Garni Ayed calling on President Nelson Mandela to Islam in a speech amazing


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    Garni Ayed calling on President Nelson Mandela to Islam in a speech amazing

    Garni Ayed calling on President Nelson Mandela to Islam in a speech amazing
    اFrom: Garni Ayed To: President Nelson Mandela Dear Mr. President the Great:
    I am one of millions all over the world
    those who read your resume, and knew JhadkBesmodk and impressed, and amazed by Tdhitk and Astpsahlk for Mbdik, and for your freedom and freedom of your people, until I became a star in the horizon of freedom,
    And a world leader in the school struggle, and a brilliant scene in the Constitution of Human Rights He took the story of the people you fight, and you benefited novel glory and spiritual determination and challenge you I became a father for many vulnerable people robbed of their rights, and persecuted in their homes, depriving them of the tyranny decent living, for example, they saw you alive, and set a good example of patience, persistence and continuity, and the rejection of injustice, and to continue their efforts and sacrifice, to gain rights
    Dear great president: Islam celebrates Bmthelk greats; a religion that is estimated to virtue, and exalted patience, and urges the Justice, and seek peace, and spread compassion, and calls for the brotherhood
    Dear great president:
    I've got a worldly glory, honor and obtained a global and made the Order of sacrifice, and I wore the crown of freedom,
    Add to that: the thumbnail to obey God and faith in him, and follow the Prophet "peace be upon him?", And only Islam, embraced Islam recognizes -Aslam attained glory in the world and the Hereafter, and win in the first and second, deliverance from the punishment of God. Aslam - O great president - to greet the earth and sky, and welcomes your billion two hundred million Muslims, and you open the doors of paradise Dear great presidentYou gain of Islam, and the balance of the Muslims, and the beautiful come from your mouth the word of truth, justice and peace and freedom: «There is no god but Allah, Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah», which is the very phrase inflicted upon mankind, which is the secret of human happiness and survival and joy and victory
    Dear great president: Whenever I met in a Muslim scholars and leaders, literary figures and the Elders said: "Would (Nelson Mandela Muslim), Vorjok and I hope that you are launching a strong resonant Khaleda:« There is no god but Allah, Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah », then you will applaud you slaves of God in the six continents, and greet you Mecca) عاديAnd open doors for you Kaaba, and commends the Muslim platforms beautiful your name. You are patient in a cell twenty-seven years until it broke the entry, and triumphed over injustice and crushed the tyrant Vstr Bislamk epic of faith, and the story of courage, and a wonderful picture of the championship picture.)Dear great president: God has found in Islam - We are the Muslims - the value of the rights and dignity, and have tasted the sweetness of faith and the joy of obedience, servitude and pleasure of God, and the honor of worshiping Him, and the glory of a messenger, but you are dear to us, raised in our souls - your history of the Orient - Venhab to share this happy life under the Islam, and the chance of overwhelming debt in Rehab immortal
    Dear great president:The ideals promoted by the combined will be found in Islam, and compassion that fails will touch your heart out in Islam, and Justice, which called for will be happy in IslamIslam loves the patients and you Saber, and respect and you are smart intelligent, wise and revered normal and you only sane and celebrates Balcdjaan and you are brave.)Dear great president:
    (I have lived with you for days through the beautiful Mmakrtk: (my long journey to freedom), I found what I was dazzled by the greatness and patience and audacity, I said: I wish this man Mr. Alolmai Muslim, By God we do not find Istohlk and deserves other than Islam, I do not know like you only honors the principle of IslamBecause it is the natural religion, explains the chest, and addresses the mind, and self-styled, and this is reinforced ethics, and honors the rights, and reconstructing the universe
    Dear great president:
    I Okatabk of Mecca, from the vicinity of the Kaaba; where the Quran was revealed and sent Muhammad peace be upon him?, And the sun rose the message, and break the idols, broke idol, declared human rights, and abolished the tyranny, and the dissemination of justice and peace.)

    Says our Lord and your Lord - the bulk of the gaze, "it is God to guide him open his heart to Islam" -:? ?.
    Dear great president
    Life is short so tired, let alone if the lives of great men like you; as I spent nearly half of your life oppressed and imprisoned, and there is life forever and eternity in the life of bliss received by believers in God then follow me to the messengers, and I should not miss this happiness and win, "says the famous philosopher Descartes : «Life is a play we saw the first scene; scene of the oppressor and the oppressedThe victors and the losers, and the strong and the weak, where the second scene which is the justice?! »Replied, Muslim scholars by saying:« The second scene is the day of reckoning in the Hereafter, the Court focused on as governor not only of God; to carry out what he has earned all the same, and judges between His slaves concerning that wherein they differ »..
    (In conclusion, the happiest that Oahdik written: (not sad) You may find the consensus of the scholars and wise men geniuses that happiness in Islam
    ask God Almighty, Lord of the holy throne to open your heart - Mr. President - of IslamAnd accept the greetings of Muslims, men and women, old men and children in every corner of the earth
    Please accept my greetings,,, D. Abdullah Al-Garni Ayed The translation. Daughter of Dr. Ayed Al-Qarni. raheeq

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