شخص ملحد تكلمت معه رغما عني عن الاسلام ساعدوني للرد عليه


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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • إدراك
    0- عضو حديث
    • 26 يول, 2009
    • 4
    • محاضره
    • مسلم سني


    شخص ملحد تكلمت معه رغما عني عن الاسلام ساعدوني للرد عليه

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته

    وفقكم الله جميعا لما يحبه الله و يرضاه

    وجعلكم سببا في اعلاء كلمة الاسلام و المسلمين

    اشتركت في احد مواقع التشات لأطور من لغتي الانجليزيه و يتواجد في هذا الموقع اكثر من 65 الف شخص اون لاين في الوقت الواحد

    ونسبة العرب فيه قليله جدا

    انا لست حريصه ان اتكلم عن الاسلام هناك لانني لا اتكلم اللغه الانجليزيه بطلاقه ولكن كثيرا ما يسألوني عن الاسلام و المرأه .... الخ الخ الخ

    اسأل الله العلي القدير ان يلهمني الصواب و ان لا اكون سببا في تشويه الاسلام او شرحه بطريقه خاطيء و يساء فهمها .

    قابلت احد الاشخاص كان مسيحي و اصبح بلا ديانه يرى ان جميع الديانات " اساطير الاولين " و انه يريد اثبات ان الدين الاسلامي هو الدين الحقيقي

    وطال معه الجدال بداية تكلم عن السعوديه بحكم اني سعوديه و من ثم عن ايران و من ثم عن الحجاب و عن الرسول عليه الصلاه و السلام و زواجه من السيده عائشه .

    كلامه عن السعوديه و عن ايران لم اهتم به كثيرا و لكن ما قاله عن الرسول عليه الصلاة و السلام و عن القرآن لم اتقبله و اريد منكم ان تعاونوني .

    ... All I’m telling you is that, as well as judaism, christianism or even greek mythology, i know largely enough of it, to know how irrelevant it is, and how its only obviously human legends, that came up so naturally, all over the planet, and all along history from men minds searching explanations to all what they ignored.
    And beleive me, seen from outside, it’s quite funny to see each one of them, so absolutely convinced to own, with no doubt at all, the only and unique truth against all the others (even other versions of their own belief !) just like you do

    يتكلم كثيرا ولا اريد ان اسكت حقيقة كي لا يظن اني اقتنعت بكلامه الفارغ او ان ليس لدي اجابة له فأريد العون منكم بعد الله لأن لديكم الخبره ولديكم المعرفه الكافيه ان شاء الله

    Donkey at barn “ ? I could easily return the compliment to you. Most of beleivers especially in enslaving religions like the three monotheisms appear to me like some cattle, just feed with soothing words of “eternal life”, “paradise”, etc .. which is kind of hay and oat to them, so that they can go on walking where power men want them to. And to go on on this parallel, alike these donkeys and horses that are leaded just where someone want them to go, beleivers are equipped with “blinders” so that they don’t know nothing of what really goes on around (and that precisely for the efficiency of those blinders, that religions are always denying the results of science).

    اسلوبه دائما من النوع الاستفزازي وتكلم عن حياته فقلت له حيتك ليست الا كـ Donkey at barn وحججك ليست الا piffles

    كنت دائما احاول ان احترمه لكن شخص مثله ابدا لا يستحق الاحترام

    هو شخص مشوش لم يفهم الاسلام و يظن ان الدين الاسلامي مطابق للمسيحيه و اليهديه و غيرها من الاديان .

    Yes I’m the totally opposite of you on this : I’m not looking for something to beleive in it, I’m only looking for knwoledge. It doesnt mean that I’m not interested in some speculations on the going of universe and things like that. But in my mind, it will always be separate, and I’ll never do what you do : Considering a pure hypothesis as a truth. For me its the exact contrary, it makes my life most valuable than yours, in the sense that it makes me live standing up, with eyes open for any knew knowledge coming. While you’re living kneeling, with eyes shut to anything else than the legends you choosed to definitively consider as irremovable truth

    اخبرته ان الدين الاسلامي لم يجبر احدا على اعتناقه وذكرت له الايات " لا اكراه في الدين قد تبين الرشد من الغي ",, " من شاء فليؤمن و من شاء فليكفر "

    انتبهوا معي هنا رجاء لم افهم ما يقصده

    I have no specific knowledge on suicide wether you have a religion or not. And it would not be suprising there could be less suicide among beleivers since their religion makes it a sin, that would deprive them of this so waited paradise (like in sourate 56 “AL-WAQI'A”) with virgins girls and good things to eat, and get them thrown in boiling water instead ! lol. How fear of death must be strong to make people beleive in such piffles ! I really pity people living in such a vision, with such an irrationnal fear. There is no fear of death to have, death is very likely the same state when you’re not born yet. You don’t exist no more that’s all

    شخص يتكلم رؤوس اقلام في مواضيع مختلفه و متشعبه

    انتبهوا معي هنا ماذا يقول عن زواج المصطفى عليه الصلاة و السلام من السيده عائشه رضي الله عنها

    You know as well as I do, that no girl of six is making a free choice of a husband (and even less one of fifty years old ! ) when she should be just playing with her dolls, and just start to learn from her mother what life can be. That’s why I dont need to have Aisha coming in my dreams, to know she certainly was not free to have Muhammad as a husband, and even less free to be fucked at nine (poor innocent little girl), by an old man of 53 ! And of course it’s unfair to her, whatever the times ! Just imagine you at nine, and at any time of history that you want, not knowing anything about sex, with your little unpubescent body so tiny and tight, and of course unprepared to the assaults of a man. And then to be taken and penetrated all the same, by an old man who’s body isn’t even fresh or even pleasant at contact ! How do you think it would make you feel ? I mean physically on the moment, and for the rest of your life, in your mind ! Just face it, and think of it, mind open if possible ?
    And all you find to say on this is : it was the way on these times, and nobody could find anything to tell about it. So I just tell you : ok, these times where really harsh and rude and cruel (and don’t think I dont know, many places are letting people acting in the same way now) but then, a man that take it all the way, in this fashion of these times, not seeing the unfairness or cruelty of it all, can certainly not be seen as an holly man, send by a loving God. It simply have no sense. That’s all.
    And I’ll tell you what : Let say it’s that supposed “god” himself, that recommended or allow him to abuse the body of a little girl of nine when himself aged fifty three, then this God is really other than a god of “love”. And more something bad and frightening like these awfull gods of South America. And the result is, I’m very glad to know such a god doesnt exist. Which in my mind makes him a simple invented pretext for men, to act as bad and unfair as that

    لا اعرف حقيقة ماذا ارد عليه ولا اريد ان اسكت عن ما قاله..

    طلبي مني ان اذكر له اية الحجاب و هل هناك نص شرعي يجب على المرأ ان تغطي جسدها ام هم رجال الدين اخترعوا ذلك

    انظروا الى تحليله المضحك ربنا لا تزغ قلوبنا بعد اذا هديتنا و ثبت اقدامنا و انصرنا على القوم الكافرين.

    On the hidding of women bodies, I read your quote of Quran and it leads me to several observations.
    - First : I dont see any strict command to hide all of the body : But its obviously a matter of interpretation, and no surprise that your men of power should choose to see it as the minimum of liberty for women bodies.
    - Second : I see a strange permission to see the body of woman by a man who’s from close or far, part of the family. Very odd for me. I never saw the reasons why my father should be allowed to see my wife naked ? It’s not the first time either that I heard statements saying that all kind of incests was quite common in muslim countries, and now I understand why, better.
    - Third : This chapter (said to be “holly words”) state quietly that slaves or emasculated servants, can see your body ! And that directly open to one of my strong argument against the reality of this so called “god inspired words”, and of course on the reality of this god himself.
    Because, you know what : Let’s say there really exist a god, that created men, and care about them with love, and spirit of justice and all what is usually said about it. For such a god, ruling the whole universe, what is good or evil, what is just or unfair etc ... must obiously be an “out of time absolute”, isn’t it ? It cant depend of any fashion, specific usages or traditions that some have here or elsewhere, or in a century or another, whatever ? .... Otherwise it would have no sense, and would make it no more that our poor men’s changing valuations of things, along history. And now I’ll tell you this : Its not because a specific period of time commonly authorized something, that’s it’s not pure evil

    عاد هنا وتكلم مره اخرى عن زواج المصطفى محمد عليه افضل الصلاة و اتم التسليم من السيده عائشه رضي الله عنها

    The slavery, that means possessing a human being (taken as civilian prisoner like Muhammad did in his battles for example) like you could possess animals as well, and make him work for you just like you do for animals, that is pure evil ! What ever the times ! As well as giving a little girl of nine (in plain childhood) to an old man, for him to force her little unpubescent body, hurting her physically as well as destroying in her little mind, what can be the sweetness of an accepted and wanted love, that is pure evil as well !
    How can anybody see a god for all men, subscribing to such evil and unfairness (I just named two but there are others). What sense can anyone with a logical mind, see in a god, who’s laws should state on how to deal with your slaves ? A god for all humanity won’t surely just accept the fact of some of them possessing the others, just in reason (most of the time) of having been captured by force of weapons, or worse to have been born child of a slave already.
    And for “god” sake, don’t answer me “piffles”, on that philosophical statement. Just say to me, what kind of sense or logic you see in it

    اترك لكم الرد عليه و على حججه الواهيه الذي يرى بأنها منطقيه.

  • ahmed.s
    2- عضو مشارك
    • 26 ماي, 2009
    • 112
    • طالب في المرحله الثانويه
    • مسلم

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    اخي-اختي الكريم-ه

    لقد اسعدني تسجيلك في منتدى حراس العقيده

    اما بعد

    فهذه الشكوك كثيره جدا بين غير المسلمين

    و الجواب

    انه عندما تزوج الرسول خديجه و توفيت حزن حزنا شديدا

    تزوج الرسول سوده و كانت كبيره في السن

    لكنه تزوجها لمواساتها لكونها ارمله

    ولاكنها -لانها كبيره- لم تستطع الانجاب

    فتزوج الرسول عائشه رضى الله عنها و هي بنت تسع سنين وكانت الخطبة فى سن السادسة
    حبا لها و لابوها رضى الله عنه و زواج الصغار من عادات العرب القديمه

    و كان الرسول يسكن في ارض الجزيره الحاره و هذه الارض تبلغ فيها النساء مبكرا-9 سنين-

    و اخيرا لتعلم-ين ان عائشه هي الزوجه البكر الوحيده للرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم
    و الباقي كن ارملات و ما الا ذلك

    و هذا دليل على رحمه النبي

    و اخير فانهم يسبون الرسول لعجزهم عن سب العقيده


    اتمنى اني افدتك اخي الكريم
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة سيف الكلمة; 4 أغس, 2009, 02:11 ص. سبب آخر: تم تصحيح معلومة باللون الأحمر


    • المستعصم
      4- عضو فعال
      حارس من حراس العقيدة

      • 27 ماي, 2009
      • 664
      • Waiting 4 the next move
      • مسلم و الحمد لله

      Well , those atheists are completely misguided by their mind illusions ,
      i know how they tend to think , how they like to see the things .
      In their conception , the idea of God as the infinite , independent omniscient and omnipotent entity that created and rules the universe , these ideas for them are mere hypothesis of no necessity , that has been created by the human mind to explain and accept the great complexity and integrity of the universe .
      However , on this way of their own thinking they make the very mistake they refused , i.e accepting the hypotheses of the mind .
      How ? .
      Simply , and following their own concept that the idea of God is a mere "unnecessary " hypothesis , so we also present the concept that also the idea that there is no god is a hypothesis too , and the question now is why should we prefere the second to the first ? , why should i accept that the idea that there is no god and refuse the other possibility which is that there is truly an Omniscient god ? .
      And that point is exactly the one that matters .
      Their reply to this question - which precisely shows their way of thinking - is that they simply will tell you that there is no necessity to live your life and carry the burden of obeying god despite - in their point of view - it is just human hypothesis .
      This clearly unveil their minds ,
      they are just making the big mistake of considering the zero as origin of things , i.e zero is a primitive fact while you have to prove the existance of one ?
      For more explanation , i say ,
      their minds - and desires - trick them , they simply consider that no god - zero - is the primitive fact , while to say that there is a god - one - needs a proof , this is a complete misguide ,
      this way of thinking is just submitted just to meet their own desire of freedom and irresponsibility .
      Away from proving that choosing " no - god " option is just a desire of the mind that is made by no proof but to refuse the responsibility ,
      according to their concept , the whole religions are just subjective theories made by the people who called for it - i.e messengers - just to control the folks and to gain power and respect , which is a wrong statement in many ways ,
      first , the heavenly message of Judaism ,Christianity and Islam , didnt bring the wealth nor the respect to the messengers , on the contrary , they brought suffer , poverty , and disgrace on them .
      But , some of them may say that , maybe those messenger were just trying to convince us of their own concept of the universe and wanted us to beleive it just for the sake of spreading their own subjective truth , but can the belief make miracles ? Can the belief make some one arise the dead - jesus - or make a man split the sea water that the two divisions are raised like mountains ? .
      But for sure against there questions they would reply by saying that these are all fairytaler and myths .
      This shift the talk to the authenticity of these miracles and stories , but still there is one ever lasting miracle that challenge all , The Holly Qura'an , in which god challengs all to bring even a book like it or even like part of it , Allah challenge even to catch one mistake in it in the language structure or scientificaly .
      The mere belief cant make one predict the future or unveil the secrets of creation just as you find that in the Holly Qura'an .
      At that point i think the discussion should be ended as now all the papers are in front of the atheist , now to choose to accept the challenge of God or to submit .


      • سيف الكلمة
        إدارة المنتدى

        • 13 يون, 2006
        • 6036
        • مسلم

        وطال معه الجدال بداية تكلم عن السعوديه بحكم اني سعوديه و من ثم عن ايران و من ثم عن الحجاب و عن الرسول عليه الصلاه و السلام و زواجه من السيده عائشه .
        أكثرهم نصارى يتخفون فى الإلحاد لعدم قلب الطاولة عليهم من كتابهم الذى يقدسونه
        ينسون أن فى كتاب النصارى أن السيدة مريم ولدت المسيح وهى فى الثالثة عشرة من عمرها أى حملت به فى الثانية عشرة
        فالزواج من الصغيرات البالغات لم يمنع قانونا إلا فى القرن العشرين وظل عليه العالم آلاف السنين
        والإنتقادات الموجهة إلى الزواج المبكر بالصغيرات سياسية و ليست علمية والأسباب الصحية المتعلقة بها من الأكاذيب
        فى بريطانيا
        واحدة من كل 6 فتيات تبلغ فى الثامنة

        وفى بريطانيا أيضا حمل فى 12 سنة

        وفى شرق الجزائر ولادة فى 12 سنة

        وهند المصرية تلد في الحاديه عشرة من عمرها

        ومن استراليا 12 سنة

        ويتجاهلون أن الحجاب كان مفروضا على النساء فى عقيدة النصارى
        ضيفتنا المسيحية ...الحجاب والنقاب .. حكم إلهي أخفاه عنكم القساوسة

        أصدق وعد الله وأكذب توازنات القوى
        والسماء لا تمطر ذهبا ولا فضـة
        وينصر الله من ينصره


        • المستعصم
          4- عضو فعال
          حارس من حراس العقيدة

          • 27 ماي, 2009
          • 664
          • Waiting 4 the next move
          • مسلم و الحمد لله

          أصلا فكر هذا الملحد غريب ؟ إذا كان رافض الدين من المبدأ ، إذا لم يناقش في تفاصيل ؟ ! ، فالأمر اما انك تقبل بوجود إله و من ثم تبحث عن الدين الصحيح و اما ان تلحد في وجوده و لا داع لنقد التفاصيل .


          • توحيد
            حارس قديم
            • 18 ينا, 2007
            • 4223
            • السعي لمرضاة الله
            • مسلم

            أقترح عدم الاسترسال معه في الحوار ما دمت غير متأكدة من لغتك، ومن معلوماتك.
            ويمكنك توجيهه لأحد المواقع التي تعرف بالإسلام باللغة الإنجليزية، ومعها موقع من مواقع الإعجاز العلمي (أقترح موقع الدكتور زغلول النجار - النسخة الإنجليزية)


            • العائدة إلى الله
              2- عضو مشارك

              • 4 أبر, 2009
              • 127
              • طالبة جامعية
              • مسلمة و لله الحمد

              أرجوا أن تسمحوا لي بالرد على هذا التافه السخيف.

              لغتي الإنجليزية جيدة جداً و لدي ما يكفي من المعلومات لوقفه عند حده بإذن الله.


              مواضيع ذات صلة


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              مواضيع من نفس المنتدى الحالي


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