السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أمل ان تكونوا بأتم الصحه والعافيه جميعا إخوتي في الله
أرسلت رساله على البريد الإلكتروني رساله شامله ومفصله عن دين الإسلام باللغة الإنجليزيه
لمن يريد الرساله الشامله فقم بالضغط على الرابط هنا
عنوان الموضوع :-
Do you want to get true happiness
و أستلمت رد اليوم
رساله من شخص ديانته مسيحيه
وسألني عدة أسئله عن الإسلام وينتظر إجابتها
هذه رسالته وصلتني اليوم
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That's a long email! I won't lie, I didn't read most of it...I skimmed the titles to get a bit of a feel for what you were trying to say.
I must commend you for your work, and the effort you have put into this email. That was definately a long and thought out email. Just a little too long for me.
I have a few questions though. Why do Muslims believe the Bible is corrupt...yet then try to use the Bible to prove Muhammed was prophesied about?
Also...How can a Just, Holy, and Righteous judge forgive sin? Wouldn't forgiving sin mean he wasn't a Just Judge, nor Righteous?
Also...If Islam is the religion of peace...why is there no peace in the Middle East (where Islam Reigns supreme?) This isn't just from western media...I am a Christian, and I have brothers and sisters in Christ who live in Iran, Afganistan, and other "Muslim" countries who are being murdered simply because they are Christians. These are facts...if Islam was peaceful...and it was how to attain true happiness...wouldn't Muslim countries, be the happiest, most peaceful countries in the world?
Thank you again for contacting me,
May the Lord lead you to the truth.
I am praying for you
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أنتظركم بفارغ الصبر والله يجزيكم الجنه
أخوكم في الله عمرو