السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ,,
اخواني أنا مسجل في إحدى المواقع التعليمية الاجنبية , وبالأمس جائتني رسالة من امرأة تقولي فيها انها كانت مسلمة وانها ولدت من أبوين مسلمين في تركيا ! ولكنها الآن تركت الاسلام وهي تعيش قرب المكسيك حاليا لأنها وجدت أن هناك أخطاء كثيرة في الاسلام وخاصتاً القرآن (( هذا بزعمها والعياذ بالله )) !! وأن الاسلام يحرض على قتل الأبرياء ويحرض على الاغتصاب و ... " أشياء سخيفة والعياذ بالله "
ثم رديت عليها بنفسي بانجليزيتي الضعيفة ! وطلبت منها أن تقول لي المواضع التي تزعم أن القرآن أخطأ فيها ؟؟ والآآن ردّت علي برسالتين فيها تفاصيل عن مواضع الاخطاء والاستنتاجات !! فهمت بعض من كلامها الآن وأستطيع أن ارد على بعضها دون الرجوع للمصحف لأنها استنتاجات سخيفة ! لكن لا أعرف ان اصيغها الى الانجليزي بشكل جيّد !! سأعرض الرسائل بيني وبينها بالتفصيل شاهدوا وساعدوني رجاءأ الله لا يحرمكم الأجر
رسالتها الأولى لي :
اخواني أنا مسجل في إحدى المواقع التعليمية الاجنبية , وبالأمس جائتني رسالة من امرأة تقولي فيها انها كانت مسلمة وانها ولدت من أبوين مسلمين في تركيا ! ولكنها الآن تركت الاسلام وهي تعيش قرب المكسيك حاليا لأنها وجدت أن هناك أخطاء كثيرة في الاسلام وخاصتاً القرآن (( هذا بزعمها والعياذ بالله )) !! وأن الاسلام يحرض على قتل الأبرياء ويحرض على الاغتصاب و ... " أشياء سخيفة والعياذ بالله "
ثم رديت عليها بنفسي بانجليزيتي الضعيفة ! وطلبت منها أن تقول لي المواضع التي تزعم أن القرآن أخطأ فيها ؟؟ والآآن ردّت علي برسالتين فيها تفاصيل عن مواضع الاخطاء والاستنتاجات !! فهمت بعض من كلامها الآن وأستطيع أن ارد على بعضها دون الرجوع للمصحف لأنها استنتاجات سخيفة ! لكن لا أعرف ان اصيغها الى الانجليزي بشكل جيّد !! سأعرض الرسائل بيني وبينها بالتفصيل شاهدوا وساعدوني رجاءأ الله لا يحرمكم الأجر
رسالتها الأولى لي :
i`m an ex muslim, i born in the mountains of Turkey and daughter of Muslim parents but leave that religion because I learned about the Koran I read everything from beginning to end and what I encountered was frightening the Koran promotes the killing of innocent people promotes violence addition is full of contradictions for example How could a prophet marry a 9 year old girl? How could a prophet be more than 20 wives and concubines and order the same time
his followers have only 4? no wonder that God allowed Muhammad had more than 4 wives? Islam is a cult that takes total control of a person and reduces them to slaves I had grown up with the teachings of those close of the Koran but I was never taught of the negative points of the Koran, so i so I set the task of researching for myself and read the Koran and found that Islam is a sick cult
who has won through
of intimidation and fear in people .
that promotes murder, pedophilia relations, the insest, rape, slander .
Muhammad was a sick man who suffered from mental illness and all his followers is the same, the Koran is full of mathematical errors, errors scientific, moral errors
if you do not believe me see for yourself by reading the Koran and looking at all the immoral acts of Muhammad.
thanks for read.
i`m an ex muslim, i born in the mountains of Turkey and daughter of Muslim parents but leave that religion because I learned about the Koran I read everything from beginning to end and what I encountered was frightening the Koran promotes the killing of innocent people promotes violence addition is full of contradictions for example How could a prophet marry a 9 year old girl? How could a prophet be more than 20 wives and concubines and order the same time
his followers have only 4? no wonder that God allowed Muhammad had more than 4 wives? Islam is a cult that takes total control of a person and reduces them to slaves I had grown up with the teachings of those close of the Koran but I was never taught of the negative points of the Koran, so i so I set the task of researching for myself and read the Koran and found that Islam is a sick cult
who has won through
of intimidation and fear in people .
that promotes murder, pedophilia relations, the insest, rape, slander .
Muhammad was a sick man who suffered from mental illness and all his followers is the same, the Koran is full of mathematical errors, errors scientific, moral errors
if you do not believe me see for yourself by reading the Koran and looking at all the immoral acts of Muhammad.
thanks for read.
ثم أرسلت لها انا هذه الرسالة :

Ok , first of all i want u to forgive me cuz my english too bad i have many things to tell but i don't know how to write it english :( so i will try discussing with you .. even though i don't know what's ur religion now ??
first , you said '' koran promotes the killing of innocet people '' i'm an arabic boy and i've been speek arabic for 18 years !! and i read koran more than 30 times ok
and i didn't find one day that koran said or promotes killing
of inoceent people !!!!!!!!!!!! where is it pleease tell me ??? if u ''really'' read koran as u said from begining to the end ,, then tell me where is it ? ok i'm waitin for it
first , you said '' koran promotes the killing of innocet people '' i'm an arabic boy and i've been speek arabic for 18 years !! and i read koran more than 30 times ok
and i didn't find one day that koran said or promotes killing
of inoceent people !!!!!!!!!!!! where is it pleease tell me ??? if u ''really'' read koran as u said from begining to the end ,, then tell me where is it ? ok i'm waitin for it

second , about how prophet mohamad marry a 9 years old girl ? nice question 
look .. if u compare between us and people before 1000 years ago,that is unfare !! cuz there are many many big diffrints there life is diffrint there culture there atmospher even there (( bodied )) !
so , let's look to Amarica if you want ,, american law before 50 years ago they allow to a 10 years old girl to marry a man if her parents are agree !!! this befor 50 years ago just ! how about 1430 years ago when prophet mohamad was !! just think about it ^^

look .. if u compare between us and people before 1000 years ago,that is unfare !! cuz there are many many big diffrints there life is diffrint there culture there atmospher even there (( bodied )) !
so , let's look to Amarica if you want ,, american law before 50 years ago they allow to a 10 years old girl to marry a man if her parents are agree !!! this befor 50 years ago just ! how about 1430 years ago when prophet mohamad was !! just think about it ^^
also note * prophet mohamad has 9 wifes not 20
in additon , he got married of most of his wifes when he was around the 50 years old ! i tell u that just to know he wasn't seek for sex !! he was able to do that when he was 20 or 30 or even 40 ! why he didn't ?? cuz he wasn't seeking for just sex !

in additon , he got married of most of his wifes when he was around the 50 years old ! i tell u that just to know he wasn't seek for sex !! he was able to do that when he was 20 or 30 or even 40 ! why he didn't ?? cuz he wasn't seeking for just sex !
third (( that promotes murder, pedophilia relations, the insest, rape, slander ))
this is what you wrote !!! i don't know what to say ,, actually i loughed alot when i read that cuz it shows that you don't know '' anything " about islam
how u say that ! when islam put hard punishment for every
thing u said '' murder '' "pedophilia" "relations" " insest" "rape" "slander" !!!!!
all that are a big mistakes in islam , if any muslim do that he will be punished by islam roles
this is what you wrote !!! i don't know what to say ,, actually i loughed alot when i read that cuz it shows that you don't know '' anything " about islam
how u say that ! when islam put hard punishment for every
thing u said '' murder '' "pedophilia" "relations" " insest" "rape" "slander" !!!!!
all that are a big mistakes in islam , if any muslim do that he will be punished by islam roles
(( Muhammad was a sick man who suffered from mental illness and all his followers is the same ))
thanks for your plenty respect !!!!
(( the Koran is full of mathematical errors, errors scientific, moral errors ))
Ok ,, tell me some of those errors ?? plz show me i really want to see those errors if you don't mind !!!
finally i want to tell u something :
somebody gave u wrongs ideas ! or the ((( media ))) or something els ?? i don't know ! but because u said many things wrong and even not exist !!!!
somebody gave u wrongs ideas ! or the ((( media ))) or something els ?? i don't know ! but because u said many things wrong and even not exist !!!!
i wish u all the best , and i hope u will really think abot it without anu bias

ثم أرسلت هذه الرسالة ,, رداً على رسالتي :
I will answer your query, in fiirst time I have read, because I was Muslim, and i have reAD MANY TIMES TOO, so the numerals
the many mistakes of the Koran are as follows:
1):the Koran claims to be PERFECT. In other words, NO ERRORS IN THE QURAN! (Sura 85:21-22). Therefore, if we find AT LEAST one mistake, the Koran would be false. well I will provide that the Koran is false.
2):But let's go even further, Muhammad himself invites us to inspect and compare the perfection of his word with the Bible. An important note here is that we should put that Muslims believe in the inspiration of the Bible, but say they have been "fabricated" by the Jews and Christians. "Say: We believe in Allah and (in) that which had been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit." Sura 2: 136 (Ver además Suras 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 25...).
The Koran was written 600 years after the Bible was completed, so where the Bible and the Quran agree, the Bible must be the authority! Muslims claim the Bible as the Christians have, which includes New Testament and the Bible of the Jews, who have been using for thousands of years before the birth of the prophet of Islam, and is composed only the Old Testament, is heavily corrupted. But the question to ask is ...."When the Bible was corrupted?" If the Bible was corrupt and 600 years after Christ, when the "experiences" or "revelations" of Muhammad were collected, how is that Muslims are urged to read the Koran? If Muslims claim that the Bible was corrupted after the year 600 AD, they jumped from bad to fall into the worst, because the authenticity of the books of the Old and New Testament has been proven beyond doubt .
3):The Islamic cause is completely lost, even if the Bible is wrong. If the Bible is not perfect (and the Koran claims that the version without "rigged" by Christians and Jews is), then the Koran is not. The Bible "perfect" that the Koran urges read only exists in the minds of Muslims. It is a Bible that does not exist. Why there? Because it will never be found. The Bible would be perfect for them would be that he disagrees with the brutality that now read.
a):¨ According to the Koran: the place where Abraham was born and praised is the Mecca (Sura 14:37) but the question here is. "Mecca? nor Mohammed nor its inhabitants existed when Abraham lived!
b):According to the Koran, Abraham was thrown into the fire by Nimrod (Sura 9:69, 21:68-69) Impossible! Nimrod died centuries before Abraham was born. How awful.
c):According to the Koran, the flood happened in the days of Moses (Sura 7:136 cf. 7:59) is impossible because the Koran itself says (Sura 11:32-48) who was in the days of Noah.
d):According to the Koran the crucifixion of Christ occurred in the days of Pharaoh, Sura 7:124 which is impossible impossible that the crucifixion was a method of martyrdom by the Romans invented more than 1,500 years later
e):and even more illogical. According to the Koran, the identity of Mary the mother of Jesus was the sister of Moses and Aaron (Sura 19:28) which is impossible because archeology has shown that Moses lived about 1500 years before Mary.
not stretched as far as I could do that the Koran has an infinite number of mistakes, I will end with what the Koran refers to the woman identified as a piece of arable land (Sura 2:223), and elsewhere said that the men are superior to women, then it contradicts what he says in another sura that is superior to God to do His will.
thanks for read and i hope that you dig deeper into both the Qur'an and the real story
and compare.
the many mistakes of the Koran are as follows:
1):the Koran claims to be PERFECT. In other words, NO ERRORS IN THE QURAN! (Sura 85:21-22). Therefore, if we find AT LEAST one mistake, the Koran would be false. well I will provide that the Koran is false.
2):But let's go even further, Muhammad himself invites us to inspect and compare the perfection of his word with the Bible. An important note here is that we should put that Muslims believe in the inspiration of the Bible, but say they have been "fabricated" by the Jews and Christians. "Say: We believe in Allah and (in) that which had been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit." Sura 2: 136 (Ver además Suras 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 25...).
The Koran was written 600 years after the Bible was completed, so where the Bible and the Quran agree, the Bible must be the authority! Muslims claim the Bible as the Christians have, which includes New Testament and the Bible of the Jews, who have been using for thousands of years before the birth of the prophet of Islam, and is composed only the Old Testament, is heavily corrupted. But the question to ask is ...."When the Bible was corrupted?" If the Bible was corrupt and 600 years after Christ, when the "experiences" or "revelations" of Muhammad were collected, how is that Muslims are urged to read the Koran? If Muslims claim that the Bible was corrupted after the year 600 AD, they jumped from bad to fall into the worst, because the authenticity of the books of the Old and New Testament has been proven beyond doubt .
3):The Islamic cause is completely lost, even if the Bible is wrong. If the Bible is not perfect (and the Koran claims that the version without "rigged" by Christians and Jews is), then the Koran is not. The Bible "perfect" that the Koran urges read only exists in the minds of Muslims. It is a Bible that does not exist. Why there? Because it will never be found. The Bible would be perfect for them would be that he disagrees with the brutality that now read.
a):¨ According to the Koran: the place where Abraham was born and praised is the Mecca (Sura 14:37) but the question here is. "Mecca? nor Mohammed nor its inhabitants existed when Abraham lived!
b):According to the Koran, Abraham was thrown into the fire by Nimrod (Sura 9:69, 21:68-69) Impossible! Nimrod died centuries before Abraham was born. How awful.
c):According to the Koran, the flood happened in the days of Moses (Sura 7:136 cf. 7:59) is impossible because the Koran itself says (Sura 11:32-48) who was in the days of Noah.
d):According to the Koran the crucifixion of Christ occurred in the days of Pharaoh, Sura 7:124 which is impossible impossible that the crucifixion was a method of martyrdom by the Romans invented more than 1,500 years later
e):and even more illogical. According to the Koran, the identity of Mary the mother of Jesus was the sister of Moses and Aaron (Sura 19:28) which is impossible because archeology has shown that Moses lived about 1500 years before Mary.
not stretched as far as I could do that the Koran has an infinite number of mistakes, I will end with what the Koran refers to the woman identified as a piece of arable land (Sura 2:223), and elsewhere said that the men are superior to women, then it contradicts what he says in another sura that is superior to God to do His will.
thanks for read and i hope that you dig deeper into both the Qur'an and the real story
and compare.
ثم ألحقتها بهذه الرسالة مبااشرة :
Other interesting claims made by the Koran
The Koran claims that Old Testament figures included words such as "Muslim" and "Islam" in his speeches. It is impossible that they did, because such terms do not exist at that time. In fact, when Abraham lived, the Arabic language in the Koran was written almost a thousand years was far in the future to be invented.
The Quran even claims that Jesus used the words alluded to in his speeches before. Wow! When Jesus developed his ministry will take centuries for these terms were invented. (Suras 2:60, 126-128, 132-133, 260, 3:49-52, 67, 6:74-82, 7:59-63, 120-126 etc.)..
One of the most outrageous claims made by the Qur'an is contained in Sura 20:87-95, which alleges that the Israelites made a golden calf on the advice of the Samaritans, for their disobedience in the desert. However, the Samaritans did not exist until centuries after the golden calf incident happened.
One of the most outrageous claims made by the Qur'an is contained in Sura 20:87-95, which alleges that the Israelites made a golden calf on the advice of the Samaritans, for their disobedience in the desert. However, the Samaritans did not exist until centuries after the golden calf incident happened.
For those who wonder about the scientific consistency that could have a book revered by many millions of people around the world, we must sadly report that Sura 18:84-86 enlightens us with the information that the sun sets in a well mud.
Even more incredible, the Sura 22:5 explains how humans were formed from blood clots
The Sura 7:163-166 claims that an entire population was transformed into monkeys. This list will continue to be enriched as time passes and my study of the Koran and other Islamic scriptures is advance.
the Qur'an is nothing but a collection of myths, stories, superstitions, and legends incorporated into a single book, much of it invented according to circumstances, many other
تكفووووووووون لا تتثاقلوا الرد ! ساعدوني لعل الله يهدي على يديكم هذا المرأة !! الله لايحرمكم الأجر جميعاً حتى الذي لا يستطيع أن يتحدث الانجليزية يمكنه المساعده بأن يرسلها لشخص يعرفه او زميل يستطيع مساعدتنا