بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
السؤال المتكرر دائما من قبل غير المسلمين لماذا يتزوج نبيكم من طفله بعمر تسع سنوات اليست هذه وحشيه؟
الجواب طبعا سيكون باللغه الانكليزيه ومعناه المختصر اننا لا يجب ان نقارن بين العصر الحالي وبين ما كان معتاد عليه قبل 1400 سنه , الامر الثاني ان المرأة في المناطق الحارة تبلغ في سن مبكر على عكس المناطق البارده, ثالثا سبق وان تقدم شخص اخر لخطبه السيده عائشه مما يعني جاهزيتها للزواج ولو كان عيبا لوجدت قريش في زواج النبي منها فرصه للطعن فيه ولكنها تقبلت امر زواجه بكل بساطه لانه امر عادي عندهم , الامر الاخير انه لو كان قصد النبي هو الشهوة لما تزوج من السيده خديجه التي تكبره ب 15 سنه ومن ثم بالسيده سوده بنت زمعه . ارجو منكم نشر هذه الاجابه والله الموفق.
After the passage of many centuries, we find now some Orientalists who try to strike a comparison between the conditions of our present time and what was existing 1400 years ago. They are trying to apply the criterions of the Western society to that society that existed in the Arabian Peninsula very long ago.
It should be noted that in the hot regions, it’s normal for a girl to attain maturity at a very early age. Thus the case is totally different from that which does existin the cold regions where a girl does not attain puberty before 21 [Physicians maintain that the age of puberty in the hot regions normally ranges from 9 to 16]. At all rates, it should be stressed that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, on marrying ..Aisha, never aimed at fulfilling a lust or satisfying a desire; rather, his aim was to strengthen his relation with the most beloved Companion of his.
Had it been true that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, aimed at fulfilling a lust or satisfying a desire, he would have done this while still in his youth when he was still free from the responsibilities of delivering Allah’s call. At his early age, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, accepted to marry Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her, who was 15 years older than him. He also never married a new wife until after her death. Even after her passing away, his new wife Sawdah bint Zam..ah was an old-aged widow who possessed no particular appealing qualities. This adds to our certainty that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, had many great lofty aims behind his marriages. Also, when Khawlah bint Hakim suggested to him to marry..Aisha, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, thought thoroughly whether to accept or to refuse. He took into consideration his relation with Abu Bakr.
Secondly, the fact that ..Aisha, before the Prophet proposed to her, was being pursued by Jubair ibn Mut..am, indicates that she was mature enough for marriage, according to the prevailing tradition at that time, if not, the Quraish people, who would never waste any chance to insult the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, would have found this marriage as a golden opportunity to pour on him rain of insults. Rather they found nothing wrong in this engagement, and they received the news of the Prophet’s proposal for ..Aisha as something usual, and even, expected.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
السؤال المتكرر دائما من قبل غير المسلمين لماذا يتزوج نبيكم من طفله بعمر تسع سنوات اليست هذه وحشيه؟
الجواب طبعا سيكون باللغه الانكليزيه ومعناه المختصر اننا لا يجب ان نقارن بين العصر الحالي وبين ما كان معتاد عليه قبل 1400 سنه , الامر الثاني ان المرأة في المناطق الحارة تبلغ في سن مبكر على عكس المناطق البارده, ثالثا سبق وان تقدم شخص اخر لخطبه السيده عائشه مما يعني جاهزيتها للزواج ولو كان عيبا لوجدت قريش في زواج النبي منها فرصه للطعن فيه ولكنها تقبلت امر زواجه بكل بساطه لانه امر عادي عندهم , الامر الاخير انه لو كان قصد النبي هو الشهوة لما تزوج من السيده خديجه التي تكبره ب 15 سنه ومن ثم بالسيده سوده بنت زمعه . ارجو منكم نشر هذه الاجابه والله الموفق.
After the passage of many centuries, we find now some Orientalists who try to strike a comparison between the conditions of our present time and what was existing 1400 years ago. They are trying to apply the criterions of the Western society to that society that existed in the Arabian Peninsula very long ago.
It should be noted that in the hot regions, it’s normal for a girl to attain maturity at a very early age. Thus the case is totally different from that which does existin the cold regions where a girl does not attain puberty before 21 [Physicians maintain that the age of puberty in the hot regions normally ranges from 9 to 16]. At all rates, it should be stressed that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, on marrying ..Aisha, never aimed at fulfilling a lust or satisfying a desire; rather, his aim was to strengthen his relation with the most beloved Companion of his.
Had it been true that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, aimed at fulfilling a lust or satisfying a desire, he would have done this while still in his youth when he was still free from the responsibilities of delivering Allah’s call. At his early age, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, accepted to marry Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her, who was 15 years older than him. He also never married a new wife until after her death. Even after her passing away, his new wife Sawdah bint Zam..ah was an old-aged widow who possessed no particular appealing qualities. This adds to our certainty that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, had many great lofty aims behind his marriages. Also, when Khawlah bint Hakim suggested to him to marry..Aisha, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, thought thoroughly whether to accept or to refuse. He took into consideration his relation with Abu Bakr.
Secondly, the fact that ..Aisha, before the Prophet proposed to her, was being pursued by Jubair ibn Mut..am, indicates that she was mature enough for marriage, according to the prevailing tradition at that time, if not, the Quraish people, who would never waste any chance to insult the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, would have found this marriage as a golden opportunity to pour on him rain of insults. Rather they found nothing wrong in this engagement, and they received the news of the Prophet’s proposal for ..Aisha as something usual, and even, expected.