السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
موضوع وصلني عبر الايميل ارجو ان يتفضل الحراس المنافحين في المواقع الالحادية الأجنبية بنشره هناك مع الشكر لله ومن ثم لجميع الحراس في كل مكان

made by 3 great american young men :

torrent download:
the official website:
a new movie in the series called "Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup", will be released on 9-22-9,
تحياتي للموحدين
موضوع وصلني عبر الايميل ارجو ان يتفضل الحراس المنافحين في المواقع الالحادية الأجنبية بنشره هناك مع الشكر لله ومن ثم لجميع الحراس في كل مكان
as many truth seekers
i found this great documentary movie , that talks about the ugly truth of what really happened in 9\11
and the pentagon crash
which have been followed by so many lies about the middle east, and them being criminals and terrorists
i found this great documentary movie , that talks about the ugly truth of what really happened in 9\11
and the pentagon crash
which have been followed by so many lies about the middle east, and them being criminals and terrorists
after it they gave themselves a stupid excuse to start a war against Iraq and Afghanistan
but guess who did it??
........i think we all know
if you really want to know the truth , and stop getting lied at by the american government and media
you have to see this movie series or at least one of them that called ( 911 loose change 2nd addition)
if you really want to know the truth , and stop getting lied at by the american government and media
you have to see this movie series or at least one of them that called ( 911 loose change 2nd addition)

made by 3 great american young men :

you will be amazed from the amount of informations in this movie,,
you may laugh at your self and say : how didn't i noticed this!!!
but what you should do is : not trusting any of the nonsense the media feed us with
torrent download:
you can also watch the movie online on youtube (full length)
the official website:
a new movie in the series called "Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup", will be released on 9-22-9,
the other two movies in the series are called:
- 9 11 loose change (2005)
- 9 11 loose change : final cut (2007)
i'm not against american people , but some of the tyrants act are really irritating
dedicate to the lost , guiltless lives who died at 9\11
please forward this e-mail as much as you can
even if you were not interested ,, some one may be
don't stop the truth from seeing the light
even if you were not interested ,, some one may be
don't stop the truth from seeing the light
together , we will know
my care and regards .. 

تحياتي للموحدين