why Muslims pray according a certain order ?


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musulmane مسلم اكتشف المزيد حول musulmane
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  • musulmane
    0- عضو حديث
    • 30 ديس, 2008
    • 6
    • في البيت
    • مسلم

    why Muslims pray according a certain order ?

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .
    لقد و ضعت موضوعا قبل هذا أطلب فيه المساعدة للإجابة على أسئلة نصرانية ألمانية.
    لقد أرسلت لي رسالة أخرى لتستعلم عن الصلاة في الإسلام، لا أعرف ماذا أجيبها فأطلب مساعدتكم إخواني ، و بارك الله فيكم.

    I wanted to say, that I have difficulties that Muslims pray according a certain order and not free like real Christians do. I know, that many "Christians" do that also, but I think like in a relationship you can articulate your own words. Prayer should not be fixed words but I think it is better to create your own words. It is not important when you pray and in which direction you pray. God can hear you when you pray in any direction.

    و السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .
  • يوسف المصري
    10- عضو متميز

    حارس من حراس العقيدة
    عضو شرف المنتدى
    • 28 سبت, 2008
    • 1839
    • مرشد سياحى
    • مسلم جداااااا

    the God is our lord and all of us are slave to him he ordered his prophet Ibraham before to build a house for the God
    and ordered us to pray toward this house in Mecca
    But we belive that the God in every whear and te prove that if we don`t know where is the true way to the house of God
    we can pray toward any place becuase the god see us and know what we are doing

    And it is really the most beatiful scene when you see millions of humans prays tward a place whearing white colthes
    reall very impressive

    thank you

    ملحدون في الجنة

    لتحميل كتاب لماذا اله النصارى خروف؟ مباشرة من هنـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــا


    • musulmane
      0- عضو حديث
      • 30 ديس, 2008
      • 6
      • في البيت
      • مسلم

      السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
      شكرا لك أخي على المساعدة.
      السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


      • يوسف المصري
        10- عضو متميز

        حارس من حراس العقيدة
        عضو شرف المنتدى
        • 28 سبت, 2008
        • 1839
        • مرشد سياحى
        • مسلم جداااااا

        بارك الله فيك اخى
        و جعلك عونا دائما للإسلام

        استمر فى دعاة الاخرين الى دين التوحيد

        ملحدون في الجنة

        لتحميل كتاب لماذا اله النصارى خروف؟ مباشرة من هنـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــا


        • musulmane
          0- عضو حديث
          • 30 ديس, 2008
          • 6
          • في البيت
          • مسلم

          السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
          السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


          • صقر الرسول
            2- عضو مشارك
            • 31 أكت, 2008
            • 166
            • عمل حر
            • مسلم

            pray is not ordered only for god to be with on a firm relationship is ordered to uniting muslim people when they met each other in " mosque" so if allah let people do that on their own accord then destination of pray wouldn't be fulfilled ,beside that pray in itself so advantageous to human being i by washing himself five times a day before pray thus it is not like chrestian's it is so different and the goal of too , bringing health benefits to us the pray is must be a certain order ,however the pray is to the good of us not made for the good of god "Allah" who as well in Islam has the completed meaning and figure which fare off the uncompleted falsely
            believed god "Jesus"who killed and tortured befor killed and buried " god is not in need for us He ordered that for the good of us not for Him "

            the absence of certain order of pray in the chrestianity is a flew ,not advantage.

            these links concerninig twhat the bove said, give it her to read and lestien:

            The Medical Benefits in Muslim Prayer

            Importance and Benefits of Islamic Prayer


            Muslim prayers have physical benefits: study

            The Physical Benefits of Salat



            • سيف الكلمة
              إدارة المنتدى

              • 13 يون, 2006
              • 6036
              • مسلم

              Muslims pray according a certain order and not
              free like real Christians do.
              some of Muslims pray is not free . the lord teached us what we must say
              we can call for prayer what we need in our prostration of God
              أصدق وعد الله وأكذب توازنات القوى
              والسماء لا تمطر ذهبا ولا فضـة
              وينصر الله من ينصره


              • musulmane
                0- عضو حديث
                • 30 ديس, 2008
                • 6
                • في البيت
                • مسلم

                السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
                بارك الله فيكم على المساعدة.
                لقد أضاف أخ فاضل أفكارا أخرا من أجل الإجابة على هذه المسيحية.
                و هذا ما كتب، بارك الله فيه :...


                • musulmane
                  0- عضو حديث
                  • 30 ديس, 2008
                  • 6
                  • في البيت
                  • مسلم

                  Your question has 2 parts, one concerning the obligatory order of prayers and the other is about the direction of praying.
                  I will answer each separately:

                  For the prayers, we must know that praying is present in all religions and it was found since the previous prophets. It was mentioned in the previous holy books before the QURAN.
                  At start, our God has ordered his prophet Mohamed peace been upon him (PBUH) to do 50 prayers a day and then it was lowered down to 5 a day but with 50 in gain.

                  1-As you are a Christian, you believe that God created us and thus he is the best who knows our behavior and attitude and that if he left to us the praying time and method we eventually will miss it up. So he ordered us to pray an obligatory 5 prayers in 5 mentioned times a day. At the same time, he allowed us to pray as much as we would after the 5 obligatory prayers.

                  2-The praying way of Islam proved to the point of no doubt that it is very beneficial to the whole body and organs with that type of movements and frequency.

                  3-One of the most important points is that our God (Allah) did not just ordered us to pray 5 times a day but he requested to be prayed in groups and not individually and preferred praying in group over praying alone ( 27 times gain). This grouping has many advantages :

                  a)Uniting peoples' movements and orderings has a great effect in the praying itself.

                  b)Aligning in rows is an obligation and in these rows the exact meaning of unity is obvious, so you can see the poor and the rich and the student with the teacher and the president with the simple employee. They are in the same row, side by side; this deepens and fixes the idea of equality that Islam called for before the recent democratic movements have even excited.

                  c)Even though the official place for praying is the MOSQUE, Allah gave prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and Muslims the advantage of praying at any place on the earth even in the desert. This advantage was not given to any religion before Islam.

                  d)The meeting of people in one place 5 times a day will definitely increase their social bonds and get them to know each other very will in the neighborhood, at work or even in the streets. So they can meet, discuss and ask about each other and if any is in trouble or been sick, he will miss the prayer at MOSQUE and thus they will know and get him help that he might need which is a right for him as the brotherhood, that made by Islam, stated.

                  4-The distribution of these prayers along the day ( approximately at hours 5, 12, 15, 18 and 21 ) provides us with continuous contact with Allah and praying and prevents us from ongoing in sins as when ever a Muslim, who prays regularly at Mosque, started to do a bad thing he will revise him self and stop doing as he will be interrupted by the next prayer and praying itself will clean his sin as Allah was even much and much merciful as he gives us an opportunity every day for 5 times to clear our hearts, minds and bodies from our sins and in a meaning of a say of prophet ( it cleans us of sins as the running water cleans the body of dirt).

                  5-At the last Allah ordered these Prayers and monitored and will monitor every single human and see if he will obey the commands and as Allah knows these great benefits of praying, he connected directly the Heaven to praying and no other charity done by the human will be accepted unless he was doing his prayers in time and place as Allah ordered him.

                  Concerning the Direction, we call it (QIBLA) which is directed towards a one room structure called the (KA’ABA). KA’ABA is located in the holy city of MECCA. A few points I will mention:
                  In the same idea of being united, Allah ordered his prophet and Muslims there after to pray towards one direction

                  1-It is an order and, at the first place, Allah wants to test, even he certainly knows, if the prophet and Muslims will obey even without asking or opposition. As KA’ABA, by simple underestimating human horizon and scope, is only a building!

                  2- KA’ABA is the oldest building ever made. As its corners where sited by the Angles after Allah created the earth longtime ago and the prophet Ibrahim continued its building to near what it is now.

                  3-KA’ABA is directly at the center of the universe and earth and this is proven geographically by many scientists.

                  4-MECCA is the city where the prophet was born, and where Islam began and spread.

                  For all these reasons, Allah ordered all Muslims to pray at the same time in groups forming one large group praying to the same direction for only one God. This is where the beautiful of Islam is revealed.


                  • musulmane
                    0- عضو حديث
                    • 30 ديس, 2008
                    • 6
                    • في البيت
                    • مسلم

                    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .
                    بعثت لهذه المسيحية بالأجوبة منذ يومين تقريبا، و لقد أجابتني اليوم و هذه رسالتها : (أطلب منكم المساعدة و بارك الله فيكم و السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته )

                    HI ,

                    thank you for your letter about praying.
                    Also the apostle Paulus wrote in the letter to the Thessalonians (in the bible, 2.Thess 5,17), that you should pray constantly.
                    Christians also think , that it is good to pray together.
                    Jesus said that, where two or three are gathered in my name , there I am in the midst of them.
                    But I don't agree in every idea you wrote.
                    Jesus didn't tell about 5 times to pray.
                    Muhammad is for me no authority, because I do not believe that he is a prophet of God. In the bible (Revelation 22,18) is written, that you should add nothing to the bible.
                    I listened to the video at Youtube about "the prophecies of Muhammad in the bible "Ahmed DEEDAT َ". These are prophecies about Jesus.
                    For instance 5.Moses 18,18: "I will raise up for them a prophet like you.."

                    God wanted to say he will send a man (with flesh and blood) that they should recognize the Father.

                    There are very many prophecies in the Old Testament about Jesus.

                    Christians also believe he is the son of God. We believe that he and God is the same.
                    The apostles John wrote (John 10,30), that Jesus and the Father (God) is the same.
                    We believe that he was crucified and that he was risen after 3 days.
                    After 40 days (after he was seen by more than 500 brothers) he ascended into the sky.

                    But back to your letter.

                    I also think it is good, that there is no difference between rich and poor before God and in prayer.

                    c) Even though the official place for praying is the MOSQUE, Allah gave prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and Muslims the advantage of praying at any place on the earth even in the desert. This advantage was not given to any religion before Islam.

                    This is not true. Christians could pray at any place, too.

                    The Ka'aba has for me no importance.

                    I know a Muslim girl (she is 14 years). She does not pray at all. I also know a Muslim women from Iran. She does not know the Qur'an and she does not pray.
                    When somebody has no relationship with God, than you cannot call him a Muslim or a Christian (it is the same with Christianity). But then he must be separated from the people of God, because God's people are holy.

                    I think it is difficult to discuss because we have such different point of views.
                    Many greetings



                    مواضيع ذات صلة


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