The First Message: The Eraser (Ramadan's Project)


عن الكاتب


على خطى السلف مسلم ولله الحمد اكتشف المزيد حول على خطى السلف
يُشاهد هذا الموضوع الآن: 0 (0 أعضاء و 0 زوار)
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • على خطى السلف
    0- عضو حديث
    • 30 أكت, 2008
    • 26
    • تكنولوجيا معلومات
    • مسلم ولله الحمد

    The First Message: The Eraser (Ramadan's Project)

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    هذا مشروع بين يدي رمضان مترجما إلى اللغة الانجليزية ..أعينونا على نشر المشروع رفع قدركم الله

    هذه الرسالة بالعربية اضغط هنا


    I seek refuge with Allah, the All-Hearing the All-Knowing from Satan, the outcast,
    In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful,

    Oh Allah, send Your prayers of mercy upon Mohammed and his family as You have sent upon Ibrahim and for Ibrahim's family. You are the Most Praiseworthy, the Glorified. Oh Allah, send Your blessings upon Mohammed and his family as You set upon Ibrahim and for Ibrahim's family. You are the Most Praiseworthy, the Glorified.

    My Beloved in Allah,

    On the First day of the project: we will start purifying our hearts.
    And to achieve that, there has to be a lot of Isteghfar (asking for Allah's forgiveness).

    The prophet- peace and blessings be upon him - said: "Blessed be the one who finds in his books lots of Istighfar" narrated by Ibn Majah and classified as sahih by alAlbani

    Are you going to seek His forgiveness? A 100 times a day? More than that?
    I want you to be totally purified and prepared for meeting Allah.

    Younis Ibn Obayd said: Everyone will make a lot of sins ... so in return we should make a lot of Isteghfar. And if someone commits a sin and finds Isteghfar in his books on judement day, he will be happy.

    Narrated Malek Ibn Maghool that he heard Aba Yahia saying that he has complained to Mojahed the sins he commits..
    Mojahed said: what about the eraser?
    he meant by the ‘eraser' : Isteghfar. As Isteghfar erases sins

    So please ask for Allah's forgiveness so that your sins will be erased, your heart will be purified, and you will find mercy.

    Come on Muslims,
    Seek the forgiveness of Allah, and turn to Him in repentance
    Seek the Forgiveness of Allah, that you may receive mercy

    Starting our first day, who will compete to be the foremost?

    What is important is that you keep on Isteghfar and feel how bad you have always been.

    Feel your sins and start to ask for forgiveness.
    Feel the ran (covering of sins and evil deeds) covering your heart and insist that you remove it so you can march your way to Allah.
    Watch your heart.. and see how many Istighfar did it need to soften?

    May Allah help us remember Him, thank Him and worship Him

    Written by Sheikh Hany Hilmy

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