describes the Annunciation as follows:
    {{ And (remember) when the angels said: "O Maryam (Mary)! Verily, Allâh has chosen you, purified you (from polytheism and disbelief), and chosen you above the women of the 'Alamîn (mankind and jinns) (of her lifetime)." , . O Mary! "Submit yourself with obedience to your Lord (Allâh, by worshipping none but Him Alone) and prostrate yourself, and Irkâ'i (bow down etc.) along with Ar-Râki'ûn (those who bow down etc.)." , This is a part of the news of the Ghaib (unseen, i.e. the news of the past nations of which you have no knowledge) which We inspire you with (O Muhammad). You were not with them, when they cast lots with their pens as to which of them should be charged with the care of Maryam (Mary); nor were you with them when they disputed., (Remember) when the angels said: "O Maryam (Mary)! Verily, Allâh gives you the glad tidings of a Word ["Be!" - and he was! i.e. 'Iesa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary)] from Him, his name will be the Messiah 'Iesa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary), held in honour in this world and in the Hereafter, and will be one of those who are near to Allâh." , "He will speak to the people in the cradle and in manhood, and he will be one of the righteous." , She said: "O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me." He said: "So (it will be) for Allâh creates what He wills. When He has decreed something, He says to it only: "Be!" and it is. And He (Allâh) will teach him ['Iesa (Jesus)] the Book and Al-Hikmah (i.e. the Sunnah, the faultless speech of the Prophets, wisdom, etc.), (and) the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)., (Holly Qur’an 3: 42-48)
    ‎ " Jesus "peace be upon him" was born miraculously through the same power, which had brought Adam " peace be upon him " into being without a father:

    {{ Verily, the likeness of 'Iesa (Jesus) before Allâh is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: "Be!" - and he was. }},( Holly Qur’an 3: 59).

    During his prophetic mission Jesus " peace be upon him" performed many miracles. The Qur'an tells us ‎that he said:

    {{ And will make him ['Iesa (Jesus)] a Messenger to the Children of Israel (saying): "I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I design for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allâh's Leave; and I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by Allâh's Leave. And I inform you of what you eat, and what you store in your houses. Surely, therein is a sign for you, if you believe. }}, (Holly Qur’an 3: 49).

    Neither Muhammad- peace be upon him- nor Jesus "peace be upon them came to change the basic doctrine of the ‎belief in One God brought by earlier prophets, but to confirm and renew it. ‎
    In the Holy Qur'an Jesus " peace be upon him" is reported as saying:
    {{ And I have come confirming that which was before me of the Taurât (Torah), and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you, and I have come to you with a proof from your Lord. So fear Allâh and obey me. , Truly! Allâh is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him (Alone). This is the Straight Path. }},( Holly Qur’an 3: 50-51).
    This is similar to what we find in the Bible when Jesus " peace be upon him " said in the Book of Matthews: "5:17 Think not that I am coming to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not coming to destroy, but to fulfill"
    .Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said: "Whoever believes there is no god but Allah, ‎alone without a partner, that Muhammad is His messenger, that Jesus is the ‎servant and messenger of God, His word that breathed into Mary and a spirit emanating ‎from Him, and that Paradise and Hell are true, shall be received by God into ‎Heaven." .

عن الكاتب


وما توفيقى الا بالله 2 مسلم اكتشف المزيد حول وما توفيقى الا بالله 2

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