what you need to know about islam in English by viedo


عن الكاتب


aiman.h.kallaf مسلم اكتشف المزيد حول aiman.h.kallaf
يُشاهد هذا الموضوع الآن: 0 (0 أعضاء و 0 زوار)
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • aiman.h.kallaf
    0- عضو حديث
    • 14 فبر, 2009
    • 23
    • طالب جامعي
    • مسلم

    what you need to know about islam in English by viedo


    About the site and how to browse it, All video and subjects In English

    All the video Are In English
    Firs, I'd like to say that there are many sites with show bad picture of Islam , those site are wrong and have No knowledge of any kind about Islam ,
    *Islam is not What Hollywood show and publishes on TV, its all lies
    *Islam is not what those site who want to show bad picture of Islam.
    It's time to Wake up and find the True picture Of Islam , What Is it and every thing about it,
    You don't know how to read!! You don't have to.
    You can't understand Arabic!!You don't have to.
    It's all simple and In English with Video lecture, just open and watch,
    First (to know about Islam, with "video" explanation, by an English lecturer "yusuf estas"

    Start from Part one,
    On part one you will find an Introduction about the English preacher who's once was a Christian who become a Muslims latter,
    How and Why, what was his reason, what did he find, what make him transfer,
    Find Answer for these questions; by listen to his story in part one

    Part two,
    You can watch video to many topics about Islam, topics that must of a time people talk about and ask, and here are a list of the topic that you will find answer for on the Part two , The Lecture will answer and talk about the following topics and answer about doubt that you might have
    • Smoking
    • What do I say to be protected from evil?
    • What about body piercing?
    • Islam & Christianity
    • Relationships with non-Muslims
    • The term "GOD" and Allah
    • Islamic education
    • What is the ka'aba?
    • What about body piercing?
    • Can a Muslim marry a non-Muslim?
    • How to get my parents to follow real Islam?
    • Islam and Women
    • Feeling depressed & asking about music and TV
    • What is bad breath?
    • Do all Christians use the same bible?
    • Can Muslim visit a church?
    • You said that God creates the universe
    • Christianity and Islam
    • A sister converted to Islam and asking about her disbeliever husband
    • The five pillars of Islam
    • Terrorism in the Qur'an?
    • Where is Allah?
    • Why can a man have 4 wives in Islam?
    • Being afraid from the 'Shariaa'
    • wearing "hijab" (veil)
    • How to make someone to be a Muslim
    • Are women subjugated to men in Islam?
    • Predestination
    • Going to a non-Muslim doctor
    • Relationship between boys & girls in Islam
    • "Reba" (usury)
    • separation between men and women
    • How to convince teenagers to pray
    • Prophet Jesus mentioned the coming of Prophet Mohammad
    • Islam and Music
    • Parents treatment & rights
    • Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world
    • Celebrating birthdays and other events
    • Why do Muslim pray to the East?
    • How to explain the rights of women in Islam to non-Muslims?

    Part Three,
    Part three shows video and stories for other people who joined the Islam
    listen to them find out why,
    Part three will be updated with time,

    Part Four,
    In part four you will fine Links to other sites, Regarding Islam , truly Islam site, not one of those fake Once , It will be updated with time ,
    That would be all for now about video lectures about Islam,

    Forum Not ready yet.

    The forum is a place to post and read articals about Islam , Most of the Articals would be for reading only , no one will be allowed to post , and no need for regestration to read the topic. It's prefared Not to regester in the site,

    * Information about the profet and his biography (peace be upon him)

    * Hadith ( what had the profet peace be upon him said)
    * Qur'an and scince ( since fine and profe mericals in qur'an)

    * Islamic websites

    That would be all for now about video lectures about Islam,

    There are also some pages on the site that you my find interesting,
    The pages on the left side of the site,
    • feedback

    FeedBack is the mine page witch is the one that you watching now at any time you click on it you'll find you self in this page

    • english islamic songs EN

    on this page you'll find many English Islamic songs "chats" they will be add with time , enjoy listening to them ,

    • ask me online AR , EN

    From this page you might chat on line with me, in both languages Arabic or English
    Not though that I have to be online , and even if I were, I might not be able to answer for any reason , sleeping ,praying , eating , studying .. Etc

    Or try this one instead , For instruction about how to use this page click here

    • My E Books designing

    Some English books I'm working on , you might find useful , J

    فلسطين اعذرينا تركناكي
    خدعنا من كلاب الأرض . خدعنا من كلاب الأرض
    خدعنا وخدعنا حتى علمنا ما عملو .. وماذ فعلنا بما عملو .
    رضينا رضينا بما عملو
    رضينا لكي بالذل . رضينا لكي بالذل
    فلسطين اعذرينا. فلسطين اعذرينا
    لنعيش الأمن والترف. رضينا لكي بالذل ..رضينا لكي بالذل
    فلسطينو خذلناكي خذلناكي . مالكي غير رب الخلق
    هو الناصر هو الناصر .
    النصر لكي النصر لكي . هذا وعد رب الخلق
  • مسلم لا يريد الشهرة
    مشرف شرف المنتدى

    • 5 ماي, 2009
    • 1129
    • مهندس
    • مسلم

    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته، رائع جدا أخي الكريم، جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك، زرت المدونة زيارة سريعة، و رأيت الكثير، مما يهم المسلم الجديد أن يعرفه، و أعتقد أنه يجدر بك التعريف بالمدونة، في المجموعات البريدية على الياهو و جوجل و msn، و جزاكم الله خيرا


    • aiman.h.kallaf
      0- عضو حديث
      • 14 فبر, 2009
      • 23
      • طالب جامعي
      • مسلم

      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة مسلم لا يريد الشهرة
      السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته، رائع جدا أخي الكريم، جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك، زرت المدونة زيارة سريعة، و رأيت الكثير، مما يهم المسلم الجديد أن يعرفه، و أعتقد أنه يجدر بك التعريف بالمدونة، في المجموعات البريدية على الياهو و جوجل و msn، و جزاكم الله خيرا
      شارك لك مرورك اخي وان شالله سيتم فعل ذلك عند الانتهاء من المدونه واكمالها حتى تكون كامله وتزيد الفائده

      فلسطين اعذرينا تركناكي
      خدعنا من كلاب الأرض . خدعنا من كلاب الأرض
      خدعنا وخدعنا حتى علمنا ما عملو .. وماذ فعلنا بما عملو .
      رضينا رضينا بما عملو
      رضينا لكي بالذل . رضينا لكي بالذل
      فلسطين اعذرينا. فلسطين اعذرينا
      لنعيش الأمن والترف. رضينا لكي بالذل ..رضينا لكي بالذل
      فلسطينو خذلناكي خذلناكي . مالكي غير رب الخلق
      هو الناصر هو الناصر .
      النصر لكي النصر لكي . هذا وعد رب الخلق


      مواضيع ذات صلة


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